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Rob Pitt


Favorite Games:
  • Tokyo Xanadu EX+
  • Yakuza 5
  • Ocarina of Time

557 games reviewed
83.5 average score
85 median score
89.9% of games recommended
Apr 20, 2018

Epic Dumpster Bear: Dumpster Fire Redux is a game which I know a lot of people will overlook due to how the game looks and people judging a game with still images - however, if you do that then you're missing out on a decent platformer. True, the game isn't the prettiest to look at and the game can get pretty tricky and downright hard as nails with your two hearts and giant enemies, but it's also a lot of fun to explore for collectables and kill cows by jumping on them. The game boasts a lot of content and will definitely offer you a challenge as you aim to complete it or go for the platinum. This is certainly one that platformer game fans should get for their collection, especially those fans who like to play super hard fan-made modded games.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Masters of Anima
Apr 19, 2018

Despite a few small issues here and there with the difficulty and the empty plains, Masters of Anima was a delight to play and is simply stunning to look at. With it's Pikmin like mechanics, summoning various guardian types is seamless and lots of fun to perform for both the combat sections and the puzzles. True, you need to read the tutorials thoroughly and ensure you take in everything they tell you in order to survive, but once you have got the mechanics down the game gets so much better.

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Apr 17, 2018

The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 is a great game in my opinion. It has a perfect mix of RPG, Graphic Novel, Diablo looting, and Satisfying Combat elements all rolled into one. The dialogue and the outlandish story keeps you entertained between the combat sections, with lots of opportunities to upgrade your weapons, summon new allies, and upgrade your skills – combat never gets boring or monotonous as you can shake it about in so many ways! The game isn't short either, with a massive map, multiple chapters, many bosses, and tonnes of enemies, you will be entertained for hours. The soundtrack and the voice acting adds an extra layer of magic into this title and gives the game more charm and character.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Raining Coins
Apr 15, 2018

Raining Coins is another fun go-to game for me whilst I wait for something to download or if I only have a few minutes to play on something before I do something else. Due to its origins as a mobile game, I find playing games like this in short bursts the best way to play them – although why it isn't on the Vita is questionable as it falls into my "should be on the vita" list. The cute nature of the game will appeal to younger audiences but the challenge will also appeal to older gamers as well – don't be put off by the way it looks, this game is hard and yet rewarding as you get to buy a gift for a small, crying girl.

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Apr 13, 2018

Yakuza 6 may not be the most feature-rich title in the series, but it delivers the perfect final chapter to one of the most memorable protagonists on Sony's console. Despite my initial reservations regarding the lack of abilities, weapons, locations and minigames, Yakuza 6 proved to me that quality beats quantity any day and I soon forgot about the absent content. Be sure to have a box of tissues near you as you approach the conclusion to the Dragon of Dojima's story as it's a rollercoaster of emotions coming at you from all angles. It seriously had me very emotional more times than one within the final few chapters. Experience fun minigames, serious action sequences, and crazy sub-stories as you wrap up the series and bring the curtain down on this beloved franchise.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Gal*Gun 2
Apr 12, 2018

Gal*Gun 2 isn't for everyone, but if you liked Double Peace than you are bound to love the latest title. The only issue I had was with the controls which I eventually managed to get used too, but the game is clearly taken from the Gal*Gun VR version on Steam so I would love them to re-implement the VR support for PSVR. If you are easily offended or think Japanese games which feature young girls in their underwear is demeaning or 'wrong', then don't pick up this game as it's not for you and you're not it's target audience.

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Crisis on the Planet of the Apes has its flaws, but it also has some great mechanics which could really help other games moving forward into VR. The game is equally split into a narrative, combat and climbing experience, each with their own strengths and weaknesses yet all with their memorable moments. I personally really enjoyed the new cover mechanics and I was intrigued enough to play the story all the way through to see how the game ended.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Starlit Adventures
Apr 11, 2018

Starlit Adventures is a really fun free to play title which can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It's a lot of fun to play on your own and even more fun when you grab your friends and family and all gather around the TV and play it in co-op. You can complete the whole game without paying any real money, which is rare in games like this, as you obtain level-up and daily bonuses, it just might take you a while before you can grab all of the suits.

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7 / 10.0 - Maria the Witch
Apr 10, 2018

Maria the Witch is a decent mobile to console port, it works just like the mobile and the Steam version and holds up well with the enlarged graphics. The game can get challenging and be frustrating at times but that's all part of the package - with it's quick respawns and fast gameplay, the game wants you to give it 'just one more try'!

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6.8 / 10.0 - Extinction
Apr 9, 2018

Extinction is another game which should be played in short bursts rather than all in one go in my opinion. It has a lot of potential and at times it can be a lot of fun and smooth as you zip through the sky on your way to decapitating a giant Ravenii. However, the game is let down by its inconsistent controls, floaty movement, monotonous gameplay and unfair difficulty spikes. There is a tonne of missions and extra modes which will keep you busy for hours, just don't expect to see much more than what you do within the first few hours of playing the game.

