Elite: Dangerous Reviews

Elite: Dangerous is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
90 / 100
Jul 12, 2017

Despite having a slow learning curve, Elite Dangerous becomes excellent in every spacial simulator aspect, with lots of liberty to explore, a huge amount of content and a fun combat system, which makes it the best PS4 title of this genre so far.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Dec 12, 2017

Elite: Dangerous feels a bit like a lifestyle choice, honestly. Getting good at piloting and traversing this universe takes almost as long as a full length game in and of itself. For those who endure, there's some exciting things happening in space, but for the rest, the price might be too high. This is clearly an example of a niche game, a remarkably thorough space sim that requires patience and tenacity to unearth its many secrets.

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9.2 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2015

I would recommend this game if you want a space experience that you can have by yourself, with friends or with people you meet along the way. While not as big or feature laden like EVE Online or the upcoming ambitious Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous is a satisfying experience that fills the void of a space simulator game, yet has an easier to climb learning curve and requires less time investment (and is already released). The game is not for everyone though, especially those expected a space combat game or cannot stand grinding for money.

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Jul 6, 2020

Elite Dangerous is for a very specific type of player. If you're a fan of open-ended universes where you make your own fun, filled to the brim with nuanced customisation and a supportive community, you'll find a lot to love.

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Top Critic
Dec 24, 2014

My general sense is that this is only the beginning for Elite: Dangerous. The foundation is strong, the community is dedicated, and the development team is committed to building out the world for what appears to be a long time to come. Give it a year or two, and I expect Elite: Dangerous will have a huge amount of new content. As it is, Elite: Dangerous is still a fascinating and entertaining space combat sim with nearly unmatched scope, which more than makes up for its gigantic learning curve and lack of structured content. If you've spent the past decade pining for a new space combat sim, then you'll find a happy home in Elite: Dangerous. I'll see you there.

6.2 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2015

One day Elite: Dangerous might be worth the price tag, but currently it is not.

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9.3 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2017

It is no secret that I love Elite: Dangerous; I have covered it quite extensively since we first got our hands on the preview in 2014 and ever since I have been utterly hooked. Now, after what seems to me is a lifetime of waiting (it wasn't), Elite: Dangerous is now available on the PlayStation 4 and it is every bit as glorious as the other platforms and in regard to the consoles, it is far, far superior than its Xbox counterpart. With HOTAS peripheral support on the PlayStation 4, Elite: Dangerous is absolutely the game to show that space sims not only work on console, but they excel there.

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7.9 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2017

Elite Dangerous is a simulation with a steep learning curve, but the freedom to explore the Milky Way Galaxy and its 400 billion star systems is unlike anything else on the PS4. Whether playing solo or with friends, you have multiple ways to earn credits to buy and fine-tune your newest space chariot with better parts. You can also just be a tourist on a sightseeing trip. Even though it does not have PSVR support, if you have wanted to go to infinity and beyond in your own ship, this may be the closest we get to the real thing. Despite any other issues, that sense of realism makes Elite Dangerous easy to recommend for anyone who has ever dreamed of voyaging across the cosmos.

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5.5 / 10.0
Aug 1, 2017

Elite Dangerous is just not a fun game to play. It is extremely pretty, and catapulting through space with no particular goal is quite relaxing. When it comes to creating a fun game that keeps the player coming back for more, it still has a long, long way to go.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2017

Elite Dangerous is an awesome space simulator game that you can dump tons of hours into, and with it being the only space sim on console i say it’s worth a buy.

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