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La Orden del Pixel

80 games reviewed
100.0% of games recommended

La Orden del Pixel's Reviews

Prince of Persia returns from the hand of Ubisoft with The Lost Crown, a metroidvania out of nowhere that surprises both for the quality with which it interprets the elements of the genre. A title that takes by surprise every lover of metroidvania and a must of this 2024.

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Mar 11, 2024

Arrowhead shines with Helldivers 2, a very funny sequel, which surprises both veterans of the series and those who had never heard of the name until now. A unique, entertaining and identity-filled title that awaits with open arms anyone willing to supply a little democracy at the point of a shotgun.

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Mar 8, 2024

A Void Hope is an enigmatic narrative adventure, technically impeccable that, although it suffers from some issues present in its gameplay, it is still enjoyable in its own way. However, the experience itself leaves a mixed feeling since it could have gone deeper in certain aspects. Despite this, the emotional charge of the story makes it a proposal that, in its own way, can be enjoyed.

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Mar 4, 2024

The Thaumaturge invites us to immerse ourselves in a mystical and peculiar Warsaw, through a narrative experience that, although not without its ups and downs, stands out for its quality. Although it is a videogame that could have been better in many aspects, it can not be denied that Fool's Theory has created and given life to something very interesting.

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Yes - Dicefolk
Mar 2, 2024

Dicefolk is a very fun roguelite that while it doesn't reinvent the wheel, it presents enough novelties to feel fresh within the genre and keep us hooked for hours.

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Caution - Graven
Feb 23, 2024

Graven is a retro aesthetic FPS with great aspirations through which it intends to pay tribute to the mythical Hexen, Heretic or Blood, but it fails when it comes down to it. You can see the love and effort that Slipgate Ironworks put into developing a title inspired by classics from the '90s. However, there are several elements that work against it, making it difficult to recommend.

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Feb 21, 2024

Lords of Exile, the 2D adventure from Squidbit Works, captures the essence of playing a classic from the NES catalog but with some of the advantages of modern gaming. A fun arcade game that captures the essence of the classics of yesteryear without tripping over the layers of artificial difficulty of those titles. Throughout 8 levels it presents a simple and straightforward challenge, with a linear progression and a good dose of old-school action.

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Yes - Ultros
Feb 19, 2024

Ultros, Hadoque's title, is a very creative proposal that combines metroidvania elements with a series of very creative mechanics, resulting in a unique experience. A most unusual and even cathartic adventure that leaves you wanting more.

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Feb 7, 2024

BlazBlue Entropy Effect expands the fighting game saga to the roguelite genre, with a very colorful artistic proposal, enriched by a varied gameplay full of possibilities. 91Act did a truly spectacular job, demonstrating that a saga can leave the margins to which we are accustomed and still be wonderful.

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Jan 26, 2024

Hilltop Studios debuts in a big way with Lil' Guardsman, a humorous game inspired by titles such as Monkey Island and Papers, Please, which offers a cartoonish and fun adventure. The effort put by the studio in all sections is noticeable, resulting in an extremely complete and recommendable experience.

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Yes - Tekken 8
Jan 23, 2024

Tekken 8, the new installment of Bandai Namco's mythical fighting saga, surpasses what has been seen in previous installments with an excellent experience for both veteran and casual players. A title with abundant content and game modes, which also offers the necessary tools for anyone looking to master the complexities of a visually spectacular combat system.

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Jan 12, 2024

Frictional Games surprises with Amnesia: The Bunker, an experience based on its most acclaimed franchise that will test our nerves thanks to a tense and oppressive atmosphere. It is a game that takes full advantage of uncertainty and the handling of lighting, atmosphere and sound effects make it a terrifyingly satisfying experience.

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Wartales invites us once again to dive into its world with Pirates of Belerion, a DLC that expands the experience of an excellent title that seduces with its wide range of possibilities. The exploration and the new campaign make it a unique experience that helps to expand what is already an excellent videogame.

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Dec 31, 2023

Despite its revamped graphics and soundtrack, Front Mission 2 Remake is an utterly forgettable and frustrating reimagining, thanks to a large and varied cast of problems. I just hope Square Enix treats their sagas better, because they went for the cheap option and it backfired. If they are not going to invest as they should to improve or fix past games, at least try not to break them anymore.

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Dec 19, 2023

Cookie Cutter, Subcult Joint's debut game, fills our hands with pieces of meat, metal and guts in a highly stylized metroidvania, with frenetic and colorful combat. The story is a classic tale of revenge, but one that lends itself to enjoyment, especially thanks to the humor that accompanies it.

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Orbit Studio and Play on Worlds offer an interesting twist with Ebenezer and the Invisible World, a metroidvania that adapts Charles Dickens' work with a lot of style and fun. It is definitely not the revolution of the genre, but it is an immersive experience that boasts a visual style that accompanies a nice Christmas story. An interesting proposal to take into account.

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Dec 15, 2023

Chessarama takes the concepts of chess and translates them into a simple gameplay that challenges us to solve entertaining and complex puzzles through analytical thinking and didactics. It is a proposal that can be enjoyed without any knowledge of chess. But at the same time it rewards us by teaching us several concepts with which to break down that barrier that perhaps prevents us from accessing the traditional board game.

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Dec 11, 2023

With The Kindeman Remedy, Troglobytes Games offers a murky experience, full of morally questionable situations, that will make us accomplices in a heinous investigation. A good option for those who want to try something different, with an unusual twist within the genre, which is fun, at least during the first few hours.

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Dec 7, 2023

Valfaris: Mecha Therion, the new work of Steel Mantis, is the sequel to the acclaimed Valfaris that bets its entire legacy on a radical change of genre. It is one of those titles that we can leave installed on our hard disk since the space it occupies is well used. Besides, bursting mutant insects or battling a colossal boss to the sound of the best heavy metal is epic at any time, day or season of the year.

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Dec 5, 2023

The Ashborne Games team shines with Last Train Home, a title with a lot of personality and attention to detail, where strategy and management coexist in a fantastic balance. All packed with an immersive narrative, based on historical facts that are not usually treated within the medium. A true marvel on rails.

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