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New Game Network

1364 games reviewed
69.7 average score
71 median score
35.5% of games recommended

New Game Network's Reviews

Nov 13, 2014

Even with the Exo Suit, the campaign is more derivative than any previous Call of Duty game. The multiplayer action is frenetic, but various shortcomings prevent it being a leap forward.

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70 / 100 - Costume Quest 2
Nov 11, 2014

A heart-warming, nostalgic sequel to everyone's favourite Halloween adventure. If you enjoyed the first game, Give Wren and Reynold another go, but Costume Quest 2 sticks close to the original's formula.

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Nov 5, 2014

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel offers more of the same with some alterations, and that may be enough for fans of Borderlands 2. But if you only have a passing interest, wait until the price is reduced to a more reasonable level.

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88 / 100 - Bayonetta 2
Nov 4, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is a great continuation of a series many thought would be dead. Thanks to Nintendo swooping in to help, we have another wonderfully outrageous action game that fans and newcomers alike can enjoy.

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Nov 2, 2014

Fantasia: Music Evolved breathes new life into the genre, showing that it can be as much fun to create music as it is to play it. It could use a few more songs and can be a little easy, but its game you'll want to share with friends and family.

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Oct 31, 2014

A serviceable adaptation on the fighting side of things, but where's the charming characters, story and heart of the Korra TV series? I don't know, but it's certainly not here. Sorry folks.

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Oct 29, 2014

Legend of Grimrock 2 is a victim of its format, often made needlessly clunky and restrictive in the fruitless pursuit of nostalgia, but when it comes to pure, fascinating, exploratory dungeon-crawling, few can hope to top it. A worthy purchase for those patient enough to dismantle it.

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80 / 100 - Sunset Overdrive
Oct 27, 2014

Sunset Overdrive delivers a fun, energetic mix of action and platforming, despite some narrative weaknesses and an overabundance of perks.

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87 / 100 - Wasteland 2
Oct 25, 2014

An old school RPG that you can really sink your teeth into. There are hours of combat and questing to be had, and with a little more presentational polish, Wasteland 2 could've been something really special.

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79 / 100 - NBA 2K15
Oct 22, 2014

Even with some downsides, I really enjoyed NBA2k15. It really tries to capture sports in way that goes beyond numbers and statistics. It's something I appreciate, and something I think a lot of sports games could learn from.

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67 / 100 - Driveclub
Oct 19, 2014

The debut PlayStation 4 racing title from Evolution Studios barely crosses the finish line. There are decent ideas here, but shortcomings in many areas keep Driveclub well back of a podium finish.

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Oct 18, 2014

At its best, Styx: Master of Shadows is a half-decent stealth game with barely a fresh idea in its head. At its worst, it's a soggy pile of frustration, clumsiness, and save-scumming. Guess which end of the spectrum it tends towards.

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64 / 100 - Alien: Isolation
Oct 16, 2014

Alien: Isolation could have been a superb experience if some components were better balanced or removed. There is still enough tension to make you fear the dark.

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Oct 16, 2014

Monolith Productions has created a new standard for Middle-earth games with Shadow of Mordor. The combat is gratifying, the visuals are gorgeous and the unique features such as the nemesis system combine to create a great action game experience.

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72 / 100 - The Evil Within
Oct 14, 2014

While The Evil Within never quite terrifies, it has plenty of moments early on where it threatens to wrap you up in its gory world. However, it never really delivers a completely engaging experience and by the end goes totally off the rails.

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78 / 100 - Velocity 2X
Oct 12, 2014

Velocity 2X offers unique, fast paced gameplay with solid controls and clever level design. An arbitrary experience gate may halt your end-game progress, but you'll at least enjoy the ride up until that point.

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69 / 100 - Starwhal
Oct 11, 2014

Starwhal is probably a little overpriced, but it will deliver on its promises for a good half-hour or so. It is truly fun to bungle and slide your way around a level until you just barely manage to spear your opponent through with your nose. It's just not fun twice.

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75 / 100 - Fenix Rage
Oct 7, 2014

It might not be the most original game to grace the world, but by taking a familiar concept, putting a different spin on it and polishing it 'til it gleams, Fenix Rage makes platforming fun again. Good stuff.

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66 / 100 - Heavy Bullets
Oct 3, 2014

A somewhat anaemic dungeon-crawling first-person shooter with intense core combat that never evolves (and little else worth praising).

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83 / 100 - FIFA 15
Oct 2, 2014

FIFA 15 offers a glimpse into the future with new goalkeepers and emotion system, but at the moment it is only a tease. Regardless of that, this is still a complete and enjoyable experience of virtual footy.

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