Filthy Lucre Reviews

Filthy Lucre is ranked in the 10th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2016

From its late 90s cockney gangster routine to its poor visuals and AI, Filthy Lucre is a game out-of-time.

5 / 10
Sep 21, 2016

There is fun and satisfaction to be had in stealthily taking out whole levels without being spotted, but that is perhaps due to the nature of stealth gameplay rather than the strengths of the game itself. If you are looking for something along these lines and don’t mind the issues too much, you may enjoy Filthy Lucre, but there are other games that do the same thing with more success for a similar price, making this particular game difficult to recommend.

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5 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2016

Filthy Lucre strives to be a game of interesting choices between caution and gung-ho action. Unfortunately, the lack of challenge and inept AI mean that neither style of play is satisfying.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2016

Not knowing what to expect with Filthy Lucre and also having some trouble with the game in the first hour caused me to write this game off when I first fired it up. However, after a little play time it turns out that this game isn’t so filthy at all. Filled with cockney rhyming slang and cheeky chappies, Filthy Lucre could be a nice little distraction from all of these big triple-A games that are currently banging on our doors. However, I still don’t know what a Filthy Lucre is!

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2016

Filthy Lucre is far from being perfect, but it still manages to be a fun game. If you can overlook its flaws, such as poor AI or odd design choices, you’ll find some enjoyment, particularly if you’re a fan of the stealth genre.

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5 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2016

Filthy Lucre feels like a wasted opportunity: the seemingly good stealth mechanics in the end get ruined by an incredibly stupid AI and a bad combat system.

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Jan 6, 2017

I loved Filthy Lucre. The stealth and action mix works thanks to the game’s setting, and the gameplay mechanics work. There’s a lot of content in this release, and with a Platinum trophy, you’ll be replaying all missions as you try to complete every secondary objective, ranking up with every success. There’s a considerable challenge in the game, and every mistake you make will allow you to learn a new strategy or two you’ll be able to use during your next try.

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9 / 10
Sep 28, 2016

The game is a lot of fun. My only niggle is that the loading times are a bit on the slow side, but it’s not a deal-breaker. Being able to play on your own or in couch or online co-op definitely adds value to this release. Writing my Filthy Lucre review as I unlocked trophies here and there was very rewarding, since this one has a full trophy count with a shiny Platinum that can be yours in around 12-14 hours, give or take a bit.

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76 / 100
May 1, 2017

Even with its technical and gameplay hiccups, Filthy Lucre is a great example of how a game can be challenging and teach players the ropes of the game with its level design. The AI certainly won’t slack off and it’s going to keep any gamer considering their strategies the whole way through.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2016

"I called this game a 'rough diamond' and that's exactly what I mean. It's a great concept that could benefit from a bit more polish. As a solo game, it's not bad. As a co-op game, it's much better. Taken as a debut game, with its reasonably original concept and fusion of old and new stealth and action elements - it's a great achievement, and one that makes me hopeful for both the game and its studio's future."

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