Dead Cells Reviews

Dead Cells is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2018

I'd highly recommend Dead Cells, regardless if you're a fan of "roguelike-metroidvania" style games. It's a real treat to get your hands on and well worth the asking price. It offers tones of replay-ability due to the emphasis on exploration and how the game reacts to each and every single death.

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85 / 100
Aug 6, 2018

Dead Cells is a punishingly hard roguelike adventure that encourages agility, exactness and learning from your mistakes. You'll die, a lot, but that's the point. To keep trying and attempting to push further into the adventure with each failure. This is definitely not an adventure for those who hate dying. Dead Cells expects you to die, get better, and die again.

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2018

Dead Cells is one of the best roguelike games you can pick up on consoles to date. Not only does it look and run great, but it’s also incredibly addictive and impossible to put down and stop playing. Sure, the first few playthroughs will leave you frustrated and annoyed as the permadeath kicks in and you lose all of your hard work harvesting the cells, but over time you’ll “Git Gud” and breezy through the first few areas. I seriously can’t think of anything negative or bad to say about the game – you’ll easily pour many hours of your life into Dead Cells as you try and reach the end and even more if you’re aiming for the platinum.

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Aug 6, 2018

Dead Cells is equal parts roguelike and Metroidvania, and plays in a beautiful symphony with one another, never feeling unfair or too gated.

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10 / 10
Aug 5, 2018

This isn’t just a Roguevania with Dark Souls elements clasping it together. Dead Cells is a modern-day classic that absorbs the knowledge and spirit of the games that originally coined the terminologies in the first place.

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10 / 10.0
Aug 6, 2018

Bottom line, Dead Cells is absolutely the new gold standard of how to make an amazing roguelike that’s brutally tough but also generally fair. Slowly but surely persistence and success will unlock new items and enhancements that will then lead to deeper and generally more rewarding runs. Rarely is the game solely to blame for your deaths, you always need to make smart use of the choices your given, even if they may not suit your ideal style. Explore, exploit your traps to their fullest, always know where you’ll be able to safely escape to when things go south, and be prepared with the right gear for fighting bosses and you will make progress. If you’ve been looking for that game that always feels good to play that you can look forward to returning to and will always deliver a challenge and excitement Dead Cells absolutely fits that bill.

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8.8 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2018

Dead Cells is one of the best roguelites of recent years. Moves between genres fluently and defines the subgenre "RogueVania" for the first time.

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2018

Without doubt, Dead Cells is one of the best games in its genre but also one of the best this year. Considering it just released on every major format, there’s absolutely no reason not to pick it up. Dead Cells is essential.

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