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210 games reviewed
73.1 average score
80 median score
76.2% of games recommended's Reviews

Anyone who's already a Star Wars Fan, is definitely going to be entertained by it. However, if one's leaves any elements aside that actually indicate the Star Wars franchise, what's left is solely a generic shooter - with admittedly stunning visuals - but a game that's offering nothing new.

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Dec 29, 2017

Don't let your first impressions deceive you: If you look behind the curtains, what you'll find here is an excellent JRPG with a great story, fantastic music and a world that's a joy to roam around in and explore. It's just a shame that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 suffers from technical issues, a bad lootbox-like reward system and too much fanservice.

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Dec 5, 2017

Sonic Forces is a better game than Sonic Boom. But compared to Sonic Generations and Sonic Colours, it's missing a vision and a general idea of what it is and what it wants to be. Instead, this is yet another inconsistent Sonic game that disappoints with mediocre level design, really short stages and a general lack of focus.

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Nov 27, 2017

Just like Hyrule Warriors before it, Fire Emblem Warriors is another decent Musou game that feels worthy of the big Nintendo brand in its name - but with cheesy characters and dialogue and an unwelcome focus on the more recent FE games, Omega Force missed the chance to make it a standout title on Nintendo's new console.

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We're not gonna take it! Bigger, louder, weirder and more political: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus ups the ante compared to its predecessor and delivers an entertaining action-festival, combined with a thrilling story in a crazy "what if"-scenario. It fixes most of Wolfenstein's problems and throws the player from one over-the-top moment into another, while at the same time making him think about real-life politics and actual problems in today's crazy world - as long as you don't play the German version, which alters the alternate history to the point of complete ignorance.

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Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions is a great opportunity to catch up the original GBA-game in a mordern way. Even fourteen years after its first release gameplay and storyline are as magical as back then. The battle-system is really addictive due to its strongly action-paced mechanics and the typical humor of the Mario & Luigi-titels is charming as always. The newly introduced is also a nice addition but lacks the depth one is used to in the main game.

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Bigger, prettier and expanded in almost every regard, Divinity: Original Sin II is a captivating and addicting RPG epic and a worthy successor that's almost unmatched in freedom of choice and character progression, only ever-so-slightly inhibited by a badly balanced last quarter and a lack of boss fights and iconic music.

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Oct 19, 2017

Samus Returns is a welcome return of a long-missed friend, but euphoria about the comeback didn't last long once I actually started playing the game: Exploration is unrewarding and leads into dead ends more often than not and the repetitive Metroid boss fights almost feel like grinding. With its modernized combat and controls, some cool and fresh ideads like the counter and 360° aiming, Samus Returns is still a solid Metroidvania game - but it's not quite the return to form that I was hoping for.

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Oct 10, 2017

Cuphead is not only a charming love letter to Cartoons from the 30s, but also an exciting boss rush marathon that is sure to get your heart pumping without ever getting into territory of "too hard" or "unfair". Even if there might be a lack of content and variation over time, it was never enough to hinder the sheer amount of fun I had in fighting all these giants dragons, robots, sunflowers and vegetables.

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Rayman Legends is still a fantastic platformer with a gorgeous presentation and on the Nintendo Switch it is a perfect fit for gaming on the go - but lacking the touchscreen controls for the Murphy sections in the main game, it isn't quite worthy of the "Definitive Edition" subtitle.

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Hats and Mario caps off to Ubisoft: Kingdom Battle is the best Mario world so far that's not made by Nintendo and the rare kind of game where the sidekicks, the Rabbids, outshine the famous cover stars. It might be lacking in variety over time and it would have been nice to kick the plumber out of the squad for a change, but these minor flaws can't ruin the fun of an otherwise surprisingly great tactical strategy adventure.

