TENS! Reviews

TENS! is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Nov 5, 2020

TENS! is very much like Sudoku; it’s the kind of puzzle game that is so immediately accessible to everyone, it’s actually quite difficult to pick out any significant flaws. Ultimately, your enjoyment of the title will come down to how much you want to play a game that’s essentially about adding and subtracting numbers. It’s not for everyone, but if you’re up for it, then TENS! will sink its hooks in you and won’t let go for a long time.

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5 / 10
Apr 13, 2021

TENS! is an engaging puzzle title with a simplistic, colourful aesthetic and some zany powers to keep things fresh. Unfortunately, it's little more than an entertaining distraction, however, lacking the depth and variance to keep you coming back for long.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2020

Whether it's just for short burst, or even if you want to spend hours playing it, TENS! is a must play for any puzzle game enthusiasts.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2020

Get ready to match dice like never before in TENS!, the new puzzler from Kwalee. Travel to far-flung terrains and meet a roster of wild and wacky characters in your quest to prove yourself the ultimate master of dice! Which is a big deal. Honestly.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2020

TENS! has simple controls, a unique combination of puzzle elements, and a challenging difficulty curve - but its lack of varied multiplayer makes it a very brief experience unless played sporadically. If you're mathematically-minded, don't mind listening to the same soundtracks over and over again, and don't care for the loose narrative linking the puzzles together, then TENS! will win you over.

Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2020

So, if you’re looking for an engaging but relaxing puzzle game that you can unwind with, you can’t go far wrong with TENS!. It packs in plenty of single-player content, and its multiplayer offering is a lot of fun if you have someone to play it with. It looks great too, brought to life with bright colours and cute characters. A game that we can while away the hours with, without ever getting frustrated, is something we all need in our lives right now.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2020

I really enjoyed my time with TENS! as a casual palette cleanser between bigger releases, and it's convenient to be able to quickly pull it up on my Switch whenever I feel the itch to play a puzzle or two. It's not hard in the slightest, though the later puzzles in the campaign may have tripped me up a couple of times; I never felt like I was hitting a wall. Instead TENS! delivers relaxing puzzle gameplay that is just engaging enough to have your attention without ever pushing you to the point of frustration.

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Nov 9, 2020

Tens! is one of my favourite puzzle games of the year with its charming aesthetic and original gameplay and it all shines in multiplayer.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 13, 2021

TENS was a puzzler that surprised me with just how fun it was! Taking the number-counting action of Sudoku and adding the chains/combos from other versus puzzlers, leads to a pretty addictive gameplay loop, satisfying when you’re playing alone, or against an opponent! With several unlockables such as new characters or dice designs, along with the decently sized story mode, TENS offers quite a bit of replay value for a high quality puzzler.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2020

GOOD - If you like puzzle games like Sudoku, you’ll probably find a lot to enjoy with Tens! It’s a bit simpler than some puzzlers, which should appeal to a wider audience. With appealing audio visuals and a somewhat lengthy adventure mode, this is a fun puzzle game to whittle away the time.

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Nov 10, 2020

I’ve a confession to make, I don’t particularly like Sudoku puzzles nor Tetris, so you would think I wouldn’t like TENS!, but you would be wrong. As TENS! has a simple yet engrossing premise to its puzzles that pulls you in. And before you know it few hours have disappeared as you have spent your time counting to ten. As long as the youngest player can count to TEN!, then this game offers fun and relaxing gameplay for all ages to enjoy!

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8 / 10
Nov 5, 2020

A few barely noteworthy technical hiccups and a multiplayer mode that could have been a little more than it is are the only marks on an otherwise absorbing and ingenious puzzle game. TENS! on Nintendo Switch is totally unlike the mobile version and it’s all the better for it.

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