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Nintendo Enthusiast

792 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
53.4% of games recommended

Nintendo Enthusiast's Reviews

Oct 5, 2016

Excellent writing, impressive visuals, and great presentation save the game from the somewhat lackluster battle system and make it a solid game that will provide fun for fans of Mario games and the Paper Mario series.

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8 / 10.0 - SphereZor
Oct 1, 2016

So, is SphereZore worth your time? If you enjoy classic arcade titles, then you may be inclined to try this one out. The game is simple but challenging, yet it still manages to be enjoyable. Its presentation won’t win it any awards, but it’s nice to look at and listen to nonetheless. There really aren’t many bad things to say about the game, aside from the fact that I wish there were more songs that played during gameplay.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Soul Axiom
Sep 30, 2016

Soul Axiom for Wii U is a rough port of an interesting first-person puzzler that just doesn't quite live up to its potential. The combination of frustrating controls, poor graphics that don't live up to the PC version, and intentionally slow storytelling may be too much for anyone that is not a huge fan of the first person puzzle genre.

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Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed playing through Noitu Love: Devolution, even though I would have preferred to have more of it. The levels were varied and the boss battles were spectacular. It is such a shame that the game does not have more meat on it, because in the current form I can only recommend Noitu Love: Devolution to the biggest arcade fans.

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Sep 15, 2016

Those that are looking to dive back into an SMT title with an expanded story and don’t mind retreading familiar ground will surely find a lot of recognizable fun in Apocalypse. For those that never played the original title, Apocalypse isn’t a bad place to start. However, considering how good of a game SMT IV is, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go back and play the original release instead.

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Sep 8, 2016

This game is great. If you like hand-drawn art in games like Muramasa and epic boss battles akin to Monster Hunter then this is the game for you. Overall the presentation, music, sound, and level design is just as epic as the story.

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7 / 10.0 - Axiom Verge
Sep 1, 2016

Axiom Verge is a game that will certainly please fans of the Metroid franchise. The entire experience is an homage to the classic video game that often does the right thing. While there are so many instances of greatness found throughout the 6-7 hour campaign, problems dealing with some of the core features of the genre hinder the overall experience. Backtracking is frustrating, the bosses are simplistic, constantly respawning enemies make for some tedious sections, and the narrative isn't engaging at all. Axiom Verge is sprinkled with fantastic ideas and concepts, but doesn't fully capture the greatness that its capable of.

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Aug 19, 2016

Metroid Prime: Federation Force is not a good game at all. When you find yourself just wanting to complete levels to see if the game ever changes and gets better, that’s a sign that something is very wrong. The core gameplay is simplistic, boring, and not the level of quality one would expect from a Metroid game. Other M may have been the most fan-derided Metroid game until now, but Federation Force will easily take the crown from here on out.

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9 / 10.0 - Tadpole Treble
Aug 14, 2016

Tadpole Treble isn’t the most complex eShop game, but it deserves to be one of the most popular. Hats off to BitFinity.

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Aug 14, 2016

Other than that, the game is nice little package. It’s bursting with color and charm and the gameplay, while not new, is still pretty fun. While this definitely isn’t the kind of game that you’d be expecting to play on a home console, it’s still nice to have nonetheless. At only $5, Sunbreak Games’ semi-infinite runner should be a great addition to anyone looking for a fun, simple game for younger Wii U players.

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9 / 10.0 - BOXBOXBOY!
Jul 27, 2016

Nintendo has a lot of popular franchises that have been staples in the industry for decades now. Many gamers like to belittle the company for its constant use of these characters, insisting that it doesn’t make anything else. False! Nintendo has created a variety of different games in the past few years, and now with the benefit of the eShop, it is even easier to create smaller titles. And that’s exactly why we have BOXBOXBOY! Being the sequel to last year’s BOXBOY!, BOXBOXBOY! puts you back in control of Qbby, the boxy-bod hero, who now has the ability to  duplicate his body into two sets of boxes in order to solve the various challenging puzzles.

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Jul 18, 2016

All in all, I was pleasantly surprised with Reptilian Rebellion. It’s a simple, cheap, nostalgia-feeling arcade game that can be very addicting. A little more variety in the visuals and audio would have helped, but as it stands, if you are looking for a cheap and fun game, Reptilian Rebellion will give you a good bang for your buck if you enjoy high-score driven games.

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Jul 5, 2016

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens could, and should, have been a very fun addition to the Wii U library, but technical issues impact what fun can be had. This obviously is a lazy port to the Wii U, and it shows from the moment you boot up the game.

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Jul 4, 2016

As a Star Wars and LEGO fan, I found it extremely hard to dislike LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But, after playing through it in its entirety, I can't help but feel robbed of my money. Sure, the game includes a physical set to build Poe's nifty X-Wing, but that's probably where you will have the most fun. If there was an option to jump to lightspeed to the end of the game, even that ride would be too short.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Mighty No. 9
Jul 1, 2016

Ultimately, Mighty No. 9 is just not worth the price. It has a satisfying set of mechanics, but that is all it has going for it. The visuals are atrocious, the music unmemorable, the story painful, and the level design mediocre.

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Jul 1, 2016

What really surprised me was that the developer have actually listed the game at $8. Considering that there are other, more fleshed out experiences out there, I’d much rather save the money and focus on picking something more worthwhile. If you happen to be a fan of word games, though, then this should be right up your alley.

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Jun 30, 2016

There really isn't much of anything for me to complain about when it comes to Futuridium. It's a simple, but fun arcade style shooter that draws you in with its addictive gameplay and awesome presentation. With a price-tag of only $10, MixedBag Srl's colorful shooter is easily one of the most original and enjoyable games out on the Wii U eShop right now.

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6 / 10.0 - Draw 2 Survive
Jun 30, 2016

Other than those issues, there really isn’t much else when it comes to Draw 2 Survive. Currently, there is only the single ‘Survival’ mode which is playable. The reason why I said “currently”

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Jun 30, 2016

There are a lot of puzzle games out there, so it’s usually difficult to create a new one that stands out. However,  from time to time something special always seems to crop up out of seemingly nowhere; a game that goes above and beyond to really set itself a part from the others. That’s pretty much the best way to describe Kick & Fennick.

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Jun 22, 2016

With gameplay mechanics that are so riveting, it is a shame that the game’s title and localization will leave it forever left out of the mainstream. However, those that decide to pick up the latest Shin Megami Tensei title will be pleasantly delighted by its gameplay and dungeon deisgn. With a near barren summer release schedule this year, Tokyo Mirage Session is the perfect game to sink hours and hours into.

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