Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HD

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HD Media
Critic Reviews for Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HD
What seemed unimpressive in 2004 now feels enjoyable and imaginative, and we're not sure what that means, exactly. It's simultaneously cheerful and challenging, and there's a lot of joy in the journey as well as the destinations. The cursed spectre of 'gameplay variety' (read: jack of all trades, master of none) looms over the material, but by making the diversions brief and ultimately simple it manages to keep the player guessing to an extent throughout its languid twelve or so hour runtime. Some backtracking and minor camera issues bring things down a touch, but overall Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue is a surprisingly solid slice of character action, and one we fear may have been underserved at the time of its original release. This is not just a sequel that's content to rest on its laurels, and that's worthy of respect. Hooray! We made it through the whole review without any silly, lazy Aussie clichés. That's bonzer, mate!
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger HD Collection successfully updates the first two games for a new generation of gamers. The endearing characters and story shine through with the beautifully rendered HD world Krome Studios have created, but it really is best played in handheld mode. The voice acting is just as great as it was on its initial release, and completionists will relish in the many collectibles throughout the games. Further fixes to the camera angles and underwater controls would have elevated this game further, and some of its elements feel outdated and a bit too easy, but this is a solid HD update to a collection of classic games that will never go out of style.
If you enjoyed the first game then you'll have a blast with TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue HD. It's full of furry friends, loads of gameplay variety, and oodles of collectibles and upgrades that are supremely rewarding to unlock.
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 is a shocking departure from its predecessor, and what’s most impressive about it is that it aged surprisingly well. Well, with the exception of the poor framerate on this Switch version, that is. It’s not better nor worse than the original Ty, given how different its gameplay is altogether. Even if this remaster didn’t exactly breathe new life into this 2004 title, considering the minute visual and performance upgrades, being able to play this feel-good open world platformer on-the-go is a worthwhile experience.
Is Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Fire Rescue HD better than the original? Well, it’s different. Some folk might miss the collectable gameplay but equally, some may welcome the new open-world formula. Personally, I like games that try new things and even though Ty’s voice gave me headaches, I had a lot of fun exploring the world and competing in the karting mini-games. The real success story behind Ty 2 is this is a game clearly loved by fans. The fact that the game came to Switch thanks to the supporters on Kickstarter shows that this series clearly has a fan base that is alive and well and ready to accept Ty onto new systems. I hope they enjoyed this product as much as I did. Let’s hope we see Ty 3 someday.
I have to admit that I enjoyed Ty 2 a whole lot more than I expected to. What could have been a trainwreck of mixed play styles actually comes off as a well executed platformer with a smattering of other madness mixed in. Whether you’re behind the wheel of a kart, dropping water bombs on a forest fire or flinging boomerangs at a swathe of goofy lizards, Ty 2 offers fun, laughs and all the animal antics you could ever ask for.