Care Bears: To The Rescue

Care Bears: To The Rescue Media

Care Bears: To The Rescue || Release Trailer

Care Bears: To The Rescue || Announcement Trailer
Critic Reviews for Care Bears: To The Rescue
Although I didn't expect much, Care Bears: To The Rescue delivers one absolutely adorable co-op funfest that up to 4 chums can enjoy. 🧸💜
This is not at all a mindblowing platformer, but this is clearly meant for a younger and more casual audience. Considering that specific factor, I can’t call Care Bears: To The Rescue a bad game. A shocking example on how to make a platformer/shooter hybrid for small children, it’s not a very memorable game for anyone above the recommended demographic’s age range, but it’s also cute and competent. I gets the job done without any major issues.

Care Bears: To The Rescue is a fun platformer that is great for its audience and great for beginners in the genre. It’s an average game that showcases the Care Bear universe well and for its price, you can’t complain with the content you receive.
Care Bears: To The Rescue is a safe, colourful, and fun family-friendly game. Moreover, the simple approach makes it the perfect game for inexperienced players. Though the action is rudimentary, young children will adore the colourful world and the lack of violence.