Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Reviews

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 30, 2017

I enjoyed my time with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a great deal, but it saddens me that I only enjoyed it a great deal. I honestly can't believe that a studio of Monolith's size and prestige would somehow miss that its narrative is rife with tonal inconsistencies, and leave me wondering whether I was playing something serious.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2017

Another huge masterpiece that comes to Nintendo Switch after just nine months since its debut. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the JRPG you were waiting for, a great follow up in the Monolith Soft saga.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2017

It sets a precedent for JRPGs on the Switch that I doubt will be topped, unless of course Monolith Soft somehow manages to pump out a Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 before the end of the generation.

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Dec 3, 2017

Monolith Soft creates a solid sequel in the anticipated Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which brings a more streamlined RPG experience to audiences, but the odd design elements do limit it from being a classic.

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Shayan Ziaei
Top Critic
78 / 100
Dec 19, 2017

In spite of its many flaws, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a fun game with lots of replayability, but a series of mistakes in game design and quests that are not always pointful has made one of the most promising titles of Nintendo Switch a mediocre game.

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9.2 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2017

If I were to rank the Xenoblade games then I would say Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a step below the original yet a more rewarding experience than Xenoblade Chronicles X.

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Chicas Gamers
Jaime González
Dec 11, 2017

If you like Japanese anime, you enjoy this type of story, you are hypnotized by the artistic design and you are dazzled by the soundtrack, you will ignore all the flaws it has and you will love it, since those sections are superb.

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Dec 10, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 can easily be considered the best available “reason to buy a Switch.” While there are already a lot of great titles available for the system, much of the current library is also shared with the Wii U and other platforms. Xenoblade, on the other hand, is an unforgettable journey you’ll only get to experience on Nintendo’s newest console, and is currently, in my opinion, the best exclusive available for it. A magnificent world, well-written characters, interesting plot and refined combat, all mixed together make for an experience that you’d be hard-pressed to pass on.

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Jan 12, 2018

While a few things stop just stop it from being something truly special, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 feels like the first true successor to the Wii cult hit, and should not be missed by RPG fans.

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Jan 15, 2018

This is my favourite game on the Switch. I really loved Zelda and Mario, but neither one of those games managed to capture my attention nearly as much as this game did. I literally could not put it down for weeks. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 set itself as a cut above the rest on this platform primarily thanks to its magnificent story, fantastic music, its deep and cinematic combat system and its stellar art direction. This game is not perfect by any means. It has some issues such as its mediocre side quests and that the battle system can feel rather slow until you learn how to fully take advantage of it. It takes a hit in its visual fidelity while in handheld mode, but if that is a great concern to you then just play it docked. Despite some of these above issues, I have absolutely no qualms about recommending this game. It is a phenomenal experience that is worth being experienced provided you don’t mind a somewhat slow start.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 31, 2017

Monolith Soft has done an awesome job portraying the world of Alrest and its story. Every chapter feels like it could have its own game, complete with their own twists and turns.

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Dec 2, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a dull game with a tedious combat system. One of the most disappointing Nintendo Switch games to date.

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Dec 29, 2017

Don't let your first impressions deceive you: If you look behind the curtains, what you'll find here is an excellent JRPG with a great story, fantastic music and a world that's a joy to roam around in and explore. It's just a shame that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 suffers from technical issues, a bad lootbox-like reward system and too much fanservice.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 18, 2017
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Review | A Colossal Adventure (Nintendo Switch) video thumbnail
Nov 30, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the true successor to the original. Monolith has once again demonstrated how refining and innovating RPG elements in a world crafted with quality can continue to push the genre. Like previous entries, a potentially steep learning curve may put off some onlookers, but even the tutorials are welcoming and improved. Not to mention it has one of the greatest soundtracks out there. I would highly recommend this game to anyone regardless of whether they own a Switch or not.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2017

The array of actives to indulge in, the breadth and diversity of its environments, and a battle system that (despite its befuddling design) flourishes to offer an array of strategic satisfaction, results in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 being a 'rough around the edges' blast of delight.

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Dec 2, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is, without a doubt, a game that any Nintendo Switch owner should try, but maybe stick with playing in docked mode wherever possible.

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9 / 10
Nov 30, 2017

It’s clear that there has been no compromise in what Monolith Soft had envisioned for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and, given that we have had to wait for some time each generation, to have the chance to explore such a remarkable world so soon after the Nintendo Switch arrived is an opportunity not to be missed, and a cataclysmic close to the portable home console’s first calendar year. Sweepingly epic in every way imaginable, this grandiose adventure is quite simply an unforgettable experience. And, with that, the fate of Alrest is now in your hands.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is besides some tedious mechanics and an unnecessarily long introduction a game that shouldn't be missing in any Nintendo Switch Collection. You'll be entertained for at least more than 40-50 hours of Main Quests and even after that the game still manages to keep you playing with plenty of side activities and hidden areas.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2017

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a return to the heights of Xenoblade Chronicles after a dip with X. Get ready for a long adventure filled with amazing sights and revelations.

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