Tim McDonald
Mafia 3 occasionally shows off the fantastic game it could've been, but most of the time, it just leaves you with an impression of - and a longing for - the game that it isn't.
Light and simple isn't a bad thing, but Rogue Wizards is too light and too simple, and a tad too slow for its scaled-down design to feel deliciously more-ish. While it's not bad, it didn't leave any real lasting impression barring a mental sigh at what could've been.
Gut. Fantastisch. ÜBER. Lichtspeer is, as the devs claim, the best lightspear-tossing simulator I've played.
It's rare for a game to make me swing back and forth a full 5 points on the score, but Virginia managed exactly that, and that's probably a sign of exactly how divisive this short piece of interactive story-telling is going to be. Let's settle around the middle.
An improvement on the first episode, but still marred by technical issues and. A move in the right direction, but it's still too early to tell if this is more The Killing Joke or Batman & Robin.
Attack on Titan takes a decent stab at the nape of the series' neck, but repetitiveness, a lack of difficulty, and a high price mean it misses the mark a little too much. Still: if all you want to do is be Mikasa, swing around, and chop down Titans, you'll probably rather enjoy it while complaining. I did.
A beautiful return to form for 47 after his Moroccan adventure failed to impress too much. Bangkok offers a tight, focused level with plenty to do, which differentiates it from the missions of the last few months - and it's really well-designed to boot.
Even ignoring the many technical issues, this isn't a particularly inspiring start to Telltale's newest series. There's plenty of time for it to improve, but I'd hold off and see how the next few episodes go before taking the plunge on the series.
If you have any intention of playing the other two games then I’d strongly suggest you do so before playing this, considering that four of the characters return from those titles and subtle spoilers abound in the opening hour. If not, then I’m not convinced the full overarching plot will make total sense, but you might be able to get on board. I’d have to finish it to say for sure, though.
An uneven slab of Mars adventuring, The Technomancer carefully straddles the line between never really being good while never falling into being bad.
A decent level that'll provide another dozen playthroughs of manic chaos, but not quite as organic or as manic as the past two efforts. Not at all bad, but disappointing after the unrepentant triumphs of Paris and Sapienza.
Hearts of Stone is pretty much the best of The Witcher 3, at least prior to the release of Blood and Wine. If you enjoyed the base game at all, this is a must.
A solid, speedy, brutal, and surprisingly lengthy campaign combine with an intriguing map-making facility to make Doom a pretty easy recommendation. The multiplayer may not grab you, but there's plenty of content here without it.
For all the problems I've outlined, I haven't enjoyed an AGS adventure this much in quite some time. The end might not satisfy, but the journey is a hell of a ride.
47's second holiday jaunt proves to be a murder-playground even larger (and with even sillier possibilities) than Paris. This Italian job is another dynamic, and darkly comic, Hitman mission.
Quirky, funny, demanding, and requiring an awful lot of skill: Enter the Gungeon is one of the best action-roguelites in years.
Not a good reason for seasoned explorers to head back to the Commonwealth, but it adds a fair bit for anyone who's still got an active game going. Pricey for what it is, though.
Like the stereotypical school heartthrob, Need for Speed is vapid but beautiful and strangely exciting. It's a surprisingly enjoyable arcade racer, but one that's more for casual downtime than for a serious commitment.
Destination one in Agent 47's now-episodic global travelogue shows IO Interactive know how to get Hitman back in fashion. A strong, stylish opening to the new game.
A perfectly enjoyable adventure through a dystopian wasteland, though one that misses a lot of opportunities and leaves a lot of tantalising threads dangling. Tasty, but not quite satisfying.