Fanbyte's Reviews
Creature in the Well has a promising premise, but fails to build it into something as challenging (and rewarding) as it ought to be.
Link's Awakening brings us back to a simpler time, when subtler changes to the Zelda formula were much more novel. It's just as charming now as it was back then, but some rough edges and a poor dungeon maker hold it back.
Taking place mostly in your rideshare car, Neo Cab offers a fascinating premise through a small and memorable cast of city dwellers. It's not politically shy, and it has fascinating worldbuilding down to the mundane.
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair dials back expectations for the better in this more focused sequel.
The core elements of Indivisible, like the story and the action, are interesting, but an overall lack of polish holds it back.
Concrete Genie is visually striking and offers a chill artistic experience, but its rote combat and by-the-numbers narrative greatly bring it down as the game progresses.
Felix the Reaper is an exhaustingly tedious puzzle game that attempts to set itself apart with the patina of a quirky thematic approach.
The Outer Worlds is a fun return to a tried and true formula. It doesn't break any molds, but it does approach its genre with a bit more nuance than we've seen in quite some time.
Luigi's Mansion 3 has a completely solid setup for another ghost hunt. The hotel environment makes every floor stand out, the bosses and basic enemies feel like a great mix of the last two games, and Luigi himself really shines. It's a ghastly great time.
Death Stranding is a breathtaking experience only marred by some unnecessary combat and a story that is often more complex than it should be.
Disco Elysium is a mercilessly deep RPG, both in terms of its well-written world and the sheer volume of decisions it tracks.
Mosaic a gorgeous little slice of dystopian hell-life, for what that’s worth. It just… doesn’t bring anything new to the table.
At times it feels like playing around with a chemistry set. Except it can only produce fun and harmless explosions.