Bubble Bobble 4 Friends Reviews

Bubble Bobble 4 Friends is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2019

Bubble Bobble 4 Friends is a great game to sit on the couch and play with some friends while having some drinks. Unfortunately due to its limited replay value for those who don’t care about high scores, I’m going to have to score this a Silver award. If trying to beat your own high scores is your thing, then you’ll definitely want to pick this up. Bubble Bobble is one of those classic franchises that’s difficult to build on without losing what the game was meant to be. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends does a good job of what it’s supposed to do, without adding too much to take away from the core gameplay.

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Dec 4, 2019

Bubble Bobble 4 Friends is a great addition to the Bubble Bobble franchise, but it's expensive for what it provides. A solid afternoon of gaming will get you to the end credits, but you'll return to do things a little better than before.

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Dec 3, 2019

Bubble Bobble 4 retains lots of things you loved about the series but didn’t add a whole lot more. It’s over in the blink of an eye and its asking price isn’t justified

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7.3 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2019

His maximum ambition is to entertain all players with a proposal as simple as absorbing and multiplying their fun thanks to a cooperative mode that guarantees sessions full of laughter with friends. Maybe this game is not a GOTY but it will surely be one of the titles that have more fun this year.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2019

If you’re looking for a modernised classic which doesn’t stray too far from the original concept, Bubble Bobble 4 Friends is fun to play both solo and with friends or family. Although the first fifty levels are rather easy and family-friendly, the proceeding fifty within the hard mode will certainly challenge you if you decide to face the evil Bonner alone! The various powerups and abilities you gain throughout your adventure are sure to help out in the trickier levels, with the game offering a safety net via the activation of invincibility to ensure everyone of any skill level can play the game and have fun. This game was my introduction to the franchise, an introduction which made a really good first impression.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Nov 19, 2019

Really, the one big problem that I think Bubble Bobble 4 Friends has is that, sticking true to the original design doesn't leave you a lot of room to grow and experiment. This feels like a more slick presentation of an 80s arcade game...Because that's what it is. For all of the 3D graphics and such, unless you're busting out the 4-player co-op, there's not that much here to differentiate it from the cabinet you played as a kid or one of the various decently popular home ports you may well have owned.

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