Metrico +

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Critic Reviews for Metrico +
It's great to see developers take criticism to heart and use those lessons to create a better experience the second time around.
While the game sorely lacks a decent story to match its competitors, METRICO+ is still a decent puzzle platformer at its core. Fans of Braid will feel at home with its complexity and innovation, often requiring a similar level of spatial awareness and movement conservation to get through a stage. It manages to balance on the fine line between being too simple and too difficult, only occasionally driving players to frustration due to a lack of contextual instructions.
Metrico+ is one of the smarter puzzle games we've touched in a while. Its brainteasers will force you to think outside the box with a steady flow of fresh challenges, which illustrate the clever creativity that powers it through and through. Its spick-and-span art style and appealing soundscape also manage to divide and conquer, with small yet noticeable improvements across the board that round it out well.
The kitchen sink approach to input is gone in Metrico+, but the clever premise is still undermined by a timid, half-hearted execution.
If you are looking for something different or a game that can stimulate your mind, Metrico + is what you are searching for. The game has got a attractive design and it is simple and intuitive. The variety of puzzles and jump elements give the game an extra appeal. However, it does not offer many amounts of hours to play.
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Metrico+ improves on everything from the original game simply by changing which platform it's on. More people can now enjoy this unique looking and well made puzzle platformer.
Honestly, I enjoyed Metrico+. It's strange design and simplistic nature combined with the puzzle solving aspects make for a fun, if short game. Plus, the music is just great to chill with and listen to.
Metrico+, by Digital Dreams, takes that tendency and runs with it (literally), turning a mystery of infographic interpretation into a puzzle platformer that causes head-scratching frustration, as well as triumphant joy. The overall impression I got before playing was that this would be a fun game to merely pass the time. I was right about the "fun," but the word "merely" doesn't apply.