Bird Game + Reviews

Bird Game + is ranked in the 15th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 10
May 7, 2019

Despite looking moderately eye-catching in screenshots, Bird Game + ultimately proves to be the game that its title suggests: a bland and frustrating experience in search of an identity. The concept has potential, but a lack of polish and focus means it never really leaves the ground.

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4 / 10
Jun 30, 2019

Bird Game + looks unique and its art style stands out but it doesn't quite do everything the way it should. The overall experience is too short, the difficulty level gets frustrating too quickly and while the art style is worth praising, it can interfere with the gameplay at some points. Overall, Bird Game + will disappoint the players who pick it up, with emphasis on fans of the fly'em up style.

Review in Portuguese |

40 / 100
May 8, 2019

In concept, Bird Game + seems like a pleasant spin on the traditional on-rails genre. In execution, Bird Game +misses the mark in nearly every way from its surprising lack of mechanical polish to its shallow design. While its aesthetic and genuinely enjoyable boss fights are undeniable highlights, they're nowhere near potent enough to outweigh the game's fundamental issues.

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10 / 10.0
May 31, 2019

Bird Game + is a pleasing experience with a beautiful soundtrack, simple graphics, and fun mechanics in the gameplay. It's serene with some intense moments. It's something different and definitely worth a try.

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May 11, 2019

Who would have thought being a bird was so dangerous with bugs and frogs about. Bird Game + offers a unique art style with its black and white visuals, but lacks an in-depth story to be told. Just as you feel you’re enjoying the game, suddenly you’re at the end of the 3 levels. Although for the price of £3.99 currently it seems just about right and value for money.

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5 / 10.0
May 3, 2019

While I’m a big fan of titles that dare to be different, whether in terms of their visual presentation or gameplay, that doesn’t mean those qualities excuse them from critique by any means...

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7.5 / 10.0
May 18, 2019

Bird Game + is a short but charming adventure. Strangely, alle achievements can be unlocked before beating the game, but that's no reason not to pick this one up.

Review in Dutch | Read full review

6.3 / 10.0
May 15, 2019

Bird Game + is not a robust game. It's simplistic and short. It represents typical one-person projects and fits in perfectly into Ratalaika Game's publishing portfolio. It's a quick 1000G and platinum trophy.

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1.8 / 5.0
May 12, 2019

Even at the pretty low price of £4.99 I wouldn’t overly recommend this other than to hardcore achievement hunters as I can’t really see one specific audience wanting to jump on board this

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