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Nindie Spotlight

4054 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

8.5 / 10.0 - Super Hydorah
Nov 18, 2018

Overall I really can’t find any significant fault of note in the game, it plays well, borrows some classic concepts while still doing things its own way, and even offers hidden bonuses in each level that more obsessed fans should enjoy trying to find. The branching paths don’t simply make you choose to move ahead, you can circle back and hit everything if you’re determined to give yourself as many options as possible. Make no mistake, this has old school arcade sensibilities so while it won’t be stealing your quarters the first time you try to get through some stages you’re going to get taken down by some environmental surprises in some stages. All in all it’s a great arcade shooting experience that feels like it was lost back in the 80s and just rediscovered. Highly recommended for classic arcade shooter fans!

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6 / 10.0 - Trailblazers
Nov 18, 2018

With a community of people playing the game as intended I think Trailblazers could have had potential to be quite interesting. If you’re able to play with friends you can begin to see what the goals were and it is at least a different way to race. Unfortunately, as a single-player experience it is hard to feel the teamwork vibe working with bots and that makes for a pretty bland driving experience. Despite looking great and having a cool soundtrack there’s no escaping the somewhat ho-hum results in a typical race in Trailblazers.

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Nov 16, 2018

While Toast Time: Smash Up works reasonably well as a very different single-player game and an oddly chaotic multiplayer experience it falls into the “acquired taste” category. If you’re seeking something arcade-ish that’s cute and a bit different it may well do the trick. Mixing action, some physics, and a minimalist art style in a new way was ambitious, whether or not that will equate to sustained enjoyment will likely vary in this case.

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Nov 16, 2018

Starting with the positive it has a visual style that’s a bit different, going for a somewhat pixelated but semi-realistic kind of look rather than the typically more cartoony or space-based style...

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Nov 15, 2018

Much like a very different classic released on Switch, Another World, though it can be pretty easy to see and appreciate what made the title so revered that isn’t to say some aspects of it have aged well. The interactions and humor certainly have a certain timeless quality to them but mechanically there’s no question it’s all a bit clunky now. If you’re a classic adventure fan looking to reminisce or a true Adventure genre lover who wants to take some time to appreciate a cornerstone title in the genre Grim Fandango Remastered is well worth a look but for just about everyone else it may be too aggravatingly dated to be worthwhile.

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5 / 10.0 - Destruction
Nov 15, 2018

The idea is that just you, or you paired with up to 3 friends, control a squad of super agents who each possess some different abilities...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Soap Dodgem
Nov 15, 2018

For the most part it’s a simple premise: You have your bar of soap and your goal is to move in straight lines to wipe out gross dirt...

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Nov 14, 2018

All in all I’d say that Mother Russia Bleeds is likely a game best left to genre fans due to its level of violence and difficulty. In general just about anything else will be a milder experience, or at least not as excessive. That said, if you’re someone who loves a tough beat-em-up experience I’d say this is pretty well a must-buy for doing the genre proud with challenging gameplay and quite a number of surprises along the way. If you’ve been bemoaning the same old same old in brawlers get ready for a kick in the teeth with Mother Russia Bleeds, it’s hardly ordinary.

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At the end of the day Sky Force Anniversary is a gorgeous and challenging arcade shooter, and deserving of your attention on Switch even though the genre has become more crowded. Its looks are top-notch, it offers a significant degree of challenge for shmup fans, and its controls are buttery-smooth. Just be prepared to invest in the game for the long-term if you really want to see all it has to offer, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I just feel like the game could and should perhaps ease up the throttle, at least early on, to give people a few unlocks to better see what’s possible earlier on so they don’t necessarily give up before seeing much of what the game has to offer.

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7.5 / 10.0 - GRIP: Combat Racing
Nov 14, 2018

While GRIP may not be everything you could hope for in a combat racer it also nails some crucial elements when you play the right modes that make it worthwhile. Perhaps it tried a little too hard to find a more broad appeal with modes that are more focused on racing, and though changing up your vehicles to match the mode can help quite a bit in general the straight racing simply isn’t anywhere near as fun as when you’re trying to wreck your opponents. I’d be fascinated to see what they’d do with a sequel if they focused on the elements that worked well and expanded them and perhaps expended a little less effort on trying to be a racing title.

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8 / 10.0 - Crashlands
Nov 13, 2018

As a whole Crashlands may be the most friendly and mainstream survival-ish game I’ve played. It manages to incorporate all of the elements of the genre with exploration, challenging combat, and a pretty extensive crafting system but has also generally left out the aggravation. It’s possible that genre purists would turn their nose at this but I think it could also be an excellent title for slowly introducing a new audience to what the genre has to offer without scaring them off quite so quickly. If you’ve ever looked at survival games from afar but have been hesitant Crashlands is extremely approachable while still not easy by any means, it just won’t punish you as heavily for your mistakes as is typical with most titles in the genre.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Full Metal Furies
Nov 13, 2018

As a game that you can enjoy with a group of friends (the more the merrier) Full Metal Furies is a unique take on a beat-em-up, peppering in some ranged characters elements of action RPG progression as well. It’s smart, sassy, and really forces you to work together to get through some tough spots that will require coordination. Unfortunately as a solo experience it suffers and ends up almost being a completely different game in the process, relatively forcing you to favor use of your melee characters and then hoping your ranged ones don’t become liabilities when you use them. If you have a group that’s looking for an action-based challenge with personality it’s a solid choice though.

