Gripping Characters
Narrative Masterpiece
Satisfying Combat
God of War is simply a masterpiece. One of the best games of this console generation.
Top Critic Average
Critics Recommend
Gripping Characters
Narrative Masterpiece
Satisfying Combat
God of War is simply a masterpiece. One of the best games of this console generation.
God of War - Fight Your Way | PS4
God of War: 15 Minutes of Gameplay - PS4 Gameplay Walkthrough | PS Underground
God of War – Full TV Commercial | PS4
God of War's outstanding characters, world, and combat come together to form an unforgettable adventure.
There is no question that God of War is an exceptional game. But the magic on display with the PC port pushes an already tremendous game to new heights and offers some key features that will help it run well on a variety of modern machines. At this point, if gamers have the means to play God of War they should, and even if it’s a replay of the PC version is still well worth checking out.
Sony Santa Monica has evolved Kratos in God of War and in the process delivered a technical and narrative showpiece that any PS4 fan should be proud of.
Despite eye-catching changes, the heart of this series remains gloriously unaltered.
One of PlayStation's finest moments, Kratos has been reimagined for a new audience while keeping the best bits of what originally made him great.
An enthralling experience from beginning to end, with a mixture of great narrative moments and engaging encounters. God of War is a well-paced adventure that knows when to let the action simmer and when to make it boil over
God of War is every bit the over-the-top action game you expect, but it's the story and setting that end up stealing the show.
God of War developer Santa Monica Studio confirms unfortunate news regarding a rumor that had fans very excited about an upcoming event.
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Let's hope it's true!
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A reliable insider reignites hopes around the God of War remaster rumors by claiming that the project could be revealed soon.
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Insider Jeff Grubb says that a God of War Remaster will be announced for the series' anniversary next month.
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