James Luff

532 games reviewed
68.6% of games recommended
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Liked-a-lot - Dandy & Randy DX
May 11, 2022

I recommend Dandy & Randy DX if you’re playing alone looking for that simple retro fix that might just tickle the nostalgia memories. I highly recommend it if you want something to play with together. Sure the premise is simple but I can’t think of any other title that has this theme that lets you play locally. Playing games together can solidify some memories that will last forever. Know a friend who’s feeling a little blue? Buy this game then take the Switch over to them. It might be the pick up they need. Dandy & Randy DX doesn’t push any gaming boundaries. But this is an absolutely solid and uplifting game that is well worth the price of entry.

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May 6, 2022

While I did manage to find a few things to nitpick there is no denying I kept coming back to this game run after run. The random generation of the character types and level design is so enormous that every attempt at taking down the castle felt different. On top of that, the controls are tight and easy to use and the game is overall enormous fun to play. Rogue Legacy 2 is everything I loved about the original title with so much more added to it. Unless you absolutely hate the rogue-lite genre there is plenty of incentive to jump into the sequel thanks to its accessibility features and general refinements to the gameplay. Even years from now Rogue Legacy 2 is sure to solidify itself as one of the best in the rogue-lite genre. Well at least until the next game that is.

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Liked-a-lot - The Serpent Rogue
May 5, 2022

What started as a game that didn’t click turned into something quite special. Discovery is this game’s greatest strength, heading into the unknown to researching everything you find and coping with the tough challenges that come. It feels very much like a first entry in a promising gaming series. The crafting and exploration are fun but the combat feels awkward and unforgiving. The Serpent Rogue is a unique crafting adventure which will most likely appeal to players that have the time and the patience to overcome the high barrier to entry. If this all sounds good to you, The Serpent Rogue may be the gaming tonic you’re looking for.

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Apr 27, 2022

Dysmantle may not seem like much from its appearance but there is a highly addictive survival experience here. Survival games are often hit and miss, sometimes the survival elements are a bit too much and more often than not the experience eventually dissolves into tedium. But I didn’t get that here, I found myself pretty keen to boot this game up over and over and set off into the unknown to see what I discovered. While overall game progression is slow, you always seem to unlock something through every play session. I never felt in a hurry to get off the island. I was pretty content to take in everything on offer. If you’re looking for zombie-infested island adventure alone or with a friend, you can’t go wrong with Dysmantle. I highly recommend it!

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Lumote: The Mastermote Chronicles is a good relaxing puzzler that will appeal to those looking for a new head scratcher to enjoy on the sofa with a warm drink, in bed or in the bath. Just be careful you don’t drop your Switch in there. The slow pace won’t appeal to everyone and hunting for collectables proved more frustrating than fun for me. I enjoyed Lumote the most when I was taking my time solving the puzzles and taking in the calm vibes this game gave off with its cute noises and botanical appearance. If that sounds good to you then go pick it up.

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Liked-a-lot - Revita
Apr 25, 2022

I kinda liked Revita in the end. To begin with, I didn’t really warm to the use of health to obtain new abilities. But with time and further upgrading, it actually brought an enjoyable risky challenge to the experience. If you’re experienced with the genre it might take a bit of a grind for the formula to click. But if you’re new the accessibility features may make this quite an appealing jumping on point. If you’re hungry for a new roguelike challenge Revita is a train ride well worth taking.

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Liked - Lumberhill
Apr 22, 2022

I started out quite enjoying Lumberhill but as the game kept progressing the faults became just a little too apparent. The novelty of the same missions wears off pretty quickly. On top of that, the gameplay lacks a lot of polish. The game may be pick up and play but a lot of the mechanics just feel clunky. On top of that, this is another title that has inconsistent difficulty. With a bit of polish, a lot of these issues could be patched out. I still recommend the game if you’re looking to play with some friends locally or online. You may even have a laugh at some of the game’s glitches, just watch out for splinters.

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Apr 21, 2022

So do I like this port and do I recommend it? I did have fun with this game but that did require putting up with some pretty rough edges. The combat often becomes a cluttered mess and enemies feel like inconsistent meat shields at times. But I can’t deny there were moments where I felt like an awesome Jedi. Star Wars fans will certainly love this game. I would also recommend this to lovers of the Wii console, a fan base I know exists out there. For everyone else, it’s a bit tricky, since this is a title that resides in the past with no modern quality of life improvements. It’s also hard to ignore that some will see this port as a downgrade from the Xbox 360/PS3 versions. But if you love your Star Wars or just want to play a game that’s a decent action-adventure this is not a bad pick up.

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Apr 20, 2022

Nobody Saves the World is an excellent title from Drinkbox Studios. The studio has pretty much proved that they are capable of tackling any genre and turning it into an experience that is challenging, addictive and entertaining. Nobody Saves the World should not be compared to Diablo or Zelda because in my opinion it’s in a league of its own. One of the best games I’ve played this year. I highly recommend picking it up on Nintendo Switch.