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Sep 7, 2017

Codemasters liefert auch in diesem Jahr ein Rennspektakel, das seinesgleichen sucht. Die Karriere wurde durch die Einladungsevents gekonnt aufgelockert und die Integration der historischen Rennboliden verleihen ein Gefühl von Einzigartigkeit. Dennoch fehlen weiterhin die Möglichkeit einer Split-Screen-Meisterschaft am heimischen Bildschirm oder der Wunsch nach mehr Individualität beim Erstellen des eigenen Fahrers. In Anbetracht der Konkurrenz, bei der selbst ein FIFA mittlerweile einen Story-Modus bietet, wünsche ich mir für das kommende Jahr einen solchen. Wer würde nicht mal gerne seine Rennkarriere ganz unten starten und an der Hand einer Koryphäe an die Spitze der Königsklasse geführt werden? Es besteht also noch eine Menge Luft nach oben - doch in diesem Jahr wurde fast alles richtig gemacht, weshalb man bedenkenlos zugreifen kann.

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Aug 29, 2017

Auch wenn ein Checkpoint-System dem Spiel gut getan hätte: Mit Hey!Pikmin hat Nintendo einen Puzzle-Plattformer geschaffen, der zwar in einem neuen Genre unterwegs ist, den Charme seiner Figuren aber dennoch auf treffende Weise einfängt.

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Die Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age-Editon ist eine gelungene Überarbeitung eines soliden Titels der Reihe, der seinerzeit Voraus war, aber durch die schwache Story und der langweiligen Gegenden auch heute nicht vollends zu überzeugen weiß.

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Yes, the paid Early Access is something that has to be discussed. And yeah, it's another game with a lot of undead people wanting to eat your brain. Despite these two flaws, Fortnite is a damn good, entertaining game with a gameplay that keeps you motivated and makes you want to play "just one more round". The almost unlimited building possibilities to keep your objective secure gives an additional, nice touch to the beloved tower defense formula and if you're ever sick of all this stuff, just get into the entertaining, fast paced Battle Royale mode.

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Aug 1, 2017

Splatoon 2 is more Splatoon - which is not necessarily a bad thing as the sequel offers everything that made the first game great, and this time there's a meaty and really fun coop horde mode to accompany the PvP battles. It's just a shame that the online multiplayer suffers from a badly designed Nintendo Switch online system.

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Jul 20, 2017

Ron Gilbert und sein Team haben es geschafft, mit Thimbleweed Park bei mir genau das auszulösen, was ich von einem geistigen Nachfolger von Maniac Mansion im Jahre 2017 erwarte. [...] Fans der alten LucasArts-Adventures sollten daher unbedingt zugreifen, wenn sie es nicht ohnehin schon gemacht haben. Wenn man keinen Bezug zu klassischen Point-and-Click-Adventures und der LucasArts-Ära hat, wird es daher wohl nur schwer möglich sein, die Faszination nachvollziehen zu können. Trotzdem ist Thimbleweed Park so gut designed, dass ich es auch jedem interessierten Genreneuling wärmstens empfehlen kann.

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Was für eine Rückkehr! Das zeitlose Konzept sowie die äußerst gute Arbeit katapultieren WipEout zurück in die Spielerherzen. Wer auf schnelle und erbarmungslose Action steht, ist hier bestens bedient.

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Jul 11, 2017

Von Kirbys erstem richtigen 3D-Abenteuer habe ich mir mehr erhofft als diese zwar kurzweilige, aber unspektakuläre Arcade-Highscore-Jagd, die nach knapp drei Stunden durchgespielt und danach schnell wieder vergessen ist. Schade!

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Jul 9, 2017

Tekken 7 ist ein würdiger Nachfolger der Reihe, der alte Standards beibehält und gleichzeitig gekonnt mit neuen Features überrascht – und das erstmals auch auf dem PC. Ganze 10 neue Kämpfer sorgen für frischen Wind und laden Anfänger, aber auch alteingesessene Profis, dazu ein, neue Kampfstile auszuprobieren.

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