James Luff

532 games reviewed
68.6% of games recommended
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Mar 17, 2022

Move or Die Unleashed is a fun bite-size party game that will offer many laughs, many frustrations and possibly the odd naughty words now and then between friends and loved ones. A simple design that is easy to play for gamers of all skill levels. A package that’s easy to recommend if you’re looking for a title to enjoy a good game night in with. Time will tell if the online will keep the game going for those playing online. Provided there is the player base to back it up this could be a title worth considering for solo players. Something few party games can achieve. But as it stands, this is bite sized gaming fun at its best.

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Mar 15, 2022

If you can adapt to the controls there is actually a pretty deep tower defence game to sink your teeth into here. It’s certainly more tailored to those looking for a challenge. If tower defence games have never been your thing this game most certainly won’t win you over. Not the best looking tower defence game I have played but probably one with some of the deepest mechanics I have seen in some time. PC may be the way to go with this title but if Nintendo Switch is your preferred option it does the job.

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Liked-a-lot - Moto Roader MC
Mar 9, 2022

Moto Roader MC is a brilliant racer that I highly recommend if you’re looking for an arcade style fix. Racing games may have evolved a lot over the gaming years but I would probably pick Moto Roader MC over the competition. Sometimes simple still works just fine. An excellent game to enjoy in short bursts alone or with a bunch of friends. The game may be 30 years old this year but its fun core gameplay still holds up incredibly well. This port has converted very well to modern systems. It’s wonderful to see retro games continue to resurface and hopefully, the trend will continue.

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Mar 6, 2022

I thoroughly enjoyed playing Hundred Days – Wine Making Simulator in short bursts. A low-level strategy game that is easy to pick up and play but has you as the player thinking about your next moves. Hundred Days does a very good job at educating the player and converting the wine production process into an enjoyable, management like game that is suitable for all audiences. Whether you like to drink wine or not, there is a lot to love here if you’re looking for a calming gaming experience. Is unlikely I’ll ever be able to retire from my job and go into the winemaking trade but this game will do just fine in its place.

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Mixed - Derpy Conga
Feb 27, 2022

I really wanted to like Derpy Conga. It has all the ingredients for a good wholesome game. Original gameplay concept, welcoming graphical style, a nice message and of course co-op. But the controls and odd bugs severely ruined the experience for me. With some patching to tidy things up a bit I can see this easily becoming the cute cuddly adventure of friendship it is meant to be. But in its current state, it’s not something I’d currently recommend.

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Liked-a-lot - Monark
Feb 23, 2022

MONARK is an original take on the strategy RPG with a mild horror twist. The graphics feel a bit muted and dull. But the game more than makes up for it with a deep risk-reward combat system. A highly recommended purchase for fans of the anime RPG genre, but, also a pretty good jumping on point for those looking to test the water. MONARK is a dark but endearing adventure that may just make you think twice about answering that mobile phone call from an unknown caller. If you want to try before you buy be sure to pick up the free demo on the eshop.

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Liked-a-lot - Never Alone
Feb 22, 2022

Never Alone is a welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch library. A casual platformer that I highly recommend playing through in co-op with a loved one. You’ll laugh at the odd glitch, possibly cry at the emotional moments but also learn a lot about Alaskan native culture. If somehow you have yet to play this game, this is a great time to jump on. It’s a cold adventure but the warm fuzzy feelings will leave an impact for years to come.

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Liked-a-lot - Serin Fate
Feb 20, 2022

Serin Fate feels like it has flown a little under the radar at launch which is a darn shame. I’ve tried to avoid making too many comparisons to the massively popular Stardew Valley because I feel Serin Fate is in a league of its own. Sure it has crafting and farming but these mechanics all feel unique and different. The controls feel a bit fiddly in places and it has a pretty high barrier to entry for folk new to this genre. But if you decide to sink the time into Serin Fate you really are going to be in for a magical treat that will keep you busy for absurd hours on Switch. Plus you get to take it on the go which is just brilliant.

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Feb 18, 2022

Broken Blades has a very decent idea with its sword mechanics but unfortunately, the majority of the game lies in mediocrity. For the price point, it may make for an impulse purchase to enjoy for a few hours. But with such enormous competition on the eShop for your time this doesn’t feel polished enough to stand out. Patching could certainly tidy things up but time will tell. Broken Blades is not entirely broken but it’s also nothing special.

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Liked-a-lot - Webbed
Feb 16, 2022

Webbed is a delightful adventure on Nintendo Switch. It’s an adventure that is bound to make you smile as much as entertain, Spider-Positivity if you will. Some may find areas of the gameplay frustrating in places but if you go in taking your time you will find a lot to love. Webbed is easily the best spider-based video game on Nintendo Switch. It’s refreshing to see an indie developer take a chance on something different. Webbed is a game with an immense amount of heart that plays great on Nintendo Switch whether you want to enjoy it on the TV or out and about on the go.

