One Way Trip Reviews

One Way Trip is ranked in the 2nd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2016

Despite its stellar premise, One Way Trip is a painfully dull experience that should be avoided by all but the most ardent drug-comedy fans

8 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2016

Although the story may be a bit too bizarre for some, the character relationships, dialogue choices and overall effort put into the story makes the game interesting and engrossing.

2 / 10
Sep 16, 2016

While I struggle to play One Way Trip, I also feel a muffled yet ever present pangs of fascination. This is a rare specimen – an experimental approach to game design the likes of which we’re never likely to see again, at least not on consoles. Its incredibly niche appeal creates a barrier between Beret and a good 99% of those who own a Vita and PlayStation 4 (if not more). Then again, in some bizarre way, that seems completely intentional.

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47 / 100
Sep 5, 2016

The artwork is interesting as well but like the repetitive dialogue options, the visuals become less and less appealing as you see the same few animations over and over and over again.

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3 / 10
Sep 1, 2016

Perhaps we just didn't get it, but for us, One Way Trip's tale of two poisoned brothers on the quest for a cure in an increasingly weird dystopian setting failed to leave an impression. The aesthetic is utterly unique but maybe a little too avant-garde for its own good, while the game's story drags on and on with little substance to be found. It's a confounding mess of bright colours, bizarre characters, and unpleasant sights and sounds – but then again, maybe that's entirely the point. Either way, this is a disappointing, bare-bones visual novel, and frankly, we're glad that the trip is over.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
3.5 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2016

I turned the game off with a One Way Trip to the delete key. I appreciate what they were going for here, but it wasn’t for me in the slightest.

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1.5 / 5.0
Sep 1, 2016

One Way Trip was an extremely hard story to find any fun in. Its biggest asset, the strikingly accurately-written “California bro” dialogue, is offensively overused to the point of exhaustion.

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Aug 31, 2016

One Way Trip may not be a great game, but I definitely feel like everyone should meet Boobs Cowboy and use the term "word" more often.

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60 / 100
Aug 29, 2016

One Way Trip is the story of a definite and unjust death sentence, told amongst an eerily realistic dissociative drug trip backdrop that freaked my delicate mind more than once. Basic, disjointed, and tragic, this game strips away almost all functions of a game and makes you a decision maker. Plagued with crashes that can cause fatal errors, One Way Trip does have some improvements to make. With those improvements, and time, One Way Trip is sure to become a cult favorite of the PlayStation 4 age.

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4 / 10
Sep 8, 2016

The whole time you feel you are playing through a disjointed connection of apparitions that tie a loose story together, all a bit too far removed to create any meaningful attachment

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2 / 10
Sep 5, 2017

One Way Trip is an offensive title on all accounts. Though it may try something new, players will no doubt be turned off by this game within the first five minutes of playing it.

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