Blood Bowl 3 Reviews

Blood Bowl 3 is ranked in the 17th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 3, 2023

Maybe things will be fixed by the start of season 1 in May, maybe they won’t and we are either stuck with” “Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition” until “Blood Bowl 3: Legendary Edition” comes out or its publisher Nacon decides to cut its losses short and in another 10 years or so we maybe get a shot of another “Blood Bowl”. No matter the outcome, the damage is done and the community will always remember Blood Bowl 3 as an awful and mismanaged launch. I truly hope it bounces back from this, but I’m not holding my breath.

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4.5 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2023

It frustrates me that I have to leave Blood Bowl 3 with a middling review, but despite the solid core gameplay, everything around it frustrates me too much for me to continue playing. These issues may be fixed in the future, but at the moment I struggle to recommend this game to fans of Warhammer, strategy, or possibly even the more hardcore Blood Bowl fan.

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Top Critic
5.8 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2023

Although there is still a strong fan base and a great concept, the game's completion is so poor that it is hard to believe that its release has been delayed for almost two years. In-game purchase elements that no one can understand further lower the value of the game.

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Lords Of Gaming
Chris Jones
7 / 10.0
Feb 25, 2023

Blood Bowl 3 has many things going right for it in my opinion. The in-depth combat system provides layers of difficulty that you can’t just breeze through games. It is very well written and with the voices that come from the characters, you can tell that they would speak or say the stuff they do. Graphics and visuals look great, especially in the cinematic scenes and when it comes to the game gore. Team customization is good with hopefully more unlockables on launch. Player customization is locked behind microtransactions. Having local multiplayer brings about a camaraderie that’s been missing for a long time. The lack of free player customizations, game modes, and a bad online league experience does plague the good things the game has to offer.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2023

Blood Bowl 3 is a whole lotta fun to play, with the brutal action and strategic focus making for a really addictive experience. Admittedly, I am a newbie to the series so I might not have noticed some of the bigger changes made to the gameplay mechanics, but the core experience felt intuitive and it was surprising just how much depth came into each play. There is a bit of a learning curve (and the UI can be painful), but the game did enough to ease me in learn the ropes.

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6.5 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2023

On the surface, Blood Bowl 3 should be the kind of game I’d hate. As a denizen of the United Kingdom, I know as much about American football as the average house cat. By contrast, I know a lot about Warhammer, but even that has been twisted in Blood Bowl 3, with the familiar factions settling their disputes through sports, like some kind of ultra-violent take on Mario and Bowser playing tennis together.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

For Blood Bowl fans, Blood Bowl 3 is the definitive version of the game, so long as you’re okay waiting a bit to get your DLC teams back. If you’re new to the series, however, you may want to try out Blood Bowl 1 or 2 first to get a feel for the game at a friendlier price.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Blood Bowl 3 is undoubtedly the best new way to experience Blood Bowl. It is filled with character, brimming with options, and has plenty of depth for players to explore and toy around with. However, it is unfortunate that it doesn’t give new players the proper tools to break through its outer crust. For those that are hungry for more brutal sports action, however, you’d be hard pressed to find anything better.

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