Robert Chełstowski

16 games reviewed
78.8 average score
80 median score
56.3% of games recommended
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If you wanted to play worthy succesor of classic Asterix & Obelix XXL series, well, you get to wrong adress. Asterix & Obelix XXL 3 - The Crystal Mehnir should be called just The Crystal Menhir. Everything it has to offer is boring and repetitive gameplay that has nothing to do with playstyle of its predecessors. It's not a 3D platformer but a cheap slasher with painfull controls that was made only to get some cash without any effort. Storyline of this game is not interesting at all and you will definatelly see lack of humor that its crucial to Asterix series. What can I say? Stay away from this!

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Dec 5, 2021

Slap them All! it's a much better title than The Crystal Menhir, but it's still not the product I would expect from this brand. At first glance, it's a good game, but you have the conviction that something is missing.

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Nov 19, 2019

Do you remember infamous Rambo: The Video Game that was published in 2014? Maybe you will be suprised but the same creators from Teoyn decided to make a game with another cult classic 80's movies ip. Unlike the previous game, Terminator Resistance is not a rail shooter. Is full fledged semi open game with story set in a future knowned from James Cameron's Terminator 1 and 2. It has own flaws. Story is not engaging and gamapley surely lacks of depth but game as a whole is not that bad. Maybe is also not the best but still playable and quite good if you not have anything to play at the moment or you are huge Terminator fan.

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7 / 10.0 - ELEX II
Feb 28, 2022

While the first Elex left me with positive expectations for the sequel, the second part had the opposite effect.

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7 / 10.0 - Riders Republic
Nov 6, 2021

Riders Republic is an enjoyable game with incredible potential.

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Nov 16, 2019

Does Blacksad: Under the Skin can stand as a worthy succesor to Telltale style adventure games after its bancrucy? Well, not quite, but it's still a good game on its own. It has some flaws like absolutely awful controls on PC keybord or not that polished quick time events but you will definatelly like it if you want to participate in a climatic and clever writed detective story with many plot twists. Even if character depiction as an animals is not necessary at all.

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Jan 21, 2022

If you are looking for a hundred percent game, then The Kids We Were will disappoint you. However, if you want to play a visual novel about time travel and teenagers with family problems, this is a good proposition. You'll get little gameplay, a lot of dialogue, a little background walking when looking for finds, and a good story for +/- six hours.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Rage 2
May 16, 2019

And that would be it. RAGE 2 is 20 hours of very repetitive, not fully thought out and poorly distributed fun. Yes, although there are a lot of flaws here, it's fun. This title fulfills its basic assumption and simply gives fun.

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Mar 16, 2022

Siberia: The World Before is rather the weakest installment of the cycle, but this absolutely does not mean that it is a bad game. It's just that the bar has been set so high that it's hard to jump over. It does not do anything innovative, it shallows the adventure pedigree, but it is played wonderfully. It is still a very good production, which should satisfy primarily fans.

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9 / 10.0 - DUSK
Dec 10, 2018

Because this game is "like in the old days", it is the pure essence of old-school shooters. Dynamic, skill, full of challenges.

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9 / 10.0 - Severed Steel
Sep 28, 2021

And it is this gameplay that makes Severed Steel a must play for fans of dynamic shooters. Thanks to the combination of solutions associated with SUPERHOT and parkour stunts to force the player to be in constant motion, a miracle has been created that triggers in everyone hidden layers of skill that we often have no idea about. We feel like a perfect killing machine here. As I said at the beginning; is one of the best shooters of the year, which is far too quiet.

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9 / 10.0 - Psychonauts 2
Aug 31, 2021

I needed 35 hours to finish Psychonauts 2 100%. Just passing the main missions should take you about 15. It's an outstanding game. It may not be doing anything revolutionary, but it proves that the formula from years ago can still entertain. You will get here a very good story, unique and phenomenal levels, as well as gameplay that perfectly affects what is most important in platformers. And although I consider one to be a more atmospheric game, two is better in every other way. Is this the best platformer of the year? Quite possibly, after all, the second such series simply does not exist. Smell the Universe! And hopefully this time it will not end in a financial flop, because I will consider the brand cursed.

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9 / 10.0 - Haven
Dec 8, 2020

Haven is a clever writed story about two fugitives living their lives on an alien planet. In this RPG made by The Game Bakers you won't find a world to save but just Yu and Kay. Their relation and everyday problems. This quite cozy and atmospheric game will appeal for almost everyone. Especially if you have someone to watch you playing.

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9 / 10.0 - Disco Elysium
Oct 20, 2019

Are you bored of all computer RPGs motives? Play Disco Elysium! It's the most fresh game in many recent years. At the first glance it looks like any other classic izometric RPG but this piece of art from estonian ZA/UM will definatelly be suprising you again and again. In here you literally play as a bum looking drunked detective who has overcomplicating case to solve. Will you be drinking more or become abstinent? Which politic option will you choose? Everything is to you to decide! Im sure that uniqe world and very good writing will put Disco Elysium in cult position shoulder to shoulder with best examples of cRPGs like Planescape Torment.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Battletoads
Aug 20, 2020

It's a great title that constantly mixes styles and I say with full confidence that this is my favorite installment of Battletoads. The toads wanted to get out of oblivion, so I hope that they will succeed, and the brand will see the next installments it deserves.

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Mar 16, 2020

If you liked the first part, love two-dimensional platformers, or just want to participate in a touching story set in a fairy-tale world, reach for Will of the Wisps. You will not be disappointed, I guarantee.

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