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Tyler Treese

607 games reviewed
71.0 average score
75 median score
49.0% of games recommended
9.5 / 10.0 - Undertale
Aug 28, 2017

Nearly two years have passed since Undertale originally released, and it still manages to be an incredibly fresh experience. Every battle is a unique puzzle that the player has to solve, and it's impossible to count how many times I laughed at the bad jokes of Sans. I'll never see all that the game has to offer, but that's okay. I'd rather make friends than destroy them.

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8 / 10.0 - F1 2017
Aug 28, 2017

While not the most novice-friendly racing game, those who put the hours into Codemasters' latest F1 title will find it a worthwhile endeavor. The on-track action is great, and the level of customization is rarely seen even in other simulations. Unfortunately, a lot of the finer racing concepts aren't introduced well and the gigantic R&D tree can be overwhelming when first seen during the career mode. If players can get past that, they'll have a blast.

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Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy has been circumventing my expectations ever since the crew killed Thanos in the very first episode, and that trend continued here. I really have no clue where the series will go next, and that leaves me excited. I'm more than happy to be along for the ride with Star Lord and his ragtag crew.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Yakuza Kiwami
Aug 21, 2017

As a remake, Kiwami is a triumphant success. Not only is it leaps and bounds more playable than the PS2 original, the additional scenes help flesh out character motivations. This all makes the story of Kiryu's rise feel more special, and it's a perfect continuation for those who recently played Yakuza 0. There are some disappointments, though, as just roaming around Kamurocho feels like a step backwards from previous games that featured multiple cities to explore, but that's just an unfortunate side-effect of being a remake of a much-less ambitious title. The new bells and whistles make Yakuza Kiwami a worthwhile time no matter if you've played the original or not.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Zero Time Dilemma
Aug 18, 2017

This closing chapter isn't perfect, and some low-quality textures can be distracting on PlayStation 4, but it does manage to put a bow on one of gaming's greatest stories.

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9 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 18
Aug 17, 2017

Madden NFL 18 is an impressive leap forward for the series. Not only is Longshot an ambitious and fantastically told story, it's one that isn't limited to pre-existing football fans. There's also more ways to enjoy the game than ever before, as there are several play styles that will mold the game into either a more realistic or arcade-like experience depending on what the user desires. EA Tiburon has set a new high bar for the series, that they'll have to work towards reaching every year going forward. For now, though, NFL fans can enjoy one of the best sports games that Electronic Arts has ever put out.

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7 / 10.0 - Nidhogg 2
Aug 16, 2017

As someone who played way too much of the original, Nidhogg 2 is a let-down. Like the original, it's still a lot of fun to play locally, but it fails to really excel in the areas where Nidhogg faltered before. The online play currently ranges from bad to broken, and that's a huge hit for a game that's built around playing with friends. The single-player arcade mode isn't enjoyable to play, and feels thrown in order to fulfill a checklist. It's simply lacking in areas that'd make it a more appealing party game than the original. There are still flashes of brilliance that remind me why I loved Nidhogg, but the sequel never clicked for me in the same way. Hopefully some patches will add this into my online rotation, but right now I'm left underwhelmed.

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8 / 10.0 - Matterfall
Aug 15, 2017

Despite closing weaker than it starts, there's a lot to like about Matterfall‘s unique blend of platforming and shooting. It's great to see Housemarque trying something new, and besides some tricky controls, they nail most of their ideas flawlessly. PlayStation 4 owners can safely rack this up as yet another Housemarque gem.

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9.5 / 10.0 - ICEY
Aug 11, 2017

ICEY is a biting commentary on the entire medium of games. Beneath a solid 2D action game lies one of the most interesting titles I've had the pleasure of playing. It's a game that isn't afraid to take risks, and managed to constantly surprise me despite pulling off the ridiculous several times prior. Everyone who considers themselves a “gamer,” should play ICEY, and then sit down to think about its message.