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Feb 11, 2022

Rise of the Third Power is best suited to those looking for an RPG that requires a lot of thought and attention and have plenty of free time at their gaming disposal. The plot is very good in this game and the upgrade system is quite refreshing. But the battle for me was a slow grind to get to grips with. Maybe I’m just stuck in my retro RPG ways. But that’s not to say it won’t click with those that have the time to spend on this. I liked what this game was trying to achieve. I think the developers have done a very good job trying to step out of the traditional RPG formula. That in itself deserves extra praise in my book.

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Liked-a-lot - Heroes of Loot 2
Feb 7, 2022

Heroes of Loot 2 is an overall improvement from the first entry in the series. Switching between characters makes for a more flexible gameplay experience. Just like the good old arcade days this is a good pick up and play experience to play alone or with a friend, particularly if you don’t have a lot of gaming time. Heroes of Loot 2 may not have its own arcade cabinet, but it certainly has the spirit of those old games which makes it pretty good in my books.

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Liked-a-lot - Guild of Ascension
Feb 6, 2022

Guild of Ascension ended up really clicking with me. Its unique blend of action and strategy proved to be an entertaining formula that I really enjoyed whether I could only do a few battles or possibly an entire run. The game does get really tough and kinda repetitive the further you climb the tower. But once I reached its summit I was pretty pleased with the journey I had been on and even felt compelled to return to complete quests I had missed. If you like your rogue-lite game this is another unique spin on the formula that I would recommend.

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Feb 3, 2022

Rescue Party: Live! Is very entertaining in co-op and will make for some memorable game nights. Whether you succeed or fail in your mission to rescue survivors. You will likely have many gaming giggles to share together. If you’re going solo I’d probably advise staying clear and currently taking caution with the online which seems a touch laggy when I was reviewing it. An issue that may be ironed out over time. There is still plenty of room for co-op games and I’m pleased to say Rescue Party: Live! is one of the good ones.

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Feb 1, 2022

Overall, I liked Eternal Radiance. The mix of story and action gameplay will certainly appeal to the anime fans or those that are looking for a good old action jRPG. For me, it scores a positive recommendation mostly due to the variety available to the player during combat sections. If you want to treat this as a simple hack and slash you can. But it was enjoyable to experiment with various moves, spells and parrying. What’s on offer is pretty solid but it doesn’t do anything groundbreaking or new. It feels quite formulaic with the approach of collecting side quests, then going out in the field and exploring until you find it. Then return to town, upgrade your equipment and repeat the process until the day is won. If that all sounds good to you then absolutely give Eternal Radiance a look in.

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Jan 27, 2022

The Longest Road on Earth is a nice little art piece of a game with a really good indie soundtrack which evoked all the feels in me. That being said I can easily see this game just not clicking with many people, much like some random exhibit you take a chance on in a museum. You’re going into this experience to appreciate some good music and zero challenge. It feels like a great way to spend a peaceful night with the Nintendo Switch on the sofa, with a nice drink and a blanket. Of course how you choose to enjoy this game is up to you. This game won’t suit everyone but it certainly deserves its place on Nintendo Switch for those that will open their hearts to it.

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Jan 21, 2022

I really liked the formula for Merek’s Market. However, the more I played the game the more the niggles with the gameplay started to wear away at me and I didn’t enjoy the single-player as much as I envisioned I would going in. Still, this game probably has the best single player I have played in this genre to date. Co-op of course is where the experience truly shines. Merek’s Market will likely be an experience where you’ll laugh with joy and shout with frustration but the memories of doing that together will make for a great gaming experience. With that said I still recommend this game.

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Jan 20, 2022

RPGolf Legends for me ended up being a kinda push-pull. When the game focused on golf gameplay and exploration I was really in love with the experience. But the combat in the game really soured it for me. The game does get better the more time you invest into it, once you upgrade your clubs and unlock new classes. It just requires a lot of persistence to get to that point. With that in mind, I still recommend this game since it does put its own spin on the sports RPG formula. It’s just a formula that could have been a hole in one with a few tweaks to the gameplay.

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Liked-a-lot - Heaven Dust 2
Jan 12, 2022

Heaven’s Dust 2 is a brilliant sequel improving in practically all aspects of the original game. This is a great nod to old school survival horror whilst also providing necessary modernization to the controls and gameplay. I was highly impressed with this title and with this sequel, it feels Heavens Dust is now worthy of its own identity in the genre. If the developers continue to make sequels I’ll certainly be back for more.

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Mr Addonin Sulpicius Gallus M is not a bad game but it also doesn’t really do a lot to make it stand out from the crowd. Its art style is muddled and confusing, the gameplay is OK but I wouldn’t say I found myself particularly enjoying myself during the short time I played it. To its credit, I didn’t really encounter any bugs or glitches and I kinda dug the music. Maybe with more development time, the awesomeness that is Mr Addon may be fully realized. But in its current state, you’re not gonna miss much if you give this a pass. But if you want to support the developer be sure to give it a look in.

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