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Nindie Spotlight

4037 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

6.4 / 10.0 - The Skylia Prophecy
Apr 23, 2021

Making throwback games has got to be a difficult proposition, especially when trying to find a balance between classic and modern sensibilities...

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Having been a gamer all the way back to the days of Zork and text-based adventures I'm a fan of games that evoke nostalgic charm...

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5.7 / 10.0 - EQI
Apr 23, 2021

When you're working in the budget gaming space it can be tricky to define a fair basis for expectations, but while a lower asking price can make room for being more forgiving you can still sense when things have sort of run off the rails...

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8.8 / 10.0 - Picross S6
Apr 22, 2021

The Picross series has been around for so long at some point that it has become a sort of puzzle game staple, but that can also make people a bit numb to it...

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8 / 10.0 - Smelter
Apr 22, 2021

Appropriately named, as it combines elements of multiple styles of gaming, Smelter is a game that defies a simple explanation...

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Apr 22, 2021

Just from its pretty unusual title you could guess this will be a bit of an oddball ride, and though its length and depth are a little lacking there's no doubt that Turnip Boy and his many associates bring a unique flavor to mostly traditional play...

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Apr 22, 2021

Featuring anthropomorphic buildings who have many of the same quirks, cliques, and pet peeves that their human occupants do, there's no doubt Buildings Have Feelings Too is a bit odd...

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Apr 22, 2021

When you've got a crowded eShop first impressions can be everything, so when you struggle with a title right out of the gate it can be tough to recover...

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6.3 / 10.0 - Mystic Fate
Apr 22, 2021

At first glance the voxel-based dungeons (though perhaps a bit sparse on detail) and puzzle-like elements of working your way through in Mystic Date are at least interesting...

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While fighting games have been around for quite some time, and each franchise certainly has its own signature feel, there are certain constants gamers have come to expect...

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5.8 / 10.0 - Bamerang
Apr 22, 2021

Local multiplayer is certainly back with a vengeance on Switch, but for developers an unfortunate side effect of this fact is that even in the budget space you need to bring an "A Game" experience to make an impression...

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Apr 22, 2021

In my mind stealth-type games are tough to truly get right but when they come together the right way they offer up a very satisfying mix of strategy, tension, and even some action...

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Apr 21, 2021

With escape rooms having been a pretty popular group activity over the past decade or so (with the exception of the past year, obviously) it's not a surprise to see a puzzle title adopt that format for play...

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7 / 10.0 - World Splitter
Apr 21, 2021

When you start talking about twin-stick controls the shooter maniac in me instantly thinks of shooting but in World Splitter my favorite control scheme is put through new paces with a puzzle platformer instead...

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Apr 16, 2021

Certainly the puzzle genre, in general, has been quite well-represented on the Switch...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Hitchhiker
Apr 15, 2021

As the definition of what’s a game has continued to evolve and diversify over the years we’ve seen increasingly creative titles enter the space...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Rain on Your Parade
Apr 15, 2021

While most people spend so much of their lives consciously trying to be kind and courteous with others that isn’t to say they can’t have a mean streak in them...

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The classic point-and-click adventure Renaissance is really quite a thing to witness, and it is quirky and funny titles that The Darkside Detective that help not just to keep that spirit alive by existing, but by being a genuinely good time as well...

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If you're a fan of hidden object and puzzle games there has been a rash of releases of late so you'll have plenty of options, for sure...

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Apr 15, 2021

There's a challenge in the indie space, since top-quality and deep titles don't typically carry a premium price, so even games that are more modestly priced don't get much of a shield when it comes to quality and polish...

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