Firewall: Zero Hour Reviews
All of the gameplay design choices made by First Contact Entertainment seem to be more on the good side of the scale rather than the bad. The menus could use some improvement and simplification, and maybe the eventual addition of a campaign, but nothing that can't be corrected in post. What you get with the design is good controls, lots of room for error during the game, intense gameplay with a smooth vantage point, and maps to get lost in when you want to get lost in them. The loadouts, the options of how to conquer your enemy will be the driving point to the gameplay. That's never a bad thing when those options are in the positive.
One of the must-have game for PSVR. Well-made shooter with engaging gameplay. Firewall: Zero Hour provides hundreds of multiplayer action.
Review in Polish |
In creating a polished and feature rich multiplayer shooter while integrating VR without compromise, Firewall AIMs for supremacy
Firewall Zero Hour is one of the most precise and tactical VR shooters out there. Too bad the systems surrounding it are so wanting.
Firewall Zero Hour needs more support from a pretty large community of PSVR owners. It's understandable that it may not be everyone's choice of gameplay. With dozens of small quirky titles and some fully fledged AAA games that don't rely on interpersonal competitiveness, some players may choose to pass on this shooter. It's way too early to tell if the game will take off and garner the praise and community that it arguably deserves. Firewall Zero Hour is a dream for any shooter fan.
Despite the criticisms I have with Firewall Zero Hour currently, they don't take away from just how magical this VR shooter is. I feel like this is the best reason to own a PlayStation VR headset yet as it really shows how pre-established genres can be given new life in ways not possible while playing on a traditional screen. I love the community this game has already built and I'll be staying apart of it for the foreseeable future. Go buy a PlayStation VR, buy an Aim Controller, and buy Firewall Zero Hour because it's too darn good to miss out on.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Firewall Zero Hour and I'm looking forward to seeing what the developers come up with next.
Captivating and tense, Firewall Zero Hour may be the perfect game to convince you on virtual reality.
Easily the best VR shooter available Firewall Zero Hour does so much right that it’s easy to forgive the shortcomings.
Firewall: Zero Hour is the FPS game PSVR players have been waiting for. The only downside is that there is absolutely no campaign to enjoy - it's a multiplayer experience, exclusively. Play it with the aim controller and you'll find little else as entertaining in the PSVR shooter library.