Ghostrunner Reviews
The new Ghostrunner game can be a pain in the stomach sometimes, but at the same time it's one of the most unique first person action games that offers tons of fast-paced, fun gameplay.
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Ghostrunner was a pleasant surprise. It's a short and fun action platformer that keeps you busy with challenging but fair stages, while smartly mixing things up throughout the experience. It's not quite as great in telling its story as it is with its movement and combat, and it can be frustrating at times, but when everything works well together, it's a satisfying and fun skill-based action game. If you are looking for a linear and challenging game, pick up Ghostrunner.
It is a great game to play these days when we long for the cyberpunk theme.
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There is no doubt that Ghostrunner is aimed at veterans. Combat is dynamic, fast, and decisive. Platforming requires perfect precision, and the puzzles are there to give you a breather. It's unbalanced at times, but a great experience nonetheless.
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Overall, Ghostrunner is one of the sleeper hits for this fairly empty winter season on the Switch. Where the foundation of titles like these was laid down by games such as Mirror's Edge, Ghostrunner improves the combat systems and uses many tricks to keep you on your toes. Complemented by both the cyberpunk aesthetic and gameplay, this title will keep you coming back to perfect your ninja-skills.
Ghostrunner is surprisingly great action game from amusing cyberpunk world.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
The blistering fast-paced action of Ghostrunner will almost certainly appeal to gamers looking for a fresh take on the first person platformer. However, the brutal difficulty can make sticking with it after dozens of deaths a tough pill to swallow.
Without mercy, Ghostrunner is one of those games that you will hate the fact that you don't want to stop playing even when it looks like you've reached your limit. Narratively it does not present anything very significant, but it is visually incredible and presents agile and aggressive gameplay, and it does perfectly well what it proposes, even when it flirts with punitive exaggeration.
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Furious mix of Hotline Miami and Mirror's Edge with dystopian cyberpunk setting. What other reasons do you need?
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If you are looking for tons of adrenaline, Ghostrunner is one of the best choices you can make, as it is and action platformer filled with excitement.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Ghostrunner is not for the casual gamer. The presentation is top of the charts and it’ll sell countless copies on style alone, but I fear a lot of people will quickly drop off because of its difficulty. It does cater excellently to speedrunners and people with a tendency for hardcore precision execution, so I’m more than expecting it to become a cult-classic.
All-in-all, I had so much fun with Ghostrunner. It’s a great game for those who love being challenged by video games. If you want to have a relaxing time and game casually, however, this isn’t for you. This is one of those games where you’ll have to put in the effort to succeed. It’s a thrilling, daunting experience, which provides satisfaction once you’re done with it. It’s not a perfect game. It has a lot of flaws, but it’s also good enough for what it’s trying to be.
Your enemies are hapless mooks destined to be carved into chunks
I find Ghostrunner to be a nice and fresh wind in this genre. Setting the game in cyberpunk was really good. The variety of enemies and the different ways to get to the end point really entertains. If you give Ghostrunner a chance, it literally pulls you in and doesn't let go. However, the game is quite short, about 5 hours of pure gameplay, and after a while it can feel heavily repetitive.
Review in Czech | Read full review
I've continued to be pleasantly surprised or even a bit amazed at the types of titles that developers have gotten running on Switch, especially when they're pretty ambitious visually...
Ghostrunner on PS5 is probably the best way to experience developer One More Level's rage-inducingly difficult but absolutely addictive and enjoyable cyberpunk assassin game.
Ghostrunner introduced a wonderful and a neat gameplay with an excellent variety of enemies and a wonderful, exciting music that suits the atmosphere and style of the game with more than wonderful design for the stages in terms of graphics and obstacles, but its story was very weak, boring and less average, as well as some ideas that were not applied correctly, such as puzzles that did not fit the gameplay and it was possible to offer more bosses and more variety, they were very few. In the end, the game was able to mix a distinct set of ideas found in several games to be a good experience.
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Ghostrunner originally launched a year ago on last-generation consoles and had a lot of buzz surrounding its fast-paced parkour platforming, stylish action, and the one-two punch of its cyberpunk aesthetic and banger-filled soundtrack. An enhanced version was then released at the end of September for the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5, allowing for up to 120 frames-per-second in 4K, 3D audio, raytracing, and near-instant load times. Going from the start menu to loading on my recent save took just 4 seconds!
It may have a half-baked premise, but don’t let that put you off of Ghostrunner. The gameplay far outweighs it, and once you get your head in the game, it’s so utterly rewarding. Hard, yes, but oh so incredible when you grasp it. Lose yourself in the visuals and synthwave as you rise to the top.
Ghostrunner offers a nice cyberpunk adventure for patient players with it's fast action and next generation updates. It's not for every player, but it's definitely an experience that should be tried.
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