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8 / 10.0 - Time Carnage
Apr 9, 2018

Time Carnage is a surprisingly good wave-based PSVR shooter with a lot going for it. From the clever load-out selection in-game to the brilliant multi-period merging arcade mode, I had a blast playing this game. The large selection of weapons and the constant introduction of new, harder enemies kept the game fresh and builds up the challenge gradually. The fuzzy PSVR graphics, the lack of precise 3D sound and the lacklustre enemy AI do let the game down a little, but they never infringed on my enjoyment. If you have a PSVR and enjoy these types of games then I highly recommend it. Who doesn't love shooting rapid dogs in the face with a shotgun whilst watching their bodies float off in zero gravity?

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Apr 8, 2018

Assault Gunners HD Edition isn't a bad game, I had a lot of fun playing it and I can see myself playing it until I get the platinum. However, it's clear to see the PS Vita origins and it's sad to see that the full potential hasn't been grasped here as they could have done so much more with this remaster – they don't even use the PS4 controller as well as they could have. My recommendation would be to play the game in short bursts, maybe five missions or less at a time, in order to keep the game enjoyable and fresh and also to turn up the difficulty a bit.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Audio Beats
Apr 8, 2018

Audio Beats is a great example of what a music genre game in VR should look and feel like which is sadly let down by the limited amount of tracks on offer in the base game. This would have been resolved if there was confirmation of DLC coming to the game, but as of yet, nothing has been mentioned. The controls work perfectly, the music is a great fit for this type of game and the various difficulty settings will keep you busy as you try and learn the tracks and better your score.

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Apr 8, 2018

I don't hate Lunar Stone, I had a lot of fun playing it and I've still not jumped as much as I did when the skeleton was in my face! However, if you are looking for a game you can spend hours and hours on as you progress through various levels and unlock the trophies over a few hours based on unlockable criteria, then this isn't for you. If you are looking for a nice, quick 100% on your PSN account and enjoy cheesy dialogue, decent enough combat mechanics and some really cool looking bosses, then pick this game up.

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9.3 / 10.0 - The Adventure Pals
Apr 6, 2018

The Adventure Pals is an amazing platformer which is fun for people of all ages with no difficult controls or adult subjects. The dialogue and overall story are crazy, wacky, and fun with tonnes of humour and plenty of WTF moments which will have you going "ahhhhh" at the TV. The controls are among the best of any 2d platformer I've played this generation and The Adventure Pals is proof that not all Kickstarter games are amateur or unpolished. With it's added co-op mode, this game can be played both solo and with a partner offering an experience you will both remember for a long time. Recommendation – Go and buy this game now

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Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala is a great game and delivers a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. You can jump into the story at this point and not miss out on anything but I do recommend you play the first two if you wish to have the full backstory. The puzzles are varied, the HoGs are plentiful and the environments puzzles will have you thinking – seriously, what more could you ask for from a casual Hidden Object Game?

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8.3 / 10.0 - Minit
Apr 2, 2018

Minit is a great little game which keeps you thinking and planning ahead due to its strict time limit. There were moments when I was lost and had no idea where to go, but there was always an NPC hinting where to go or what to do, I just subconsciously chose to ignore them it seems! The art style and chiptune music is a delightful nostalgia trip back to the simple gameplay mechanics of the 90's whilst incorporating the advancement of duck-like creatures. Even though my first run only lasted 94-minutes, I had a lot of fun and I can see myself pouring many hours into this game trying to get all of the trophies.

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Apr 1, 2018

Zeus Quest: Anagenissis of Gaia was a nice surprise, I enjoyed the writing and the story of the game even though there were flaws in the inventory management and lack of tool-tips. Some of the puzzles had me thinking for a while and the Tips option came in handy and pointed me in the right direction when I was stuck – so the game is fully accessible by people of all ages and skill levels. In terms of the looks, you get used to them and to me, it begins to look like the images on old Greek vases (like in Disney's Hercules).

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Mar 31, 2018

Penny-Punching Princes is an interesting game which combines various gameplay mechanics in order to deliver a unique gaming experience. Embracing the bribery mechanic, you can spend hours searching for the creatures you need for your armour and convincing them to come with you on your journey whilst also ensuring you obtain the correct traps to help you wipe out the others. The only let-down is having to repeat previous levels due to the 'you die, you lose everything' mentality of the death mechanic, this made some levels boring and monotonous due to their length and you usually being OP when you are replaying levels.

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Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings is a great new addition to the Atelier franchise – it takes on board the issues the previous games had and corrects them with small tweaks here and there. It's a shame the open world has been removed, but I personally don't feel that has reduced the charm and delight the game delivers – especially if you liked Atelier Sophie, as Lydie and Suelle works very similarly. This is a great game for both newcomers and fans of the franchise with its ease of use and user-friendly mechanics, if you're a fan of JRPGs then you have no excuse not to try this game out.

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