The Survivalists Reviews

The Survivalists is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2020

The Survivalists has its merits. The adventure has good ideas and manages to provide good moments (especially in multiplayer), but veteran players will soon realize that there is a lack of content after a few hours, and the absence of a more robust challenge unfortunately can also result in a tranquility that dangerously borders on monotony. The base built here is solid, and I hope that the developers keep the promises established by the roadmap and deliver new content in the future.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Oct 25, 2020

If you’ve been interested in survival games in the past but were turned off by high difficulty levels and complexity of systems, this is the game for you.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 23, 2020

Overall, The Survivalists offers potentially limitless gameplay due to the uniqueness of the island biomes, the exploration, and the incorporation of multiplayer functionality. A few aspects, such as the constant hunger, the tedious and repetitive tasks, and a lack of local co-op or cross-platform play may irk more casual players who are looking to escape chores in the real world, though. Still, there is much fun to be had here, and besides, who doesn’t want a legion of monkeys serving them?

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 22, 2020

The Survivalists is a great change-up to the core formula of this series, and it’s got some fun moments to it as you try to escape.

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5.9 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2020

The gameplay is sun, but lack of progressions make it get stale quickly.

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3.5 / 5.0
Oct 15, 2020

In an industry that has shifted from being “kid-friendly” to “adult-focused,” it’s imperative to remember that some games simply won’t work for the more aged gamers (30 is aged, right?). That’s not to say The Survivalists won’t resonate with adults — if this is your cup of banana smoothie, by all means — but it seems to be trying to speak with a younger audience. If you’re lamenting that school has started and you can’t devote as many hours to Minecraft with friends as you’d like, you’re probably going to love The Survivalists. Either that, or I’m a monkey’s uncle.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2020

Monkeys, man's best friends! This motto can be applied very well to The Survivalists. Without the hairy companion, you are very quickly lost at the title. The game offers a solid sandbox survival adventure with strengths and weaknesses. The crafting aspect is the highlight of the title. Many different items need to be built by the stranded person to make island life bearable. Also the constant hunger is not as bad as it sounds at the beginning. Since the food can't rot, you can build a big camp. On the negative side, it should be mentioned that crafting often gets in the way of itself. If you want to create several objects at the same time, you can do this in a detour. Also, if you have several monkeys, it can get confusing if you want to teach a certain monkey something. All in all The Survivalists remains a beautifully designed survival game with an enormous learning curve. The different biomes are nice to look at and a long-term motivation is definitely given by the different generated worlds.

Review in German | Read full review

Oct 9, 2020

While you won’t find anything new or overly surprising in The Survivalist, however, it does offer an entertaining time and a good take on the survival genre. Having the monkey’s do your bidding is a very fun part of the game. The crafting system is well-made and doesn’t feel like it was added onto the experience as an afterthought. Having a band of monkeys armed to the teeth to watch your back, I mean who wouldn’t want that!

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Oct 9, 2020
The Survivalists (Quick Review) [PC] video thumbnail
Games Xtreme
Benjamin Jones
Oct 9, 2020

The game is really enjoyable, especially in co-op mode, which lets you get together with 3 other people to explore and complete quests. While the game is limited in the number of resources you can gather, the items you can craft and build, as well as biomes, there is plenty of room for the developers to add extra content and continue to support the game.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2020

The Survivalists keeps everything simple and easy to follow but has some very rich and deep systems that keep the game from becoming stale. From playing solo or with friends, there really is so much to enjoy with this game and I found it really relaxing and a fantastic change of pace from all the big action AAA games around right now that I really hope this game does not slip under the radar as once again TEAM 17 have come up with a beautiful and rewarding game that is best when shared with friends but also as a full on solo experience should you choose.

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Oct 8, 2020

The Survivalists combines a poor survival experience with a lacking adventure game. The result is a gimped title that struggles to be anything at all. Its novel monkey system isn't enough to salvage this shipwreck.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2020
The Survivalists Review | Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox, PC video thumbnail