Ghostrunner Reviews
At its best, Ghostrunner provides truly thrilling action that feels alive. Rough level design and a few too many mechanics that don’t always fit together get in the way a little too often, though. There are definitely players looking for just what Ghostrunner offers, but they won’t find a smooth ride.
Ghostrunner has a lot going for it, it's an awesome concept that really could have benefited from some more fine-tuning. While there were times I was getting visually frustrated in segments, I couldn’t put the game down for long. It reminds me a lot of Katana Zero, basically the same slow-mo ninja concept but as a retro 2D game and I absolutely adored that title.
For what it is worth, Ghostrunner will give any cyberpunk fan a decent experience. The marketing materials surrounding the title make it clear how this is a game for players who prefer focused action. Specifically in terms of gameplay requiring fast reflexes and quick thinking. While it mostly promises on that front, it is a shame how the Nintendo Switch port fails the title from a technical perspective; resulting in more frustration than enjoyment due to visuals taking favour over the need for precision controls. Overall, it is a game with a lot of potential, but it falls short on Nintendo’s portable platform and instead delivers a decidedly disappointing experience.
Ghostrunner is an awesome game that is challenging, but fun to play and push for completion.
Ghostrunner is not a game for everyone. It's hard. It's very hard. It is based on gaming philosophy rooted in the Arcades of the 90s and 00s, with repetition, trial & error and the unmistakable execution of each move at its core. The gameplay systems have received such attention that they reach perfection and so when you get into its vibe, you really feel that you are a skillful Ninja who can do everything with his sword and parkour.
Review in Greek | Read full review
The climb up to Dharma Tower is a raw, frustrating but also definitely satisfying experience. In Ghostrunner you’ll find yourself facing the same levels again and again in order to follow them through, in an entirely cyberpunk-themed trial and error. Overall, this is a valid product that focuses mainly on the gameplay and level design which is perfectly calibrated, and a bit less on the graphic and artistic side. Arm yourselves with lots of patience and, possibly, some extra control pads.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Ghostrunner is one of those games that is supposed to break your nerves a lot, but in the end, it will offer an enjoyable experience. Although compared to other patterns and patterns of this style and tradition, it has significant shortcomings that prevent it from reaching its perfection, in the end, it is a title that can be easily enjoyed.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Though flawed, Ghostrunner is a quality shout-out to fans of ninjas, speedrunning, and Mirror's Edge.
Ghostrunner is a playable bulwark, a mix of action with parkour that will delight fans of the genre, adding a cyberpunk touch to make it even more attractive. Humanity is in danger and we are its last hope.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Great graphics, even better with RTX on, super optimization, excellent motion system, story slightly average, but not so important for this game. Except for a few smaller bugs where you get somewhere you shouldn't or get stuck, Ghostrunner is an excellent title that definitely deserves your attention.
Review in Czech | Read full review
I still cannot decide whether I love or hate Ghostrunner, however, I definitely can say that I had an enjoyable time with the game. I have to admit that this game frustrated me a lot, although that only means that I was even more delighted when I finally managed to complete a level. The fast-paced gameplay and gorgeous graphics stood out and managed to offer me a one of a kind experience. That being said, if you’re into challenging games then Ghostrunner is the game you’ve been looking for, although you’ve been warned; This game might make your blood boil.
Ghostrunner may as well have fallen backwards into cyberpunk for want of a theme. It can wrench nothing from this stone that has not already been ground up by other derivative works, and squanders its movement on inconsistent combat and weightless platforming.
Ghostrunner arrives with his proposal to fill a void that many of the current titles on the market are not able to fill, with frenetic gameplay, an incredible setting and a very colorful visual section recommended if you are lovers of this type of setting.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
When it works as intended, Ghostrunner is one of the most exhilarating games of the year. It is brutally challenging, presents a frantic rhythm, and its gameplay is stylish and rewarding. But some frustratingly designed sections, inconsistent AI, and several bugs stop it from achieving excellence. There is a lot to love about Ghostrunner, which can become something truly special with a bit more work and care put into it.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Ghostrunner is an incredibly addictive action game that requires a high level of skill for its difficult systems. It’s unforgiving in that regard, but it does a great job of teaching the player how to master each element to become a parkour badass with a sword. There are some moments where the action is brought to a halt due to layout, but there’s honestly nothing standing in your way from getting the most out of this adventure. Well, only if you aren’t counting the hundreds of enemies and obstacles ready to take you down.
Starting off was a hurdle. The camera felt really loose and when adjusting it, it made things a bit more problematic due to needing to see my next areas to progress through or else I’d be killed.
Ghostrunner makes us run and jump at high speed in a cyberpunk city, while avoiding enemy bullets and delivering mortal blows with our katana. It's got great environments and a satisfying overall design, but it fails in delivering the precision in movements and jumps this kind of game would need, ending up in a sometimes frustrating experience. Except for this, it's definitely a fascinating game.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Despite all of Ghostrunner‘s problems, there’s the kernel of a great game here. If you have the option to pick it up on any other platform, then I absolutely recommend doing so; especially if you’re a cyberpunk fetishist with a love for games that aren’t afraid to kick you in the teeth. Sadly, the Switch version just doesn’t deliver the same experience with its severely downgraded visuals and a plethora of performance issues. When all is said and done, this is one port that’s better off lost in time, like tears in rain.
All things considered, Ghostrunner is a slick experience. If you can get the hang of it, you’ll really feel like a ninja.