Алексей Лихачев

245 games reviewed
74.1 average score
80 median score
58.8% of games recommended
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2 / 10.0 - Flashback 2
Dec 3, 2023

A complete disaster - a game in which everything is done poorly and which is almost impossible to fix with patches.

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May 27, 2023

Gollum might be the worst release of 2023 so far. Why Daedalic agreed to do this and didn't cancel it is a mystery.

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2 / 10.0 - Fallout 76
Nov 24, 2018

Probably the most pointless videogame of this generation. Not a survival sim, not a role-playing game, not a Fallout game. Just a steaming pile of ideas that doesn't even work properly. Maybe it will be reworked later like No Man's Sky, but since it's already heavily discounted everywhere, it doesn't seem like Bethesda cares about it that much.

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3 / 10.0 - Redfall
May 13, 2023

When Arkane releases a new game, it's always a celebration. But not this time. It's rare to see a new game from a big publisher of which you can't come up with anything good to say.

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3 / 10.0 - SolSeraph
Jul 20, 2019

A big waste of time for both developers and players. Not a good spiritual successor to ActRaiser, not a decent god simulator — almost everything about this is worse than mediocre.

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3 / 10.0 - Generation Zero
Apr 6, 2019

Pointless, shallow and boring. It's really hard to point out what's good in with game.

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Nov 24, 2017

Boring free-to-play grindfest which for some reason costs $60. There are much better alternatives on the market.

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Apr 6, 2024

Boring, repetitive and unfunny. We'd rather see no new South Park games than failures like this one.

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4 / 10.0 - Winter Ember
Apr 24, 2022

A disappointing attempt to create an isometric version of Thief. Unfortunately, it won't be able to steal your heart.

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4 / 10.0 - Disintegration
Jun 27, 2020

It's hard to understand why this game exists – even its publisher didn't bother to market it. Multiplayer died almost instantly, and its single-player campaign is full of same-y missions and boring environments.

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A pile of ideas that are not connected to each other. Ubisoft had an opportunity to produce a perfect sequel to Wildlands, but instead they created something disconcerted and not even remotely fun.

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4 / 10.0 - Anthem
Mar 2, 2019

Anthem has a chance to become a good game somewhere down the line, but right now it's a huge disappointment.

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Dec 15, 2017

The stupid DLC - is expensive and does not offer for its price almost nothing good. It remains only to regret those who hurried and spent on the season ticket.

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Jul 8, 2017

You'd be better off with Toybox Turbos from the same studio. It offers much more content and isn't filled with product placement. Forget about this strange Overwatch-on-wheels clone until devs decide to fix it.

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4 / 10.0 - Syberia 3
May 6, 2017

It's been 13 years since the release of Syberia 2, but third chapter doesn't look like something Sokal was thinking about all this time, hoping to create a truly special and memorable game. No matter how hard you try to hint at one more game in the series, even nostalgic fans won't be waiting for it after what they saw in Syberia 3.

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Dec 10, 2023

A very basic cooperative action game without any fresh or interesting ideas. It is commendable that the authors tried not just to repeat the legends of Robin Hood, but came up with steampunk versions of them, but otherwise the game is not very original.

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5 / 10.0 - Hammerwatch II
Aug 26, 2023

Not the best attempt to create a Diablo-like game with so many shortcomings that it would look better in Early Access.

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5 / 10.0 - Gord
Aug 20, 2023

An ambitious strategy game with too many conflicting gameplay mechanics, at least until some balance patches come out.

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Apr 30, 2023

A disappointing strategy game based on Minecraft IP with tiring gameplay and a myriad of awkward design decisions.

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5 / 10.0 - Wanted: Dead
Feb 25, 2023

A mediocre release in which conflicting elements don't add up to a fun game. Wanted: Dead doesn't hold up against other February releases.

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