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1572 games reviewed
75.4 average score
80 median score
60.3% of games recommended

Twinfinite's Reviews

You go inside of him, so it really couldn't get any deeper than that.

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Jan 16, 2019

In the more likely event that you missed it the first time around, New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe is a must-play for 2D Mario fans and is the best in the 2D line of games since Super Mario World.

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I'm not inclined to play back through it right away, but it'll be staying downloaded on my Switch for those lengthy flights and commutes where I want to do nothing more than slash through countless enemies in style.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Double Cross
Jan 16, 2019

As it is, though, there's too much in Double Cross that either bores or frustrates for the quality moments to be worth struggling towards.

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Jan 15, 2019

New players will get the full, unabridged experience at a decent price, while old fans should find this treasured classic is still just as fun to dive into as they remember.

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4.5 / 5.0 - My Time at Portia
Jan 15, 2019

My Time at Portia cultivates hard work and pays it off with a sense of progression and achievement. When you aren't searching for materials or crafting a new gadget, you're off cavorting at festivals or bonding with the friendly townsfolk. There's always something waiting for you at Portia, and it pulls you back in every time.

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Jan 14, 2019

Thankfully, aside from the frame rate cap in puzzle segments, the audio issues can be resolved easily through patches if Sega and Atlus decide to address them. Catherine Classic continues to be one of the most fascinating and unique games of last generation. And the good news is, you no longer need to hook up your last-gen console to enjoy this gem of a game.

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This is easily one of the biggest Tales experiences to date, and pretty much everything about Tales of Vesperia still holds up by today's standards. Whether you're experiencing the game new, or replaying it for the umpteenth time, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a JRPG worth adding to your collection.

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Dec 21, 2018

Still, thanks to being portable, it does at least have a niche and that is this game's saving grace.

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3 / 5.0 - BELOW
Dec 20, 2018

BELOW will prove itself divisive, no doubt. But for those willing to take the plunge, it deserves the brave few who explore its depths.

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Dec 17, 2018

For all it has to offer, The Last Remnant Remastered is still the same adventure longtime fans still know and love. Its visual upgrades and other changes make it the best version to play, but its lackluster plot and complex combat system might turn others away.

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3 / 5.0 - Ashen
Dec 17, 2018

Ashen feels like it's trying to be too many things at once, and perhaps because of that, it ends up tasting like a bland pot of soup without any punchy flavors to really catch your attention.

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4 / 5.0 - Book of Demons
Dec 16, 2018

With two more classes to go through and even more customizable end game content, I'll doubtless return to the game for many hours to come. Book of Demons sets a fantastic foundation for the next tale in the Paperverse.

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4 / 5.0 - GRIS
Dec 13, 2018

As a one-off experience or one-time playthrough, GRIS is certainly one of the most artistic and provocative experiences I've seen in video games. While I would've liked to see a more fleshed out world, with meaningful collectibles and more puzzles to solve, GRIS is still worth a look for anyone who has an interest in platformers or silent stories.

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5 / 5.0 - DUSK
Dec 11, 2018

If you want to relive the halcyon days of the FPS genre, a time when games strove to be unrealistic and challenging, you can't get any better than DUSK. Here's hoping for future episodes.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Just Cause 4
Dec 10, 2018

For more information on how we review games, check out Twinfinite's review policy here.

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Dec 6, 2018

This is the most ambitious and all-inclusive Super Smash Bros entries, and one of the very best games Nintendo's little system has gotten yet.

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Dec 5, 2018

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden feels entirely spread too thin. Without much depth to its name, it remains a unique setting devoid of personality.

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Dec 5, 2018

Katamari Damacy REROLL is a condensed, but immensely enjoyable experience. The controls are the main roadblock for sure, but they're not quite enough to detract from just how fun this game is. REROLL is a simple port of a simple game, refreshed for a newer audience, while also keeping all its charms and quirks intact. There's no better way to roll.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Darksiders III
Nov 27, 2018

So long as players can have some patience for the game's technical issues, they'll find plenty to enjoy in this title.

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