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177 games reviewed
78.7 average score
80 median score
55.4% of games recommended

ActionTrip's Reviews

Oct 13, 2015

It's not devastating, just disappointing for what it appeared to be and what it could have been.

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7 / 10.0 - Street Fighter V
Feb 19, 2016

This version is really perfect for tournaments, that is for sure. If that was their goal, mission accomplished (I think it was their goal. – Ed. Vader).

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7 / 10.0 - Just Cause 3
Dec 16, 2015

Even with the long load times, annoying pop up messages from the ranking server login, having to play challenges to level up or even wondering why I am trying to free a country that from all appearances does not need to be freed, Just Cause 3 keeps compelling me to log in and play. Maybe it's the ability grapple onto enemy vehicles, toss the driver out like a wet dishrag and then drive it into a fuel depot.

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7 / 10.0 - Bound by Flame
May 9, 2014

As I'm sure anyone can tell from the discombobulation of words here, I have struggled with my thoughts about Bound by Flame. I have enjoyed it, I really have, but how can I explain it to others? What about it makes it something I must recommend to all of my RPG-loving friends? The sad truth is that there is nothing extraordinary about it to tell anyone Bound by Flame should be on their must-play lists for 2014. Most of the game is very well done, but none of it is that innovative or imaginative. It's fun, but it's a slightly above average RPG.

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Jun 9, 2014

Murdered: Soul Suspect is not perfect, but it doesn't deserve most of the criticisms heaped upon it. The game is definitely not for everyone and it's not something I can recommend to each and every gamer out there, especially those who love a challenge or action-heavy gameplay. But for the story gamers out there, here is your own personal gaming paradise.

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7 / 10.0 - Road Not Taken
Aug 12, 2014

It's amazing how sometimes the simplest of puzzle ideas can turn chaotically complex. Road Not Taken is definitely one of these games; don't let its cutesy art style fool you in the slightest. Or the raccoons. Pro tip: you see a raccoon, find a way to build a fire and make raccoon soup as fast as you can.

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Jan 20, 2015

Overall, Citizens of Earth has a good balance of humor, old-school RPG, and solid turn-based mechanics. I originally started my review with a PC copy of the game, but I had to switch to the PlayStation 4 because my copy crashed numerous times during the auto-saving. I can assure you that the checkpoints are numerous and generous, so none of my progress was lost between crashes. A few updates have been patched in since I received my PC code, so hopefully the game is no longer plagued with that one problem. It's definitely a worthwhile trip to the realm of retro RPGs, no matter if you go PC or console.

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7 / 10.0 - Evolve
Feb 26, 2015

Yes, Turtle Rock has a proven track record with Left 4 Dead, and I do enjoy a good player vs. player game every so often, what I can't quite decide on is if Evolve is going to live up to its heritage and grow on people enough to still be relevant in a few months or if it will succumb to the Titanfall effect: Hot out of the gate, but assuming room temperature not long afterwards. My head hurts.

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7 / 10.0 - The Order: 1886
Feb 24, 2015

The end result is something good, with zero glitches, texture pops, or mechanical problems with gameplay, but nothing about it is great.

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Out of Time may not be as captivating as the first episode, but it leaves plenty to look forward to and answers just enough questions to ask a few more. Coupled with the painting art style, DONTNOD has created a rather lovely and intriguing picture. It's going to be hard to wait for May for the third episode.

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There are quite a few things that make The Walking Dead: Michonne worth the fifteen dollar investment. The solid narrative and always interesting characters provide a fantastic backdrop to further flesh out the world, post-outbreak.

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Jun 21, 2016

While far from a dumpster fire, Deadlight: Director’s Cut is a mechanically sound platformer that is ultimately rather forgettable. Bluntly put, it is a game that can be fun at times, but lacks any sort of critical hook to incentivize players to see Wayne’s adventure to completion.

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7.2 / 10.0 - Adventures of Pip
Jun 5, 2015

As it is good and not great, Adventures of Pip is good enough to play through once, but most likely never again.

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7.3 / 10.0 - Lumo
May 24, 2016

You are most likely not going to see Lumo appearing on any “Game of the Year” lists this fall, but it is absolutely a valiant first outing for developer Gareth Noyce. The title shows that he has the chops and creativity to take another shot at a style of game that has been long-abandoned.

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7.3 / 10.0 - The Guest
Mar 17, 2016

The Guest does drive that mansion-horror vibe quite well, but by the end, you can’t help but feel like you missed something crucial, like Leonov’s past perhaps. I’m really looking for any reason why he’d suddenly seem totes okay with being kidnapped, when the rest of the game makes it seem like he’d definitely not.

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Nov 21, 2013

Visually, the game is absolutely beautiful. In addition to the fact that it's not a typical brown shooter, some of the cut-scenes on Vekta will take your breath away and make you realize that next-gen is here, and wow is it pretty. It's just a shame that the fun I initially felt with Shadow Fall's campaign faded away as the end missions droned on for far longer than they should have. At least the multiplayer brings that feeling back.

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Jan 19, 2015

While Saints Row IV: Re-elected does include all of the DLC released over the last year, consisting of a ton of costume and weapon packs and two campaign missions, if you already played SRIV the first time, there's little to really entice you to play it once more. The game hardly lent itself to replayability the first time around, save for a small desire to perhaps finish all of those side quests and activities even after completing the main campaign. If you've never played the fourth installment of Saints Row and you have a new generation console, then perhaps Re-elected will be worth your time and money, as long as you do not expect new generation-quality graphics. However, I cannot iterate enough that your time and money should only be invested if you like games that make fun of themselves, other games, pop culture, and never once takes itself seriously. Or, you should buy it if you loved it so much the first time, you can't wait to play it again on the new consoles. But if that was the case, I doubt you'd be reading this anyway.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Hard Reset Redux
Jun 3, 2016

If you loved Hard Reset when it first released, give Redux a try, especially if you never played the DLC. It’s probably the best part of the whole game due to the increased challenge and better hidden secrets. Those who have never played before, add Redux to your must-play list and dive in after you’ve had your fill of DOOM. Sadly, the release date might have doomed Redux from achieving its potential with consumers.

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Sep 29, 2014

Chances are, if you’ve never picked up a Professor Layton or a Phoenix Wright game, you’ll have little to no interest in this crossover. But for those who have only played one, you’ll find plenty of joy in Professor Layton vs.

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And in case you were curious, Graham does indeed solve the mystery of the missing mattresses. He didn't even need the help of meddling kids.

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