Senran Kagura: Peach Ball

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Critic Reviews for Senran Kagura: Peach Ball
We spent a long time mulling over why Senran Kagura: Peach Ball didn't push any of our buttons. If you find anime ladies with animal features highly appealing, you can probably add a couple of points to the score below. Ultimately, though, Peach Ball serves up a tedious, repetitive story with monotonous characters and pinball tables that can be characterised likewise. Despite a polished art style and a genuinely interesting idea of livening up the arcade game in a way only possible in a video game, we found the end result sorely lacking in the pinball department.
This is definitely a big step up over Reflexions in terms of quality and if you like pinball and Senran Kagura, this is definitely worth getting.
Senran Kagura: Peach Ball is briefly enjoyable, but is bogged down by a lack of things to do aside from skipping through tedious dialogue. Senran fans may find themselves content with the ways you can, ahem, interact with its cast, but for the rest of us this is a passably decent pinball game and little else.
Marvelous and Honey∞Parade Games' biggest mistake with Senran Kagura: Peach Ball was treating it as a budget title because it deserves so much more: more tables, more girls, more everything. Combining the cheeseball sexuality of Senran with pinball is perhaps the most brilliant idea this franchise has ever had and the execution of what is here is nearly flawless. But the lack of a diverse set of pinball tables and a curtailed cast keep Peach Ball from reaching the excellence it could have so easily achieved if the developers had more time and more ideas for what they wanted Peach Ball to be.
Senran Kagura Peach Ball is a pinball gaming masterpiece, but it's also incredibly light on content. There's just five characters and two tables, which really isn't a lot. Still, the content that is here is incredibly polished, gorgeous and addictive. These two tables are some of the most fun and jam-packed video game pinball tables I've ever experience, and if the game had just a few more of them, it would be a must-have for any pinball fans looking for their next adventure.
In the end, I can happily say that I’m glad to have a solid pinball game on my Switch, and fans of Senran Kagura will find plenty to like with this latest entry.
Senran Kagura Peach Ball is a fun addition to the series and one which will be welcomed by its fans, even if those unfamiliar with the name will not feel much of its appeal. A visually attractive game with a fun gameplay and plenty of content to unlock, Peach Ball could have gone further in the number of pinball tables on offer (only two) and variety of characters.
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Fans of the series will no doubt have trouble keeping their eyes locked on their pinballs while still feverishly fondling their flippers. And to anyone else curious, you might find yourself as surprised as I was. I guess, after all, this game does have a happy ending.