Flywrench Reviews

Flywrench is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2015

Flywrench comes highly recommended from me, especially to those gamers who are always seeking a new challenge. If you enjoyed Super Meat Boy, VVVVVV, and the like, you will certainly enjoy this one as well. It does a really great job of easing new players into the mechanics too, so it's worth trying out even if the difficulty sounds daunting.

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4 / 5.0
Feb 16, 2017

Flywrench is a deceptively simple challenge that requires nerves of steel and a vast reservoir of patience if you want to see everything it has to offer.

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83 / 100
Mar 10, 2017

It’s amazing how Messhof has transmuted the very basic activity of controlling a little bendy line through a minimalistic level, into the feeling of being some kind of superhero.

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Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2017

I would recommend this for players who looking for exceptionally difficult and frenetic platformer. Unfortunately Flywrench brings nothing new to the table in its genre.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2017

Flywrench creates complex challenges through simple design structures, absorbing you into to its mesmerising gameplay for hours upon end.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Feb 14, 2017

Flywrench may be hard to explain, but it's not hard at all to recommend. The difficulty manages to be mostly fair and wildly satisfying. While it may take some getting used to, it would be a disservice to yourself not to at least try out this indie underground legend, now that it's finally coming to the mainstream.

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8 / 10
Mar 2, 2017

Despite its difficulty, Flywrench never lets up. While it’s not casting a particularly wide net, for those that fell in love with the games of its kind it is without a doubt one of the best in its class.

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Feb 14, 2017

Flywrench is a very fun and highly addictive PS4 release. It grabbed my attention right from the start and did not let me go until I had opened my way though each of the areas. It’s minimalist presentation, and tight gameplay mechanics make it very easy to be able to focus completely on the action on screen as you blast your way through narrow corridors, spinning blades and innocent-looking squares.

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6.7 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2017

Flywrench is best compared to some of the other games that were developed at the start of the indie gaming boom a decade ago.

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78 / 100
Mar 7, 2017

My biggest problem with the game stems from the nagging feeling that I was lucky in completing many of the levels. Figuring out a level isn’t exactly taxing on the brain, as the solution is readily apparent once you understand the mechanics of the game. Your success depends purely on your ability to execute quickly. But many times, I found myself doing the same thing 15 times in a row, only to finally grasp the goal through what felt like luck.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 7, 2017

A new minimalistic game from the creators of Nidhogg. It´s simple and effective, if your played Flappy Bird you´ll know how your character moves. You need to pass through color based barriers that depends on your specific move in a Outland kind of way.

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7.7 / 10.0
Mar 24, 2017

Akin to cracking The Witness' hardest riddles or acing Super Meat Boy's toughest trials, toppling Flywrench's greatest hurdles provides a sense of satisfaction that is oh-so rare, and oh-so joyous. Tailor made for the masochists who enjoy nothing more than a strong challenge, Flywrench may only appeal to a limited group of gamers, but if you consider yourself within that faction, don't hesitate. Buy it. Now.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2017

Flywrench is a fun, quick distraction that can easily pull you in with its entertaining game play, and though it can become quite difficult at times, it’s easy to get past all that.

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3.5 / 5.0
Feb 14, 2017

Sometimes I felt when I died it was completely my fault and other times I’d blame the odd bounces and ship’s movements. Something just felt off, but only sometimes. The game’s bugs would also stop my flow and cause unneeded frustration. Overall, it’s a fun title but only in short bursts.

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