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Joseph Pugh

Favorite Games:
  • RimWorld
  • Skyrim
  • Monster Hunter Franchise

162 games reviewed
74.7 average score
75 median score
74.1% of games recommended

Joseph Pugh's Reviews

Owner/writer of Gideon's Gaming. I believe that toxicity has no place in our hobby. I just want to help people find games they might enjoy. My favorite genres include rogue-lite/roguelike, open-world, strategy, survival, and 4X. I review games on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox Platforms. I'm a Pathfinder 2e gamemaster and a huge fan of board games. I used to be an armored combatant in the SCA and I currently write fantasy novels in my spare time. Usually with one of my dogs on my lap.
Oct 17, 2018

The free-running is fantastic, the combat feels excellent, and the crafting and skill system are well designed. Dying Light Plays well, and the story is entertaining, even if it is fairly basic. The gunplay definitely sours the experience when it comes up, and the lack of any real consequence for failure tarnishes every mechanic of the game. If that doesn't turn you off then there is a lot to love about this zombie romp

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Yes - RimWorld
Oct 22, 2018

It's entirely worthwhile to learn and navigate the games clunky interface to access the garden of Eden underneath. RimWorld is an experience that is rarely replicated in gaming and one worth every penny that it asks.

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Nov 1, 2018

What Rockstar achieved outside of that is truly a marvel, the amount of detail and the length of the game is insane. I'm still coming across new things, new encounters and witnessing new spectacles. But the cost of having those things seems to be the gameplay and balance in many instances.

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7 / 10.0 - BFF or Die
Nov 15, 2018

I personally wish the game was a little longer, or a couple of bucks cheaper. But it’s a well-designed, focused, and most importantly fun couch co-op experience.

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9 / 10.0 - God of War
Nov 20, 2018

The combat is incredibly fun, and when you get the hang of it, looks really cool to boot. Executions get very repetitive though, usually a single animation or two per enemy type. But you can use them as much or as little as you please. Sending enemies flying is a lot of fun and makes you feel Krato’s incredible strength.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Fallout 76
Nov 24, 2018

You die, you respawn within feet of your death. You pick up the bag of junk you dropped. The enemies you killed have not respawned, the enemies you wounded have not healed. But you have full health. Death in Fallout 76 is a health refill, a free stim-pack. If Bethesda were to grant you God Mode, where you literally cannot lose health. It would functionally be the same as it is right now.

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8 / 10.0 - Woodpunk
Nov 25, 2018

WoodPunks gameplay variety is limited in scope, but what it does, it does very well and the art, style, and animations are stellar.

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8 / 10.0 - Battlefield V
Nov 26, 2018

The core of the game is detailed and its systems are well designed. Most importantly, its fun and addicting to play. If you have ever enjoyed Battlefield games or other competitive multiplayer titles, you will probably enjoy this.

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6 / 10.0 - Uagi Saba
Dec 1, 2018

You could get some casual fun out Uagi-Saba. I didn’t dislike my time in it, I just wasn’t particularly engaged. If the idea of perfecting the genetic line of a creature sounds intriguing, you could put some hours into obtaining it. But the lack of interactivity of the creature raising and shallow depth of the colony building, combined with the frame rate drops makes it hard to recommend

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9 / 10.0 - Parkitect
Dec 5, 2018

Parkitect lets you go as deep as you want and rewards you for doing so. But gives you options not to if you aren't in the mood. It is a great park designer, and an excellent simulation game that deserves to sit alongside many of the old greats we grew up with.

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Dec 10, 2018

The story is simplistic but the lore is interesting. The combat is fun at times but hampered by the games linear nature and finite resources. Exploring and finding new loot is fun but I do not think stealth killing enemies combined with RNG works well at all.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Sector Six
Dec 12, 2018

Sector Six is a truly impressive game for its size, with a shocking amount of depth and nuance to its systems. It looks good, is fun, and has a bunch of replay value. The amount of customization you have between the shipbuilding and abilities is pretty crazy for a game like this.

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Dec 15, 2018

Its a fun game with what I believe to be design flaws and a couple of nasty bugs. It's art style looks nice, but won't appeal to everyone. The game is challenging and the co-op works well. It is a meaty game with a decent amount of content

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Dec 22, 2018

Earth Defense Force 5 isn't winning any awards for narrative. It doesn't have a large open world with lots to do, stunning graphics or meticulous details. But it doesn't want those things. It wants to be a shooter with epic battles against goliath sized enemies and make those battles fun. And in that, it passes with flying colors.

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Dec 25, 2018

Sundered is a platformer that I feel will ruin a lot of other platforming games for me. While it's not perfect, it does a lot of things nearly perfect and its visuals keep your eyes entertained while your brain engages with the rest of it. It had some of the repetition fallbacks of other Metroidvania games but is otherwise extremely solid.

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8 / 10.0 - Warp Glider
Jan 4, 2019

The game has an old-school arcade addictiveness to it. Every time you die, you tell yourself, one more try and play again, attempting to beat your old high score. It's not packed with carrot-on-stick incentives, slowly feeding you endorphin boosts until the next piece of candy. It's just pure, simple, and fun. It is extremely challenging but fair in its difficulty and keeps you coming back for more.

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Jan 9, 2019

Overall I did enjoy Override, but I think it has a place it excels and it falls a little short outside that place. The game looks good, the combat is fun and the mechs feel like they have weight to them. It's a great game to kick back, order some food and drinks and play with friends.

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7 / 10.0 - Hive Jump
Jan 11, 2019

The game is solid and invokes everything you loved about old school shooters. The co-op is great, the weapons are varied and the game is very challenging, even on the lowest difficulty. The unique death mechanic is a lot of fun and it really affects how you approach the game.

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8 / 10.0 - Chrono Ghost
Jan 15, 2019

From top to the bottom the game is well crafted and designed. The graphics and audio are top-notch and the game's platforming is fun and clever. But it is extremely difficult. I really can't emphasize that point enough. If you like challenging platformers, you're going to adore Chrono Ghost. If you are impatient or get frustrated easily, you're going to hate it.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Slay The Spire
Jan 20, 2019

The amount of content between cards, relics, potions, events, and enemies is staggering and the replay value is through the roof. I believe Slay the Spire has some of the tightest mechanics of any game I’ve played, where everything just works and pieces of its design fit together perfectly. I can’t recommend the game enough for card game or roguelike fans.

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