Super Lucky's Tale

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

5 / 10
6 / 10
Hardcore Gamer
4 / 5
God is a Geek
7 / 10
Game Revolution
4 / 5
7 / 10
7 / 10
Creators: Microsoft Game Studios
Release Date: Nov 7, 2017 - Xbox One, PC, Xbox Series X/S
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Super Lucky's Tale – E3 2017 – 4K Announce Video

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Critic Reviews for Super Lucky's Tale

It's all such a disappointment. I very much wanted to like Lucky, because the Xbox could use a decent answer to Nintendo in the 3D platformer genre. Unfortunately, Super Lucky's Tale definitely isn't it.

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Generous and inventive, this 3D platformer is filled with charm.

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Super Lucky's Tale isn't a direct port of its VR predecessor, but it's no less simplistic.

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Super Lucky's Tale is a fine 3D platformer.

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If you're looking for a game you can pick up and play, as well as making you smile, this is certainly one to consider.

Almost every moment of Super Lucky's Tale allows for the pure joy of platforming when you aren't annoyed by its limited camera. It's worth noting that the main game is extremely short to beat, but there are enough optional levels, puzzles and collectables to complete that will easily double or even triple your time with it.

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Super Lucky's Tale is a charming and sweet indie platformer that provides hours of retro platforming joy. It's probably had far too much weight put upon its shoulders as the Xbox One X's sole launch title, and is by no means perfect; a fact that's been amplified by the recent antics of a dungaree-wearing plumber. However, while the genre has undoubtedly moved on, taken on its own merit Super Lucky's Tale is simple, inescapable fun.

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Despite all of the minor gameplay upgrades in Super Lucky's Tale, I actually had a better time playing as Lucky in VR last year. It was really cool to be able to "peek" around things and control the camera yourself, and despite all of the claims that "platformers don't benefit from VR" I couldn't disagree more. If stripping that is what Playful Corp needs to do to reach a bigger audience so be it, but a version with optional VR would have been ideal.

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