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1192 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
82.2% of games recommended

NoobFeed's Reviews

Mar 18, 2020

Ori and the Blind Forest was a rare gem. Combining an emotionally charged story, with beautiful visuals, and challenging gameplay. Tethering everything together was the passionate soundtrack that invoked feelings of both sadness and love. Ori and the Will of the Wisps take every concept of the original game and builds on it. Providing the same exceptional atmosphere and Metroidvania gameplay. But with improved combat mechanics, more engaging optional missions, and a deeply passionate story and soundtrack that rivals Ori and the Blind Forest. Ori and the Will of the Wisps is an outstanding sequel that both challenges and dazzles the player with its enchanting musical score and remarkable visuals. It's a shame that the most major thing holding it back is the technical problems.

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70 / 100 - AO Tennis 2
Mar 7, 2020

With all its woes, AO Tennis 2 is still a vibrant and fun game to play.

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Feb 20, 2020

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem's lack of polish detracts from the great hack-and-slash ARPG found at its core.

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Jan 27, 2020

You’re trapped on an alien world, your spaceship is broken, and the only way off this planet is to venture into the unknown and do your job. In any other game, this would be a bleak and dark adventure but not in Journey to the Savage Planet. Instead, despite being in a life and death situation the colorful world, toon-like lifeforms, and disturbingly cheerful AI create a lively atmosphere. Journey of the Savage Planet provides ample areas full of hidden secrets waiting to be unearthed but relies heavily on collecting items and hoarding resources. Despite the heavy collection focused gameplay the wit and charm of Journey of the Savage Planet provide a gleeful mask to cover the tedious collecting.

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Dec 29, 2019

Blacksad: Under the Skin's many technical issues make it an absolute letdown.

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Dec 14, 2019

Darksiders Genesis' action-packed combat and gorgeous visuals prove that the franchise still has plenty of juice left.

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70 / 100 - Phoenix Point
Dec 9, 2019

Phoenix Point’s great aspects do eventually shine through, as long as you’re willing to weather some fairly harsh storms and deal with lackluster onboarding and presentation.

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86 / 100 - Mosaic
Dec 5, 2019

Mosaic paints all its scenes with great care and, while it might be a slow burner, it’s as cerebral as it is emotional and tells an enthralling story.

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Life is Strange 2 has reached its end. With Sean and Daniel's adventure coming to a finish with multiple endings but not without having some profounds choices littered throughout. The episode is light in areas to explore and requires a lot of interaction with random items to get an understanding of what happened between episodes 4 and 5. But it's during the finale and how Sean raised Daniel that things come together and either end with a somber note or a massive explosion.

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Nov 17, 2019

Since the reboot of the Star Wars Battlefront series fans has been yearning for a solid Star Wars game. One not plagued with over monetization or lackluster features. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is that game. It's an exceptional and challenging adventure that does this acclaimed series justice. Small problems like recycled boss fights and lack of direction do hamper the experience. But given this is Respawn Entertainment's first attempt at an adventure game after making multiple first-person shooters show this studio can deliver more than great shooters. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is the Star Wars game fans have been waiting for.

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55 / 100 - Sparklite
Nov 14, 2019

Sparklite has all the ingredients required for a great game but fails to brew them into something memorable.

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75 / 100 - Death Stranding
Nov 13, 2019

Even after completing Death Stranding twice I've been conflicted about how I feel about this title. On one hand, the narrative, presentation, lore, and soundtrack are outstanding. On the other hand, the game's core gameplay teetered between tiresome and exceptional. Death Stranding's world-building featured an incredible landscape teeming with interesting lore but surrounding that is a delivery simulator.

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Nov 1, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 is a charming and often beautiful game. With varied environments, lots of boss fights, and so much money to collect this latest ghost-busting adventure is everything a fan could hope for. With small issues with the game's controls and a recycled narrative bringing this otherwise great installment. Luigi's Mansion 3 is much of the same players loved about this cult classic that will delight both long-time fans and newcomers alike.

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92 / 100 - The Outer Worlds
Oct 31, 2019

Simply put, The Outer Worlds is an outstanding space adventure. Obsidian has done an exceptional job of incorporating the system's found in their other highly acclaimed project, Fallout: New Vegas, and using them in a brand new venture. With only a tiny amount of issues to plague the experience, The Outer Worlds excels at in every other aspect. Taking players on a trip where corporations rule everything and you decide the fate of thousands of people.

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60 / 100 - Moons of Madness
Oct 29, 2019

Moons of Madness makes you feel like you're on Mars but fails as a horror game.

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Oct 28, 2019

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboots the legendary series that set the standard for multiplayer progression. The campaign touches on sensitive issues on the reality of modern warfare within a stale generic narrative. The multiplayer is the same experience with slight changes to the established Call of Duty system. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is more of the same and won't change the minds of those who've never liked the series or have moved on to other games.

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90 / 100 - Indivisible
Oct 7, 2019

Indivisible has taken years to finally release and it was well worth the wait. The incredible graphics, amazing characters, and terrific gameplay combine for an excellent adventure. Ajna's journey from village girl to humanity's savior is a gripping tale full of character-defining moments and outstanding boss fights. It does lack the in-depth customization that RPG fans enjoy and the upgrade system is shallow as well. But these shortcomings rarely hamper what is one of the best games of 2019. Indivisible delights and challenges the player with a beautiful journey that will keep you hooked to the very end.

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85 / 100 - Dauntless
Oct 2, 2019

It's hard to play Dauntless without comparing it to Capcom's incredibly successful and popular Monster Hunter franchise. The free-to-play title captures many of the aspects that fans loved about those titles here. Killing monsters, gaining loot, and crafting new gear. It's a little disappointing that a bulk of the personalization options are locked behind microtransactions but this is a small issue. Dauntless successfully crafts an addicting monster hunting formula with lots of incredible Behemoths to kill.

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Sep 29, 2019

eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 delivers an experience that competes with real-life footballing.

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Sep 28, 2019

Short and sweet, Untitled Goose Game lets you live out the fantasy of being a jerk goose.

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