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Nov 13, 2018

While I’m not sure people who aren’t either “vintage” gamers like me or folks who have an appreciation for video game history will have a great deal of incentive to pick it up, the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection delivers just about everything I could want from such a package. It provides both an opportunity to immerse yourself in the game industry and its rise through the eyes of this one revered company and to enjoy a completely arcade-accurate experience by playing these classic titles.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Townsmen
Nov 11, 2018

While its appearance is relatively humble the gameplay is surprisingly deep and surpassed my expectations. I’d approached it as if it would have simpler mobile-like mechanics and it does do a better job than that. About my only major complaint aside from the presentation would just be that there were sports where I’d set things in motion and then would have to wait to watch as everything got queued up. There is a fast forward button but even with that in effect there can be times when the game drags a bit. However, since even with the size of the Switch library this sort of game is an oddity it’ll likely be worth a look for people who enjoy their city building, just perhaps a little watered down overall, if nothing else by the lesser complexity of the time period.

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Nov 11, 2018

Overall if you’re a massive Steven Universe fan this should be a pretty easy call, the bugs aside it’s a pretty well-made game that takes you on an adventure with pretty well the entire cast. If you’re less familiar with the license not everything may make a lot of sense but the mechanics of the core gameplay, combat, and leveling system are good enough to warrant a look. Just be warned in any case that you’ll likely hit some bumps along the way with glitches so be sure to save periodically to minimize the impact when they hit.

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Nov 11, 2018

Already having played quite a number of games with a similar set-up on Switch I’m sort of down the middle with Deru. Both in terms of the aesthetics and ambient music it is a subdued and even beautiful experience, which is a plus. The puzzles are certainly varied and some even may seem overwhelming at first as you try to figure out what you’ll need to do to get through them. Even once you have your plan in place execution is critical and this isn’t set up to be a cake walk by any means. However, in terms of overall creativity, diversity, and requiring outside of the box thinking to push you it isn’t quite in the same league as something like Death Squared, so it’s quite good but not at the top of its category.

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Nov 11, 2018

What’s really weird is the depth of mobile roots this game has, with a wide variety of unlockable characters to play as or weird balls to use. I can’t imagine the majority of people out there would unlock even a fraction of what’s available before giving up on this title. Just a shred of nuance or control would have been appreciated, too many times I was able to hit my opponent with ice or something else to stop them only to then have my player hit the ball right to them. Simplicity can be good and even fun but I think it was a terrible choice here, at least at this extreme degree for a sport where I have a minimum set of expectations.

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Nov 11, 2018

The real issue here is just there isn’t very much to sink your teeth into past the initial novelty of it all. Enemies simply aren’t that interesting, most fighting is a bit button mashy, and while the camera is mostly tolerable when fighting against monsters that die quickly in the more extended boss fights it’s almost like a third opponent as you try to keep everything together. If you’ve got a dinosaur-obsessed younger gamer they may enjoy simply stomping around and knocking things out for a while but even though the theme is fun the lack of variety and overall funkiness of the total package bring on an extinction of interest pretty quickly.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Astebreed
Nov 8, 2018

With as many bullet hell shmups as I’ve played over the years, including ones that have dabbled in different perspectives of various kinds, I’ve simply never played anything like Astebreed. It’s visually full of detail that you’ll blow by and struggle to appreciate as your screen is full of targets, but for all of that intensity the gameplay rarely has any hitches. Once you get the controls in order it’s smooth sailing and feels very natural, even as the game constantly shifts perspective and style on you. While I couldn’t really tell you much of anything about the story, there’s certainly one there, just since it plays out while you’re desperately trying to stay alive I’m not sure you’re really meant to digest it more than in passing. If you’ve been looking for something different and intense in a bullet hell shooter, Astebreed is a solid choice.

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8.5 / 10.0 - The Bug Butcher
Nov 8, 2018

Overall, if there’s any piece of you that has a love for a rock-solid arcade shooting experience The Bug Butcher is a wonderful surprise with an extremely fair price. If you’re an old-school gamer like me you’ll likely appreciate the nods to Pang’s iconic style but if you’re not familiar with that title it will probably just feel like a shooter with bouncing enemies that you’ll need to carefully destroy to get maximum results. Throw in global leaderboards, an ability to slowly enhance your skills, and a pretty surprising variety of weirdo bugs to deal with and it’s a very good time. While I don’t expect my high scores to last for long, it was a lot of fun getting them.

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