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Game Revolution

1191 games reviewed
74.2 average score
80 median score
56.3% of games recommended

Game Revolution's Reviews

May 18, 2015

Regardless of my complaints, Toren still successfully brings home an intriguing experience, rife with beauty and intrigue. Its technical merits or lack thereof may frustrate some, but I feel no worse for wear. If you're looking for a short, colorful adventure to entertain you for a few hours, it's hard to go wrong here. Just watch your step.

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Life Is Strange has always had a nice down-to-earth quality for a video game. Sure, the time travel gimmick is just that, but Max and the rest of the occupants of Arcadia Bay still keep me invested. And only two episodes remain.

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May 13, 2015

The combination of humor and fast-paced gameplay is where Not a Hero shines, and the game provides plenty of exciting moments with explosions, slides, and good ol' fashioned shooting.

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May 13, 2015

The game represents social anxiety in all of us and the choices we make each day to mitigate that. But ATRAX Games put all that stuff there to tell you, "This is for you." And it is. Hopefully, this opens up new avenues of understanding regarding a condition that can be life or death for actual people, not just characters in a video game.

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With that being said, Affordable Space Adventures still is a fine puzzle game. If general puzzles aren't your thing, this may be the type of puzzle game you're looking for. The plot reveals itself throughout, and for those who play stealth strategies in games like Thief or the Assassin's Creed or Arkham titles, this game rewards players for crafty play.

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May 11, 2015

Color Guardians introduces an interesting color-changing feature to the side-scrolling runner genre, but keeps it so basic that the potential is wasted. It's an interesting game that only manages to hold my attention for short game sessions.

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May 11, 2015

Despite its shortcomings, Invisible, Inc. offers a nerve-wracking campaign in which decisions and consequences truly matter.

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May 10, 2015

As it stands now, Inside My Radio is a really novel concept that's fun and great for the majority of its play. I give the game this: It never overstays its welcome. It's too bad that it's so short, though. I was having fun right up until that last boss battle, and I wanted more.

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May 8, 2015

The bottom line is Tropico 5 is a good entry-level sim and strategy game. If you love SimCity and Civilization, this should be up your alley. Of course, you could just keep playing a board game, but I digress…

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Wolfenstein: The Old Blood should have more alternate paths and secret areas to uncover. However, both the stealth action and shooting gameplay are top-notch and the levels are fun to explore. With so many modern shooters available, now is a good time for game developers to reintroduce familiar conflicts of the past.

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Still, I think of how The Devil Inside essentially is a film with no third act. By the same token, ACC: China never really lets the itself soar. Everything feels deliberately muted. And that leads Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China being ultimately just as forgettable as The Devil Inside.

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May 4, 2015

Project CARS is an outstanding racing simulator that only falters in content design.

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May 3, 2015

I don't regret contributing to this journey in the least, and frankly, I feel like the first half of Broken Age is very much worth experiencing. And that's how I'll rate it—as an excellent first half with a middling second half. What a shame.

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Essentially the title is two full games (well, since the second one starts on Tuesday instead of Sunday, I guess it's more like one and three quarters), and well worth the pick up for anyone who may have missed this spin-off of Shin Megami Tensei. For those who have an older copy of Devil Survivor 2, I can't say you'll fall apart without Record Breaker, but you will be missing out on a great original story with your favorite characters shuffled up and reunited. Just be prepared to put your nose to the grindstone.

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Apr 29, 2015

[N]ot all is bad with The Weaponographist. I enjoy the basic gameplay, and the Saturday-morning cartoon-style visuals and light humor add to the fun. However, the lack of variety and poor design decisions make it seem like I'm the one that's cursed whenever I play.

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Apr 28, 2015

In the end, Slow Down, Bull is a game that has been created for a very worthy cause, though it's difficult to recommend it outside of the charitable donation that will come with purchasing it.

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The Consequence isn't as balanced a DLC package as one would hope for, but it serves its role as a piece that ties loosely-wound narrative pieces together. Armed with a few great gameplay sections, it is a welcome, even if not remarkable, addition to The Evil Within's offerings.

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This is hardly a remaster, but newcomers who want a fresh take on zombie fighting should consider it.

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Crypt of the Necrodancer joins Hand of Fate as one of the best indie titles this year whose innovation speaks load and clear, giving credence to the better side of Steam Early Access and to well-tuned, well-crafted design.

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Apr 15, 2015

I still love the idea of a game with only bosses and a single weapon, and the contrast between the small protagonist and the towering bosses emphasizes the thrill of victory. It's a shame the game ends when it does, because there's potential here for an even greater product. But even with its short length, Titan Souls is a fresh and inventive indie release.

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