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1735 games reviewed
71.7 average score
75 median score
55.3% of games recommended

WayTooManyGames's Reviews

Apr 20, 2024

I may have enjoyed the shallow, but ever amusing combat sections featured in this collection, but I had to endure utterly boring VN sequences in order to reach the next one. There was also not a lot of substance in terms of lasting appeal and amount of content, despite the “Collection” name in its title. The ridiculousness of the premise doesn’t entirely make up for the technical shortcomings or the boring plotlines, but it’s still amusing in shorter bursts.

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9 / 10.0 - Dragon's Dogma 2
Apr 17, 2024

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is exactly what I wanted; an updated sequel that still hold true to what made the first game so beloved. While it may not be perfect with its lack luster visuals and performance, it more than makes up for in deep gameplay and addicting exploration. The Pawn system still remains one of the coolest party systems in an RPG, and I love the dynamic feel of them. This is absolutely a game of the year contender and may be my personal game of the year already.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Kudzu
Apr 15, 2024

It’s not a terrifically long title, but it’s got heart and a proud showing of individuality in both concept and execution. But having the game become so difficult, not because it’s intended to be, but because it’s performing poorly, reminded me less of Goodboy Galaxy and more of Faceball 2000. If there becomes a more economic way to get the straight Gameboy version, I highly recommend that and think it could be exciting for retro enthusiasts and modern players.

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8 / 10.0 - Corn Kidz 64
Apr 15, 2024

Corn Kidz 64 may have its fair share of issues, but it clicked with me. The visuals, the exact kind of instrumentation you’d expect from an 12MB cartridge, the nonsensical emphasis on collecting everything on sight… it’s all there. Add in some charming animations and some shockingly great level design, and what you have here is basically a staple for all future indie developers to look upon when deciding to make a N64-inspired retro platformer.

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8 / 10.0 - Freedom Planet 2
Apr 11, 2024

While not a game that I can play for an exceptionally long time, Freedom Planet 2 has a charm and appeal that cannot be denied, and makes for a fantastic sequel to an ambitious original. Excessive exposition moments drag down the momentum, but you can jump right back in with surprising vigor.

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Apr 11, 2024

The problem with Hebereke Enjoy Edition is that it’s a single ROM, with no regards for localization whatsoever. It is a good game, and worth checking out if you loved Ufouria: The Saga 2. But Sunsoft and City Connection could (and should) have done a lot more to entice fans of the franchise and appeal to newcomers. With so many games in the series available in other platforms, an entire retro collection could have been created instead of this barebones pseudo-remaster of a single Famicom title.

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Apr 10, 2024

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is a truly bonkers collectathon with some wacky ideas and excellent level design. There is a lot to do, a lot of places to explore, tons of gears to collect, and dozens of references and pop culture nods to unearth. It is an excessive game in terms of its presentation; it can be too much at times. It’s loud, it’s abrasive, and it’s (adorably) juvenile. But that’s also what makes it so charming, in my opinion. It might be ridiculous at times, but it wears that crown of stupidity with gusto.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Skaramazuzu
Apr 10, 2024

Perhaps that’s one of the grand takeaways from Sakramazuzu: there are many questions that both the living and the dead harbor about the Great Beyond. In a tale about existence and meaning with its own quirky styling and approach, it’s natural that we all find something that sits uncomfortably in our own minds. It could be that I, myself, am beset with an awkward position when a conversation lulls and thus need to talk, and I see that reflected in Zuzu and am unhappy with that lens. Or, perhaps, I just need a game to do something other than talk AT me in the middle of trying to discover a bigger purpose.

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Apr 9, 2024

Despite some issues, Ereban Shadow Legacy is an entertaining stealth experience that takes a novel concept and pushes it throughout the entire game. Sneaking around in the shadows is always a good time for stealth fans, and this one will certainly satisfy that itch.

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Apr 9, 2024

Children of the Sun is a truly unique game worth experiencing that had me hooked for its entire runtime. An engaging puzzle-centric design mixed with an addictive gameplay loop and extremely high replay value. If you are looking for something a little bit weird, then this is the game for you.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Saviorless
Apr 8, 2024

I’m not taking its fascinating and heartwarming development history into account when I say that I liked Saviorless and recommend it… if you’re into this specific kind of slow-paced, artsy platformer.

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The Legend of Legacy has ideas that I fully support, but the execution has it firmly sitting in the mildly above average category. The major deterrent is the absence of a storyline. It’s the definition of loose, and no amount of exercise will help it tighten.

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Apr 4, 2024

Buckshot Roulette is a very short experience, but one that is worth trying out. A uniquely interesting premise that will keep you busy for a couple of hours. Hopefully the developer can expand on this some more, as there is potential for expansion here.

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Let me be clear that I laud Saber Interactive for doing the impossible and managing to make a game like Kingdom Come: Deliverance run on the Switch in the first place. Sadly, just because they could, it doesn’t mean they should have done so. This game is not a good fit for the platform, be it for its excessive emphasis on immersion and realism, or the sheer amount of setbacks and limitations which had to be taken in order to make it run (poorly) on the console in the first place.

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7 / 10.0 - The Gap
Apr 3, 2024

The Gap doesn’t drop breadcrumbs to lead players to the end, it uses megaphones to scream answers at you while also keeping you completely in the dark. It’s like if Verbal had started his conversation with “I’m Keyser Soze” but then been frustratingly vague about what he was doing on the day in question. The result is something that’s an interesting and big swing in the world of game storytelling, but it only gets a piece of the ball: it doesn’t connect enough for a homerun.

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Apr 3, 2024

Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game feels less like a mere logistics simulator, and more like a truck version of Death Stranding that feels more exciting to play than Death Stranding itself.

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Apr 2, 2024

For decades, I’ve chased the high that games of my childhood delivered, but I could never quite scratch the itch. But the combination of elements – the discovery, the combat, the upgrades and the world itself – made me excited to dive into Minishoot’ Adventures each and every time. It hits upon all that I love and does it with grace and aplomb, and I cannot recommend this game enough. A treasure in a modern world of titles, it doesn’t do retro through pixel graphics or bananas difficulty: it’s retro because it makes you feel like a kid again.

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4 / 10.0 - Krimson
Apr 1, 2024

From its overly sensitive controls to its questionable design choices, Krimson managed to irritate me throughout my entire gameplay. Not even its metal soundtrack, which should have been a slam dunk to my ears, managed to make this utterly irritating experience stand out in a positive way. It’s almost as if it was intentionally crafted to annoy me in every conceivable way. I simply cannot recommend it. Even if you like loud, abrasive and challenging games, there are better options elsewhere. This is just unnecessary sensory overload for the sake of it.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Welcome to ParadiZe
Mar 30, 2024

Welcome to ParadiZe‘s premise sounded a lot cooler on paper than in practice. The sheer limitations on the zombie taming aspect made the game feel like a mere Diablo-ish clone, at best, with the only difference that you and your friends have four more brainded AI allies to help you out on your raids. It’s serviceable with friends, and really boring if you decide to play it by yourself. All in all, it’s not inherently bad, but far from good either. I’ve played better zombie games, and worse zombie games.

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Mar 28, 2024

I tried not to compare South Park: Snow Day to The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole, but considering it is still a sequel of sorts, it’s hard not to feel massively disappointed with this game. We went from gorgeous and hilarious RPGs to a bland, boring, uneventful action roguelike with baffling graphical design choices, underwhelming controls, and an overall gameplay loop you have experienced dozens of times before. The sense of humor alone is not worth the admission ticket.

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