Wargroove 2 Reviews

Wargroove 2 is ranked in the 91st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

Wargroove 2 is a fantastic strategy game full of fun and interesting characters, both of the individual and disposable variety. Fans of 4X gameplay should find familiar and engaging strategic combat in this game. Though a little repetitive once you master the game’s nuances, a custom content editor and excellent writing make Wargroove 2 a game you could easily lose hours upon hours within.

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Oct 5, 2023

Wargroove 2 is extraordinary value for money. For less than a third of the price of a modern AAA, you’re getting one groovy SRPG. A campaign that is suited to newcomers and experienced players. Then you have the addictive new conquest mode, putting a fresh roguelike spin on things and even the ability to create your own levels and campaigns. All these aspects feel carefully crafted with deep and engaging gameplay that will keep you busy for a very long time. This is all wrapped up with a colourful pixel art style and epic soundtrack. I found myself hooked to the gameplay even when I failed, keen to learn and change up my strategy next time. The game may not divert much from the first in terms of its gameplay, but that’s unlikely going to be a problem for returning fans. Wargroove 2 stands as one of the titans in its genre.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2023

Even though Nintendo has now come out with a modern Advance Wars game of its own, Wargroove 2 stands as more than a mere homage. With a grander scale and more units, Commanders, and other gameplay features than ever, Wargroove 2 is an excellent strategy experience. The new Conquest roguelike mode feels like a complete experience packed within an already feature-rich game. Even after the campaigns are over, the Conquest mode, missed optional objectives, and future custom content will ensure plenty of reasons to stick around. If you enjoyed Wargroove or Advance Wars and want another fantastic strategy offering, Wargroove 2 is not to be missed.

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Sep 30, 2023

Wargroove 2 is the perfect example of how to do a sequel. Stick with what worked the first time, logically add in new mechanics and ideas that add to the experience, offer a whole new mode that will keep you playing past the campaign, all while offering robust tools to expand your own experience and share with the world. There’s a few teething issues here and there, but nothing to detract from one of the better turn-based strategy games in recent memory.

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