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297 games reviewed
82.1 average score
83 median score
99.7% of games recommended

NoesPaisparaFrikis's Reviews

8.5 / 10.0 - Summer in Mara
Jul 20, 2020

Quiet, pretty, and entertaining.

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9.5 / 10.0 - CrossCode
Jul 17, 2020

Cross Code, officially, my sleeper, my surprise of 2020.

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Jul 13, 2020

From now on the video game is already art.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Ion Fury
Jul 8, 2020

Ion Fury is a proposal that will amaze any shooter lover

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7.8 / 10.0 - Disintegration
Jul 1, 2020

Disintegration is a game with a new proposal, full of great ideas.

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Jun 29, 2020

Shantae and the Seven Sirens has all the ballots to be one of the best platforms of this 2020

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7.1 / 10.0 - Beyond Blue
Jun 24, 2020

Beyond Blue is a calm, immersive and deeply didactic proposal, with a very simple gameplay that encourages us, little by little, to fall into their networks. Thanks to a visual section that portrays with great beauty the marine environments and their animals and a very remarkable voice casting, it is impossible not to fall exhausted at your feet. Of course, the proposal is short, because in about 3 hours (something more if we investigate in depth its scenarios) we will have realized its history. E-Line knows how to blur, like few others, that fine line that separates the didactic from the playful: a video game as rich in knowledge as it is absorbing in its playable part.

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7.1 / 10.0 - 1971 Project Helios
Jun 16, 2020

1971: Project Helios is a video game that offers a first approach to the genre of the ideal strategy: its combat system is simple and effective, with enough variations to create diverse strategies that best suit the player's tastes.

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Jun 12, 2020

The best cycling game that you are going to try on consoles.

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May 28, 2020

Mafia 2 is a great adventure that knows how to narrate with style and verve the vicissitudes of Vito and Joe within the Family

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7.9 / 10.0 - Kholat
May 26, 2020

Undoubtedly, a stimulating work, with ups and downs in its plot development, but with a slow, slow tone that will delight those who want to have a good time of tension without fear of the free scare.

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7.4 / 10.0 - Boot Hill Bounties
May 19, 2020

It is a sequel to Boot Hill Heroes, an RPG of the same cut released nearly a decade ago for PC and PSVita, and created by an independent studio called Experimental Gamer Studios, captained by Dave Welch. And it is that the friend Welch has been with the worm of creating an RPG since he put very strong in his SNES to Final Fantasy III, Chrono Trigger or the aforementioned Earthbound.

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8.8 / 10.0 - 80's Overdrive
May 18, 2020

80's Overdrive is undoubtedly a return to the arcade of the last century in all its aspects, and although it can be repetitive in long sessions, the truth is that it is very difficult for me to get angry with a game that you can always play one more game, at I'm sure I'll be there as soon as I have ten minutes to spare, and it's definitely going to stay on my Switch Lite for a long time.

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7.4 / 10.0 - Daymare: 1998
May 11, 2020

Invader Studios has managed to transmit his love for this genre with this work. And he did it by talking to us in whispers, close to the ear, tricking us with tricks that we already know but that continue to excite us.

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May 6, 2020

A very careful artistic design, a "movie" sound section and a very addictive gameplay we can say without fear of being mistaken that Predator Hunting Ground holds the title of being the best adaptation made of the 1987 film.

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8.6 / 10.0 - Deliver Us The Moon
May 4, 2020

Deliver Us the Moon is a demonstration that a sandbox can be contained and contingent on a story. A magnificent journey for the senses.

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8.5 / 10.0 - MotoGP 20
Apr 24, 2020

MotoGp20 is not just any game that seeks to get us out of the rooms thanks to an official license. It is an extraordinary driving simulator that is really solvent, fun and really accessible to all users who want to put the cartridge, or disk, on their console. Graphically flawless and with fairly solid physics make this game the best option for lovers of two wheels and without a doubt manages to take off the "jumpsuit" to put on the helmet and go out to take the bike in these days of pandemic.

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5.9 / 10.0 - Tharsis
Apr 13, 2020

Tharsis is one of those games with a different approach, interesting and with the necessary complexity to invite the player to throw in all the hours of the world.

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Apr 6, 2020

We are facing a franchise that is going to give a lot to talk about in the next generation, because playably it is "bocato di cardinale", artistically it has no rival or it has very few, and this will only improve with the next characters that will be added , settings, and who knows if modes. If you like fighting games, if you like its aesthetics, don't miss it.

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8.1 / 10.0 - Nioh 2
Apr 1, 2020

I do not see a single reason to miss this game that climbs a step at all levels with respect to its predecessor and that does not have any major shortcomings.

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