NoobFeed's Reviews
The Surge 2 is about failure and success. Players are put into a dire situation and expected to survive, fighting against deadly humans and beasts that can easily tear through an adult human with ease. You will die, get pushed back, and expected to try again. This difficult journey through the quarantined city of Jericho can be vexing at times due to the lack of some modern conveniences but that makes success that much sweeter. Even with its shortcomings, The Surge 2 excels at providing a challenging science-fiction adventure overflowing with incredible boss fights.
Borderlands 3's stellar gunplay and awesome arsenal heavily contrast its disappointing humor and characters.
Cute and spooky, funny and sad, Little Misfortune is an interactive story with a lot of strange charm.
Monster Hunter World brought the cult franchise to a larger audience. Maintaining the same harsh difficulty of the core games but ensuring that newcomers can also learn the complicated planning that goes into hunting these beasts. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is more of what you would expect from the franchise but with a new icy land to explore. Providing over 40 overs worth of content and even more free post-launch monsters in the future. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne could easily be mistaken as a sequel and once the game hooks you with obtaining its enticing gear it'll be hard to stop playing.
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series skyrocketed Telltales Games into one of the most beloved game development studios. The studio would eventually close due to mismanagement but thanks to Skybound, the series would reach its end. With The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Edition telling Clementine's entire story from her early childhood days meeting Lee to becoming a mother and guardian to an orphan child. The package also contains the season 2's prequel, 400 Days, and the spinoff series The Walking Dead: Michonne, but Clementine's journey is the star of this package. A journey full of difficult decisions and emotionally traumatizing moments that will mold Clementine into either a harden or empathetic survivor. If you missed out on The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series now is your chance to experience this acclaimed franchise in one place.
Gears of War 4 introduced a new enemy and didn't attempt to stray from the established formula of the original games. Gears 5 takes a lot more risks, shifting the focus of the narrative, introducing side missions, and new gameplay mechanics by building on previous systems. Much of these new changes work in the game's benefit, providing a refreshing take on the franchise. It's unfortunate that a glitch exists that can cause halt progression in the campaign and the multiplayer, while loyal to the Gears formula, has experience boosting options. Along with the promising campaign ending with an awful cliffhanger, Gears 5 takes a lot of steps in the right direction to provide a refreshing experience from this acclaimed series but stumbles way too many times along the way.
Astral Chain constantly moves forward and builds momentum for an explosive end. As part of an elite law enforcement unit known as Neuron, it's your job to fight the most deadly monsters humanity has ever encountered with tools only a handful of people have access to. Without a doubt, Astral Chain is one of PlatinumGames best work and one of the top exclusives for the Nintendo Switch. An outstanding story that constantly ramps up with bigger and more dangerous threat with a constant stream of new and deadly enemies within a beautifully decorated world. It's only when the developers attempt to go outside those strong mechanics and try something different that Astral Chain fumbles.
Blair Witch is a polarizing game. On one hand, Bloober Team does a fantastic job crafting an atmospheric and often frightening adventure. On the other hand, the game includes random glitches that require restarting the game to resolve. Making the only thing holding Blair Witch back is the preventable technical issues.
Children of Morta's excellent combat and gorgeous pixel art are only surpassed by how genuinely human its cast of characters feels.
After the release of Until Dawn, many were excited for what Supermassive would tackle next. The first installment in The Dark Pictures Anthology called Man of Medan won't appeal to everyone. It still has believable and realistic characters attempting to survive a horrible situation. With multiple avenues of success and failure. But the narrative takes a while to get started and the movement of the characters when exploring can feel like they have a force field around them. Regardless, Man of Medan excels at delivering an uneasy and tension-filled horror adventure.
In the world of Control, the supernatural is very real and the government knows about it. In this Metroidvania style adventure, you must prevent a global disaster after having being placed in a precarious situation. Taking on the role of Director of the Federal Bureau of Control protagonist Jesse Faden must slowly claw her way through hostile forces, gain new powers, and attempt to stop the supernatural force called the Hiss. Despite some issues, such as audio errors and bullet sponge enemies, Control constantly entices the player with new discoveries. It carries the same tones found in other Remedy Entertainment games while establishing its own identity as a great new IP.
RAD is a tough post-post-apocalyptic adventure that has players relying not only on skill to survive the mutated hordes but luck as well. With each new run offering randomized powerups and maps that constantly challenges the player. Adding to the difficulty is the rarity of health and making purchasable resources expensive. Despite this RAD's addicting gameplay quickly takes over. And once you get into the flow of RAD's rhythm of death and renewal you'll keep coming back for more.
Life is Strange 2 started at breakneck speed and hasn't let up since then. With Sean and Daniel constantly being tested in both their physical fortitudes and emotional stability. Episode 4 Faith has Sean attempting to locate Daniel while both his physical and mental health are constantly under pressure. Eventually leading up to a profound conclusion that has Sean knocking on Death's door and attempting to save what's most important to him.
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 – Winds of Magic and its 2.0 update are yet another shaky step in the game’s post-launch journey.
There was a lot more to The Church in the Darkness, but it needed a little more time in the oven. If it’s possible to polish up some of the gameplay down the line, there could be a memorable experience to be had here.
The graphics are pleasant and the game's personality is undeniable. On the other hand, I was disappointed by the halftone result of the story mode, which at times feels almost like an amateur production. But, even so, Lethal League Blaze still offers a fun experience.
Although its story lacks focus, Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is an enjoyable point-and-click adventure that mixes lovecraftian horror with comedy and a snarky talking cat.
Wolfenstein holds a high position among a lot of FPS gamers. Wolfenstein: Youngblood seeks to carry the torch of this respected series but not only drops the torch but sets fire to everything around it. The cutscenes share The New Colossus' extraordinary quality and the new protagonists Jessica and Sophia provide authentic entertaining performances. However, many of the archaic mechanics that were vexing in the previous games are still present here. Wolfenstein: Youngblood starts strong, with a brilliant cast of characters and incredibly choreographed cutscenes but slowly falls due to the repetitive missions and bullet sponge-like enemies.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 maintains some elements in common with the original title, but it also saves many other surprises.
The Fate of Atlantis has been a positive turn for Assassin's Creed Odyssey's DLC expansions. Legacy of the First Blade failed to impress due to lack of unique areas and mostly bland narrative. However, The Fate of Atlantis had Alexios traveling to different realms, seeing old faces, and interacting with gods. A definite improvement from exploring the same areas over and over. Episode 3 Judgment of Atlantis ends things on a high note as Alexios takes on the mantle of champion for one last journey with the gods.