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Nindie Spotlight

4037 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

Apr 15, 2021

It's always great to see colorful and pretty family-friendly fare appear on the Switch, and in those regards Stitchy in Tooki Trouble fits the bill pretty well...

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5.7 / 10.0 - Godstrike
Apr 15, 2021

Billed as a tough-as-nails boss rush shooter essentially, that description is absolutely accurate...

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9 / 10.0 - Fez
Apr 14, 2021

This far into the Switch lifespan the list of outstanding top-notch indie titles that haven’t yet made it to the platform is dwindling...

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Apr 14, 2021

OK, so typically when you see games coming over in some form from the mobile space I tend to put on my skeptic hat and play “Did we really need this on a dedicated gaming console?” In the case of Wrong Dimension, though, I’ll skip right to the chase and bluntly tell you: YES!

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7.5 / 10.0 - Knight Squad 2
Apr 14, 2021

The original Knight Squad was a pleasant surprise, delivering pretty easy-to-grasp local multiplayer game that worked well whether people worked in teams or went free-for-all across a variety of modes...

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7 / 10.0 - Cannon Brawl
Apr 14, 2021

While there's no doubt that people will be quick to see Cannon Brawl sharing some gameplay similarities with the Worms series I'll go even older school and say that initially it reminded me greatly of the vintage Scorched Earth (though everyone I knew just called it Scorch)...

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7 / 10.0 - The Longing
Apr 14, 2021

Before getting a bit more negative I wanted to be clear I absolutely have respect for developers who dare to tackle the challenge of coming up with something unique...

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6.7 / 10.0 - Poison Control
Apr 13, 2021

It's wild how such oddball and quirky titles continue to come from Eastern developers, and if you're willing to lean into the experience they can be a bit of unexpected fun...

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Apr 9, 2021

I'll admit that this is a title that got off to a bit of a rocky start for me, with me essentially wondering what to do at first...

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8 / 10.0 - Luckslinger
Apr 9, 2021

As a fan of games that subvert expectations and are determined to simply be a bit weird, Luckslinger puts a smile on my face...

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8 / 10.0 - Say No! More
Apr 9, 2021

The thing about “weird games” is that they can be very hard to define or describe by typical genre rules or through comparison...

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6.8 / 10.0 - Gravity Heroes
Apr 9, 2021

With so many shooters of all kinds on the Switch it takes some effort to set yourself apart...

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8.5 / 10.0 - Cozy Grove
Apr 8, 2021

While bludgeoning or blowing away bad guys can always be good fun, everyone should have some time in their lives to slow things down...

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8.1 / 10.0 - What the Dub?!
Apr 8, 2021

There are absolutely some amazing party games out there on the Switch to enjoy with friends, but if you're on a tight budget perhaps the general need to buy them in bigger, and thus more expensive, packs makes them feel like a risk...

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8 / 10.0 - Astro Aqua Kitty
Apr 8, 2021

I like it when games manage to surprise me a little bit, especially when they’re in genres where I feel like I’ve seen just about everything...

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Ah, gotta love those niche specialty titles from overseas that bring a little flavor to the eShop...

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As a fan of literary classics I must say that seeing the names...

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7 / 10.0 - Breathedge
Apr 6, 2021

Breathedge is one of those titles where I'm not quite sure how to feel about it...

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Apr 6, 2021

The Switch, now that it has been thoroughly established, has really become a sort of window into the state of games from previous generations, having the advantage of being able to play them on the go...

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There's nothing wrong with an old-school shooter, where your goal is simple to run, gun, and make a bloody mess out of your enemies along the way...

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