Flashback 2

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

2 / 10
God is a Geek
3 / 10
Metro GameCentral
3 / 10
4 / 10
Hobby Consolas
54 / 100
2 / 10
Push Square
3 / 10
The Games Machine
4.1 / 10
Creators: Microids Studio Lyon, Microids
Release Date: Nov 16, 2023 - PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PC
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Flashback 2 – Launch Trailer – Paul Cuisset & Microids Lyon/Paris thumbnail

Flashback 2 – Launch Trailer – Paul Cuisset & Microids Lyon/Paris

Flashback 2 Screenshot 1
Flashback 2 Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Flashback 2

Flashback 2 is not a blast from the past – it’s a total misfire.

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Flashback 2 is a mind-boggling mess of a game with few redeeming features, and a sequel we just didn't need.

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Metro GameCentral

3 / 10
Metro GameCentral

A depressingly awful sequel whose main faults are probably due to a lack of budget and development time, but that doesn't excuse it being considerably less entertaining than the 31-year-old original.

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I cannot in good conscience recommend this. Your time and money is better spent elsewhere.

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A game as legendary as Flashback deserved a far superior return to this adventure that, yes, has some good ideas and passion for science fiction, but also a very poor finish in terms of technique and game design.

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Flashback 2 is a shameful nostalgia cash-in that is an affront to the classic original. Unfortunately awful in every way imaginable, do not buy this game.

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It's an abysmal end, resulting in a controversial sequel, leaving fans of 1992's rad Flashback most likely preferring to return to Conrad's previous amnesia in the original's plot to forget that Flashback 2 ever existed.

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A modern sequel to Flashback could have been a title perhaps not as memorable as the original, but certainly a worthy sci-fi experience. Unfortunately, everything seems to have gone wrong as Flashback 2 is a disaster in almost every respect.

Review in Italian | Read full review