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Liked - Sockventure
Apr 15, 2022

Sockventure is one of the better hardcore platformers I have played. When I was in the flow of things and somehow magically weaving through all the hazards I was having a terrific time. But I really didn’t like the difficulty spike at the end of this game. It felt a bit like a washing machine cycle where everything is going so well only for the darn thing to break down at the end and leak onto the floor. Sockventure thankfully is not that disastrous and if you like your hard games this will absolutely gel with you. It’s a solid game that feels like a pair of socks I have worn before. But sometimes comfy is enough and Sockventure will certainly entertain.

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Liked - tERRORbane
Apr 13, 2022

I have to say I wasn’t quite sure how to rate tERRORbane. Since the game at its core really just has the player walking around searching for glitches and progressing the story. One could say this is a retro-looking walking simulator. This design most certainly won’t suit everybody, particularly if you’re looking for any form of challenge. At the end of the day, it did get a chuckle out of me now and then and the premises is most definitely different. So I guess I decided to settle on a solid recommendation. If you’re looking for something casual to enjoy you can’t go wrong here.

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Apr 12, 2022

Pompom has the look and feels of a popular 16-bit 2D platformer. But with a unique take on the formula, it ends up as something really quite special. The developers took a risk having you protect the main protagonist rather than playing as them, leading to an experimental and enjoyable gameplay experience. This may even appeal to gamers that have never been fond of the 2D platform genre. Probably the best video game I have ever played starring a hamster protagonist. Be sure to give it a look.

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Liked-a-lot - Taito Milestones
Apr 11, 2022

Taito Milestones for me is an awesome collection of Taito arcade titles that showcase more of the company’s early work rather than their best. It’s a collection that will certainly turn the heads of the retro gamers that are looking to enjoy these titles on modern systems. There’s a pretty good variety of games which is welcome but some will click more than others. To me this milestone collection showcases originality and risk taking from the era where video games development was in its infancy. It’s just a shame we don’t see much of that innovation in modern gaming today. Taito Milestones may not be the best of Taitos past but it’s still a blast to play.

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Flat Kingdom scores a positive pass for me mostly thanks to its original take on game design and appealing paper craft graphics which I have always been a sucker for. But the experience is crumpled with frustrating jumping controls and a pace that just went a little too slow and formulaic for me. Everything works here with no notable glitches. If you are looking for a new original platformer it’s worth a look, but for me it’s just a few pages short of greatness.

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Apr 2, 2022

Imp of the Sun is a shining beacon of light. The game feels like it has some limitations with its short length and repeated template to reach each boss. However, it feels like the developers took the budget they had and made sure not to waste any frame of this game. It plays well, sounds great and looks unique. Some gamers will expect more which is fine but to me, this title ticks all the right boxes for good game design. I very much look forward to the developers’ future work.

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Take Off -The Flight Simulator was not for me, but I guess I want to conclude with some positives first. There are probably some gamers that will be able to look past this game’s faults and enjoy the experience for what it is. After all, there aren’t many flight simulators on Nintendo Switch. Though I would say this game sits more between arcade design and flight simulator. The game doesn’t feature any DLC and there is a decent variety of planes to fly. But despite all this, there are clearly better options if you have access to other consoles or PC. For me Take Off was not a flight worth taking.

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Loved - Tunic
Mar 28, 2022

Tunic left a very positive impression on me. I haven’t enjoyed an adventure game like this in quite some time. Tunic cleverly drops the player in its world and just lets them discover things for themselves without feeling overbearing or confusing. It’s a feeling I don’t think I have felt since the good old retro days. Most of all I left most sessions with a smile whether I made progress or not. If that sounds good to you, then I strongly suggest checking it out.

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Liked - Onde
Mar 27, 2022

Onde ticks all the boxes for the relaxing video game experience. I wouldn’t say it’s the most memorable of these types of games I have played in recent memory and the bubble-like puzzle elements weren’t particularly enjoyable for me. Feeling just a bit too slow and tedious at times. Still, not all art speaks to everyone and everything Onde does it does well without notable glitches or hiccups. Onde is the video game equivalent of a nice warm bath that weaves the use of sounds into its gameplay. If you need to take some time out from the stress of the world this title certainly achieves that.

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Liked-a-lot - Wunderling
Mar 21, 2022

Wunderling DX really impressed me in the end. Going in I expected yet another run of the mill hard platformer but the concept here felt fresh and new and kept me hooked through the adventure. It’s also rare for me to feel compelled to return to previous levels to grab all the collectables. Also, high praise goes to the developers for not featuring a single buzzsaw. Readers of my work will know how much I love that tired troupe. Wunderling DX is just wonderful and you should give it a go. But if you still need convincing there is a free demo on eShop to try.

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Liked - Time Loader
Mar 19, 2022

Time Loader is an enjoyable physics-based puzzle game that is short and sweet. Doesn’t break a lot of new ground but it’s a nice little robotic adventure that’s probably best suited to a nice Sunday afternoon or to play over a short few gaming sessions. Ideal for someone that hasn’t got a lot of game time on their hands or is looking for a casual and chilled out experience. For me, it was a pleasant trip back to the 90’s that was well worth the time. It reminded me to live for the now rather than in the past and the times I was present in this game I sure was content.

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