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839 games reviewed
74.9 average score
78 median score
48.6% of games recommended

GBAtemp's Reviews

Feb 26, 2018

Layers of Fear: Legacy puts forward a strong entry into the Switch's maturing horror genre. While short and limited in replay value, the quality of the experience it provides goes a long way in justifying its purchase.

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3 / 10.0 - Past Cure
Feb 24, 2018

Past Cure is a prime example of the adage “never judge a book by its cover”. The trailer had me interested enough to play it so that you don't have to.

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Feb 22, 2018

The Fall Part 2: Unbound makes a great second game in The Fall trilogy. Dealing with more complex issues like AI sentience, from both the human and AI points of view, is a welcome addition to the story. While I would definitely recommend the series to those interested in side-scrolling adventure/puzzle games, I might also suggest perhaps waiting until Part 3 releases if you haven't already played the first game. The Fall Part 2 took 4 years to come out after Part 1, and with the continued tradition of ending on a cliff hanger, it might be better off waiting for the full trilogy to release.

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6.8 / 10.0 - Crossing Souls
Feb 22, 2018

Crossing Souls relies too often on tropes and pop-culture references that it forgets what makes it good. A casual adventure game in a beautiful universe.

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Feb 18, 2018

Heartwarming nostalgia and brilliantly stupid humor, mixed with a nice soundtrack and suitable retro pixels in a way too short experience. The handful of chuckles from appreciation just isn't worth the asking price - there's just too little of a game, which is a shame since the world holds so much potential!

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Feb 15, 2018

As far as the raw amount of "fun" I had with this game, it was markedly below average, however my appreciation for all the mechanics which I found clever, as well as the beautiful Puns of Pokkle, bump my score up to what I believe to be a relatively generous "middle of the road" 5/10.

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Feb 13, 2018

From what I did play of Kingdom Come: Deliverance has left me with mixed feelings. I enjoyed the story and wanted to see if Henry became a great Knight and avenged his family, but at the same time, I found myself battling against the game's systems every time it gave me control. Warhorse Studios have created an ambitious world with Kingdom Come: Deliverance, unfortunately, it didn't deliver for me.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Dynasty Warriors 9
Feb 13, 2018

Despite my complaints, the game is still strangely addictive and a blast to play thanks to how smooth the combat feels. Exploration is fairly pointless, yet I found myself doing it for hours and being entertained. The story is a real highlight, seamlessly being able to go through each character's storyline. Dynasty Warriors 9 presents a lot of significant changes that almost make it feel like a spin-off, but I can appreciate what they tried to do and still had many hours of fun with this title. I'm actually excited to see what they do with the series next.

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Feb 12, 2018

Dissidia NT carries over a lot from its arcade original, perhaps a little too much. It's clear that the developers put a lot of love and care into the product, but it didn't quite hit the spot for me. Dissidia NT fell a little short from achieving excellence, but nevertheless it's definitely a good game. Should you buy it? Yes, you should give it a try, although perhaps not at full retail price - it'll take more content to justify that. Seeing that the Season Pass promises to nearly double the roster, I can sense a Definitive Edition on the horizon, and that's the one I'd be aiming at.

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Feb 9, 2018

Shadow of the Colossus was a masterpiece when it released in 2005, with only few technical flaws truly hurting the game, and this remake basically perfects every issue previously had with the game beyond fixing it's general length. It took me 3 hours and 52 minutes to beat the game, granted, with a lot of prior experience, but it still lasts the same approximate 8-10 hours of gameplay for new players. Despite this lack of length, I strongly suggest old players and new to pick up this remake at some point in time, to truly experience the definitive version of Shadow of the Colossus

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9.1 / 10.0 - Aegis Defenders
Feb 8, 2018

A fantastic game that looks and sounds great, and more importantly, it's really fun! Highly recommended.

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Feb 8, 2018

The Longest Five Minutes throws you back to your first RPG experience, and toys with what you remember. Pushing you through the same trials as its hero, you come to feel a great sense of empathy with its characters; and come to appreciate the joy memories bring.

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Feb 8, 2018

PlatinumGames' Switch debut leaves me excited for the future. The witch is back in a style and form befitting only of herself, paving the way for, and bridging the gap to, Bayonetta 3. Bayonetta + Bayonetta 2 demonstrates the Switch can not only run the greats of the Wii U on the go, but run them at their best.

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Feb 7, 2018

The generic and fairly uninteresting plot doesn't do much to drive the player to read the entire visual novel section, but the button smashing frenzy of the fighting portions and various game modes will keep you coming back for more.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Darkest Dungeon
Jan 31, 2018

Darkest Dungeon on the Switch is basically just that, Darkest Dungeon on the Switch. It's not the first portable version (that's the Vita), it's not the first touch screen version (that's iOS), and it has no exclusive features that make it worth more on the Switch than any other console, but it's still Darkest Dungeon. If you've never played the game before, or if you want to play it on the go and don't own an iPad or Vita, then the Switch version is likely your best choice.

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Jan 25, 2018

Monster Hunter: World stands high as top dog in the series. Tight gameplay, impressive visuals and great online only make up a small fraction of this fantastic game. A must play for vets and those new to the series alike.

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Jan 22, 2018

Dragon Ball Z is a video game franchise that has many beloved entries, from the Legacy of Goku series, to the Budokai and Tenkaichi games. However, these games have always been targeted to its niche fanbase. Dragon Ball FighterZ is different; it's a fighting game that everyone, including veteran DBZ fans and newcomers alike, can enjoy wholeheartedly.

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8.8 / 10.0 - InnerSpace
Jan 16, 2018

Should you want a relaxing game of exploration and discovery, where each crevice and cavern hides a secret to be found, InnerSpace is for you. A marvel of perfectly blended themes, music, and gameplay—standing out for the attention to detail put in. I look forward to seeing what else PolyKnight Games is capable of.

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3.4 / 10.0 - Black Mirror
Jan 8, 2018

Black Mirror comes up short as both an adventure and horror game. Bugs and graphical issues don't help the already exceptionally dull story. I can only imagine it does very little justice for the original series it is based off. Whatever you do, don't go to Black Mirror castle.

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Jan 2, 2018

Blossom Tales is a really fun little adventure. Fairly strong presentation, and very fun gameplay that any fan of 2D Zelda games can easily get right into. Despite the similarities to Zelda, I don't feel it lives in its shadow, but instead took the core of what a 2D Zelda game is, and managed to make it its own. I'm genuinely impressed, and happy this game turned out to be so fun.

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