Tron Run/r Reviews

Tron Run/r is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2016

Tron Run/r is easily one of my favorite take on the runner genre, even despite the occasional stumble. This is not a game that you should derezz anytime soon.

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Ken Barnes
Top Critic
5 / 10
Apr 20, 2016

Despite TRON RUN/r's relatively simple running nature, there's a fair amount to like here. There's a slight control issue with control when riding a lightcycle that you'll need to get used to, and we're confused as to why you'd be riding in the brightest game world ever when the movies almost entirely take place at night or in dark arenas, but those things can be overlooked. What we can't get past are the money-gouging tactics that end up detracting from the experience, the botched launch, and the missing season pass content.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2016

Tron RUN/r had the potential to be a great game. Unfortunately, the game that it turned out to be only feels like the start of something that could have been special.

65 / 100
Mar 7, 2016

Disney Interactive's latest game isn't a substitute for Tron 3, but it sure is fun while it lasts.

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8.8 / 10.0
Mar 7, 2016

Tron/r is one of the most high quality games of its genre. Its three different game modes and challenging difficulty always keep things interesting, plus there is already more content on the way. Fans of runner games should not pass this one up

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7.8 / 10.0
Mar 3, 2016

While I still kind of prefer Evolution in terms of its broader scope and better loyalty to Tron's world, Run/r is a game that works far better on its runner principle on console than I would've expected. Even with certain limitations (and an unnecessarily high price tag), it's a good time, especially if you're a fan of the franchise. Feel free to boot it up if you can handle the high entry fee.

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7 / 10
Mar 1, 2016

TRON RUN/r may not make the best first impression due to its genre, a somewhat hefty price tag, and the inclusion of microtransactions, but don't be too disheartened. When it comes down to it, this may very well be one of the most intense runners ever crafted, and it proves to be a good fit for the property to boot. It may not be the TRON game that many fans were expecting, but it's still a ton of fun, and can pack a real challenge. User, enter this Grid. Review/r out.

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Mar 1, 2016

Tron Run/r is a truly addictive runner, combining fantastic visuals with buttery-smooth gameplay. It controls like a dream, has tons of variety in the levels and goes at a lightning-fast pace throughout. Occasional technical hiccups can mar the fun, but the game performs well most of the time.

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4 / 5.0
Feb 23, 2016

TRON RUN/r is a weird — but exciting — proposition from Disney given that the company saw fit to revive its long-dormant movie franchise after 28 years with 2010's Tron: Legacy before apparently killing it again.

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5 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2016

Under all of this is the framework of a great runner. There are times when it's pleasing in almost every conceivable way. But, the unnecessary is too much to ignore; it bogs it down into the waters of mediocrity. The cliché fits perfectly here: More isn't always better.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 18, 2016

TRON RUN/r is one of the most entertaining and spectacular runners around, but that has come at a price.

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