Risk System
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Critic Reviews for Risk System
Risk System is for the hardcore, yet it's also original and well presented. That said, it just won't click for some due to the high level of difficulty.
Risk System is an impressive game where it counts, and that's in its taut, thoughtful and challenging gameplay. The polish of the design reminded us of the excellent run n'gun Bleed, with its focus on dodging and retaliating in linear stages, but of course here applied to the shmup genre. Other than higher ranks, there's not much to rush back to in Risk System's six short stages, but they're sufficiently difficult enough to last genre non-veterans a good while. Absolute pro shmuppers may find it a little too breezy, but players of any skill level will be able to appreciate the exceptionally solid game on offer here. We say that there's no risk of buyer's remorse with this one.
Although Risk System might not appeal to bullet hell enthusiasts, it still provides an excellent challenge. And really, Risk System isn’t trying to appeal to them anyway; it’s made to be much more accessible and innovative. In that sense, it exceeds in shining colors. I just wish there was more game to play. But for the low price tag, anyone interested in the shoot ‘em up genre can’t go wrong with a Risk System purchase.
Risk System is a fun action arcade game that will keep you busy for a few hours. However, the repetitive gameplay may end your session early.
Risk System is an intense and challenging shmup that presents us with a very original base mechanic, supporting the proposal with fast action and gameplay that is as simple as it is fun. If the visuals are not the most striking, the game offers a relatively dense story in a short campaign, as well as a lot of intensity and freshness for enthusiasts of the genre.
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Featuring an original mechanic and a fair amount of polish, Risk System leads the shoot-em-up pack. Those willing to cut their teeth will enjoy a title carefully crafted by experts of the genre.
Risk System is something of a connoisseur’s shoot-em-up, with intelligently designed enemies and bosses that reward careful practice and precise movements. The demanding level of difficulty might cause some initial frustrations, but a determined attitude and a calculated approach to risk will help players emerge victoriously. After a few hours of playing, I was able to effortlessly take down bosses that I’d previously thought of as impossible, and that’s always a great feeling to have.
Risk System is a hard game to recommend on a whim, yet also pretty remarkable. Players can't expect to just jump in and blast everything in sight. First they have to get a handle on controlling their own ship, which is an awfully tall hurdle in itself. The bosses are also frustrating, especially when playing for score. Altogether, this is an anti-establishment STG. It features a learning curve of its very own, one that quite a few may never be able to appreciate.