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Drive Girls

Rising Star Games
Jun 9, 2017 - PlayStation Vita

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Hardcore Gamer
2 / 5
God is a Geek
4 / 10
4.5 / 10
40 / 100
3 / 10
Niche Gamer
5 / 10
Rice Digital
1 / 5
5 / 10
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Drive Girls Trailer - PS VITA

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Critic Reviews for Drive Girls

For a game like Drive Girls, having me handle the review is the closest the developer can get to “Easy Mode.” I'm more than willing to turn off the brain and get washed away in a sea of silliness, only to emerge with a big smile on my face and picking seaweed out of my hair.

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Drive Girls is a disappointing game in almost every aspect with only a few redeeming factors.

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Drive Girls is for those Vita fans out there that are dying to play an action game from Tamsoft and can't wait for some of their other games to come West.

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Drive Girls is a hack and slash slog where you quite literally drive girls who transform into cars to fight evil bugs. It is every bit the stupid, ridiculous, freaky fun game that it sounds like, and has some guilty pleasure elements that can endear it to players even while they recognize it is a total wreck. Battles are unique, but ultimately boring, and a bad story and lackluster look makes Drive Girls a mostly forgettable mess.

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Aside from a few very rare moments of fun, that's ultimately the problem with Drive Girls. It has a unique premise but nothing else stands out, and what is left is a game that is neither very fun, very memorable, nor even interesting. It's a game that I could only recommend to the utmost hardcore fans of niche games, and that's knowing all the caveats. It's just a title I couldn't get into, I couldn't enjoy, and ultimately felt like barely any effort was put into to make it engaging or stand out. The premise alone sounds so interesting, so its makes the final results hurt even more. This is one flat tire.

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If it feels like Drive Girls still interests you despite what I had to say, I'd recommend maybe picking it up if it were on sale as it can make for a decent time killer if you're on the transit to work or school. Outside of that, there's not a whole lot to recommend, as it offers too little to make for an engaging title.

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Drive Girls isn't worth your time or money at almost any price.

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Anybody expecting Drive Girls to be another dumb fun slasher will be sorely disappointed. The learning curve is pretty high, requiring a substantial level of patience, and perhaps even a guide or two. Given enough time and effort, it can be pretty entertaining, and the especially skilled will appreciate the advanced techniques. Until then, all this game has to offer are a poor camera, cheap enemies, and aggravation. It asks a lot and doesn't give much in return. What content is there is stretched far too thin. There are a lot of missions, but very few unique enemies, and nothing in the way of creative level design. Even fans of cheesecake will find depressingly little to satisfy their interests.

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