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Aug 10, 2017

There are a lot of great ideas found within Graceful Explosion Machine, and I can't wait to see how they're build upon in future games. I never got the itch to better my scores after completing a level (some sort of unlockable structure would've helped), but I found myself enjoying the challenge that Vertex Pop had on offer more often than not. Occasionally it veers into being more frustrating than fun, but the joy of finally beating a level you failed several times before is worth those bouts of annoyance.

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Despite being someone that ended up hating The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, I had a great time with the first episode of Batman: The Enemy Within. It plays to Telltale's strengths of putting a compelling twist on an established property, and it helps that there's a story that finishes by the time the credits roll. Batman's latest adventure is still far from over, and it's clear that there's a bigger tale waiting to be told, but The Enigma will leave players satisfied even if they don't continue the series.

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Aug 8, 2017

Through a combination of a fleshed-out world and interesting characters, Masquerada is the rare role-playing game that really sticks with the player after the credits roll (and that's not just due to the game's cliffhanger ending). Rather than deal with trope-filled characters, every member of Songs and Shadows‘ cast feels like a real person, and this makes their actions seem much more believable when they're forced to deal with some truly terrible situations. The story is the star here, and Witching Hour Studios have crafted a narrative they should be proud of.

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8 / 10.0 - Sundered
Jul 27, 2017

It's not a question of if the player will die in Sundered. They will lose the struggle against the Eldritch horrors that call its world home, and it ultimately comes down to the core theme of resist or embrace. Will the player embrace the challenge, or resist it by giving up? That'll ultimately come down to how much perseverance a person has, but those that do see the adventure out will be rewarded with more glimpses into a gorgeous world and some incredibly tense combat exchanges.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Tiny Trax
Jul 25, 2017

It's been a while since I've so thoroughly enjoyed a learning curve in a racing game. Tiny Trax hides a highly challenging racer behind its charming presentation, and I've enjoyed going from nearly being lapped to occasionally winning races. The only thing that really holds the game back is a lack of content and options, as there are only three cups of tracks to master, but FuturLab definitely has a winner in the gameplay department.

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9.5 / 10.0 - SUPERHOT
Jul 22, 2017

From the opening stages to its thrilling conclusion, every single moment within SUPERHOT is a memorable one. Even a year removed from its initial release, its innovations are unmatched. Even those that aren't typically a fan of the genre owe it to themselves to check out one of the finest games released in years.

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7.5 / 10.0 - SUPERHOT (VR)
Jul 21, 2017

I feel like every gamer should find a way to play SUPERHOT VR, but they should really look to play the Rift or Vive versions if they can. While it still provided some of the coolest moments I've ever experienced in a game on PlayStation VR, it also provided some of the most frustrating ones. It's truly a masterpiece that is marred by being on a platform that just isn't technically up to the task. It's a showcase of not only what is so great about virtual reality, but also how it's still a piece of technology that isn't quite all there yet.

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Jul 18, 2017

Despite a few technical issues, Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion offers up a satisfying role-playing experience.

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Jul 17, 2017

Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire doesn't manage to nail all of its ideas, but it manages to make enough of them stick for it to be a worthwhile title for role-playing game fans. Developer YummyYummyTummy didn't play it safe, and has implemented some fantastic ideas here. It's just that some repetitive level design, and a flat story, manages to drag the game down in its back half.

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7 / 10.0 - That's You!
Jul 14, 2017

After playing That's You!, I'm really looking forward to what PlayLink will have to offer in the future. Sony really has the potential to create some fantastic games going forward, and Wish Studios have created a game that'll join my social rotation (as long as I can convince my friends to download the app). It's a great proof of concept as to why mobile and console gaming can complement each other, and don't always need to be separated.

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7.5 / 10.0 - MotoGP 17
Jul 13, 2017

Milestone S.r.l. is one of the most consistent racing game developers, and Moto GP 17 is yet another success for Italian studio. The thrills of cutting a tight turn close and overtaking an opponent are replicated faithfully, and the racing provides plenty of fun. It may lack any distinctive feature that helps it truly stand out from the pack, but fans of motorcycle racing can't go wrong here.

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