Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition Reviews

Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
PC Gamer
Top Critic
80 / 100
Dec 10, 2013

A brawler that's bursting with content and fan service, but held back by flakey online play.

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Top Critic
8.2 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition is the most complete, best-looking version of the great DC brawler.

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4 / 5.0
Nov 22, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition is the much-needed complete version of Injustice. With all the DLC included and all the costumes unlocked, Ultimate Edition is without question the version to play.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2013

It's hard to recommend the Ultimate Edition if you already have the original release on Xbox 360 or PS3, because if the DLC appeals to you, you've probably already purchased it anyway. If you don't own the game already, but do own a PS4, then you'd be daft not to pick up Injustice: Gods Among Us: it's a terrific fighter that runs incredibly smoothly, whilst retaining that ultra-cool ideal that only a comic book can deliver. Think of this as a "Game of the Year" edition, and you'll be able to make a purchase decision. The reason behind there being no Xbox One version, however, remains a mystery.

8 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2013

To be able to pause a battle, and take over on the Vita when someone decides they want to watch something on cable, is a great way to continue your battles without creating a battle in your living room. The combat controls transfer over nicely and the game still looks fantastic on that little screen. Those cutscenes are more watchable that way as well.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
9.3 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2013

If you haven't had the chance to pick up Injustice yet and own a PS4, this is the best version to get. If you enjoyed the original game and are looking for a fighter on your new system, you can't really go wrong here.

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8 / 10
Dec 17, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition is packed to the brim with content, and subsequently earns its name with ease. While there's plenty for hardcore fighting fans to etch out of the release, it's still not quite as deep as the likes of Street Fighter – but anything that it lacks in depth, it more than makes up for in accessibility. It doesn't make as much use of the PS4's added horsepower as it probably should, but if you missed out on the original – or really enjoyed the title first time around – then this will prove a heroic addition to your new console's collection.

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Nov 15, 2013

Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition takes everything we liked about vanilla Injustice and adds more character, outfits, and slightly better visual fidelity. If you plan on getting a PS4 and like fighting games, this Ultimate Edition is a very solid pick up.

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85 / 100
Dec 5, 2013

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launch has been pretty successful, but the PlayStation 4 suffers from a gap in the initial lineup – a solid fighting game. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition fills that gap nicely, delivering all of the previously available DLC and a staggering number of challenges to tackle for this new generation. While it doesn't knock your socks off graphically like you might expect for a 'next-gen' title, the extremely-accessible fighting mechanics make this title a must-have.

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4.4 / 5.0
Dec 8, 2013

On the PlayStation 4, Injustice: Gods Among Us is truly a thoroughly entertaining fighter that not only looks amazing but plays extremely well. Although you can play the game as a button masher, there is an element of skill involved as each character has their pros and cons, especially when fighting other characters so yes, there is a strategy. I also love the fanservice that NetherRealm give the players, especially with the awesome cameos in the title. Sure, it does feel a little like Mortal Kombat but this is all DC comics baby!

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Ray Carsillo
Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2013

All the DLC of the original—including costumes and more STAR Labs missions—plus a little nex-gen shine makes a great fighting game even better.

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Nov 17, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition is a Game of the Year-style version of the DC Universe fighter released earlier this year. The DLC now included in this release costs nearly $60, so the new release is a great bargain for new players. The PlayStation 4 version kicks the game up to 1080p and improves the graphics a bit, but it's not a big enough change to justify buying a PS4 on its own. The score to the right reflects that version. The PlayStation Vita version is only for diehard fans, because the detailed characters models and levels did not survive the transition to the portable platform. It's still 60 fps, but it's a muddy mess at 60 fps. The Vita controls are workable, but unreliable at times. It's a nice try by Armature, but it only deserves 1.5 out of 5 stars.

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